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Off To France Soon - Last Minute Tips?


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When filling up with diesel at an Auchan a fellow motorhomer asked me how I was able to get diesel as she could not get her credit card into the slot. I asked her to show me what she was doing wrong , and it turned out she was trying to put her card in the slot the receipt ticket came out. Poor woman was so embarrassed , but on your 1st trip abroad mistakes are possible. Everyone has to learn the most obvious tasks we found things a bit daunting on our 1st trip to France in 2007 and just laugh about it now .
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There is one more thing to watch out for. Priority from the right. There is still the odd town and village where this still applies. For a full explanation see.




In practice there are give way or stop signs everywhere stop the practice but if you are in a town and it seems short of Stop and Give Way lines proceed very slowly and carefully.


I only drive to get from A to B in the UK, in rural France its still a pleasure.


Bon Voyage

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Thanks folks.


Have driven in France before but not in a motorhome so I have experienced some of the weirdness / madness etc.


The French polis do park up cars with speed cameras and leave them all day at the side of the road.


I did learn about the village speed restrictions and giving way (or not) last year from a ex-pat.


I do admit now to having totally forgotten about the light deflectors so thanks. Got everything else legality wise from last year.


Got two hook up cables and a reverse polarity kit.


Will I require to hook up at aires much or will a good few hours charge the leisure battery up for long enough day to day? (We will be wild camping on a mountain stage for two nights max).


Thanks again lots of handy tips here!

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PJay - 2014-07-02 9:56 AMWe have a card kept on the dash. On it are the MPH and the equivalent Kilometers speed.You do get to know the conversions in the end, so this is just for a reminderPJay
Once I get to France I change my tomtom to kph and use it as a speedo even if I have no route settings.
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On the electric side you might need a continental adapter a lot of camp sites have some to lend you but its always best to have your own, also you might come up against reverse polarity O.H made his own reverse extension.

Also I dont think anyone has mentioned the reflective jackets in case of breakdown also a first aid kit is compulsory, spare glasses if you wear them which is common sense, in fact a lot of the must haves are!, Im not sure whether these breathalyzer kits are compulsory or not?? we have never had one.


Just wait some-one will come on and correct me (lol) they always do !!

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