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Sticking pastic windows


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For some unknown reason, the plastic windows in my vans stick to the rubber surrounds when the heat is on. Never happened before in other vans.


I tried talcum powder on the rubber and managed to leave a mess without sorting out the problem. I tried a spray for the rubber that is supposed to stop the problem but that failed.


I'm guessing the rubber is leaching oils or something and that is being baked.


I can get the windows open by carefully separating the windows from the rubber by hand.


If you have a solution that might work, let me know.

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Ditto the above. Thetford make a silicon lubricant spray for their toilet seals which also works very well on window rubbers. French chalk available from haberdashery shops works very well, seems to be long lasting and is easy to apply. I liberated some from my wife's sewing box!
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I have been using GummiPflege on all my valets and although its a bit expensive it lasts for ages. A quick once over with GummiPflege will give you flexible non sticking seals, don't buy the stick version as its difficult to apply, use the fluid version.
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Thanks for the responses. I'm going to try GummiPflege. It was also recommended by others on a car 'detailing' forum. I'm getting it through them. One of the posters there says he uses it on motorhomes at Brownhills and like Mike, says it works well.


I'll see how it goes.

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Over the years I have used Thetford's seal lubricant and Autoglyms Rubber / vinyl care.


However, One caravan we had many years ago had all the rubbers around the windows replaced at manufacturer's cost because the manufacture of the seal was faulty ad the plasticizers were failing.




Edit ; Only to add that it is the similar effect to that that can occur with camera and binocular coverings.



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