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Alde 3010 heating system noise.

Kiwi Boy Phil

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Hi People,

i have a 2014 model swift conqueror 645. The heating system works perfectly except the circulation pump in the reservoir make a lot of water noise. It stops as soon as you turn the pump off by disconnecting the power supply. When you hook it up again it goes OK for a minute or so and then starts making a racket. The noise is not mechanical, its water based. I have bled the system and there is no noise comifrom the radiators at all. How do I fix this as it drives me nuts when trying to sleep.


Thanks. |

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Hello and welcome, unless you're camping somewhere cold right now, it shouldn't be running at all in the night.


Unless of course you're someone who needs the van like an oven in the night!


Have you checked your temperature settings for the heating?


Obviously even at this time of year it (usually) goes cooler in the night so the pump will kick in if, say, you've the thermostat set at 12 or 13 degrees.


Our heating clock is programmed from 7am to 10pm so it doesn't come on in the night regardless of the temperature, we'll adjust that though as winter approaches.



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Welcome to the Out&AboutLive forums.


Within this CaravanTalk forum discussion




is a 19 November 2010 - 06:51 PM posting that contains the statement


"You state that the Alde system is "quiet" - yet some people comment on the noise of the water circulation pump?"


So what you are complaining about does not appear to be unique to your particular Swift caravan.


As your caravan is a 2014 model I presume it is still under warranty. Received wisdom is that an Alde 'wet' system should operate near-silently and, if yours is making so much noise that it interferes with your sleeping, something is wrong.


As it seems to be possible to replicate the problem easily, I suggest you take the caravan to the dealership you bought it from, demonstrate the problem.and demand that it be fixed. You might also try asking about the noise on the SwiftTalk forum, just in case the problem is recognised as being commonplace in Swift caravans and there's a known cure.


I doubt that there's a simple user DIY 'fix' for this. The noise might be due to the way your Alde system has been installed, but (if the noise is really intrusive) replacing the circulation-pump seems to be the logical initial step.


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Thanks for the advice, yes it is cool here in NZ at the moment, around minus 5 at night.


What happens if I disconnect the12 v circulation pump??? … will the system flow through convection?

All noise stops when that is off.


Kind regards,


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Guest JudgeMental
Have had campers with earlier Alde 3000, and slept in bed right next to the boiler..never had any problem. its either never been installed properly with high enough bleed points or you have an air lock by the sounds of it...the pump in the top of the expansion tank is tiny.....if its responsible change it..but sounds like air to me if its banging away
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Kiwi Boy Phil - 2014-07-05 4:43 AM


Hi People,

i have a 2014 model swift conqueror 645. The heating system works perfectly except the circulation pump in the reservoir make a lot of water noise. It stops as soon as you turn the pump off by disconnecting the power supply. When you hook it up again it goes OK for a minute or so and then starts making a racket. The noise is not mechanical, its water based. I have bled the system and there is no noise comifrom the radiators at all. How do I fix this as it drives me nuts when trying to sleep.


Thanks. |

Did you get air out when you bled the system? If so, it points to air getting in when the pump runs. It may be a defective pump, it may be that there is insufficient "head" on the system, or it may be that a joint upstream of the pump is allowing air in.


There is also the possibility that the pump is too powerful for the system, and is suffering cavitation, where the impeller creates voids in the fluid and this makes noise. In the latter case, it may be that the pump duty is adjustable, and has been set to too high a rate. (This is the case for some domestic pumps, but I somehow doubt it would apply to a motorhome system.)


In all cases, as stated above, as the van is new and presumably under warranty, this should be investigated by the supplying dealer in conjunction with an Aldi specialist.

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One of those "strange but true" thoughts that passed through my head.


If you have long flat runs of pipe, which are accumulating stored air, would it be possible to park on steep slope, run the heating ? In the hope that bubbles and pressure of the pump will move the air bubbles upstream ?


Not easy to do on house central heating :D



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