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Really 'teed off about not getting out and about this year, so far only had two nights away at Slimbridge and that was on my own.

Both of us seem to have a multiple medical problems thrown at us since the end of April, waiting for hospital appointments etc.

Due to head to Exmoor for a week or so last month, had to cancel, Dorset prior to that and our plans to head to Norfolk don't look too firm at the moment!!

I have 4 medical appointments next week on 4 different days, why can't the get joined up?


Please tell me there are others out there having similar "no travel" frustrations.

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Hope we don't have 3 years of it!


All my problems seem to have come since retirement 4 years ago. To make matters worse, I had company medical insurance before all this started, now of course have to wait for treatment. Nothing wrong with the NHS of course, just annoyed sometimes that they cannot be more "joined up". Three sets of tests requested by the consultant, but three different departments and three different days or weeks.


Got to keep smiling though, we WILL get away even if it's for a couple of nights. (lol)

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We know just how you feel and sympathise with you,since passing seventy I am absolutely petrified of telling my quack anything about my health as once on record it will ruin my chances passing my next medical, due soon! Let alone adding to my medical screening for travel ins.
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My frustration is not with medical issues, fortunately! Its due to changing our van, which is on the market, all emptied and cleaned, so currently out of use. Meanwhile we are searching Europe for a LHD replacement.


Hoped to have been in Germany today checking out a van, but the bugger's been sold!!

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