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Time to get off pitch...


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On a recent visit to Scotland we were a little late dragging ourselves out of bed on the morning that we were on the move to the next wonderful landscape. Come noon I was just wrapping the last length of the hook up around its bobbin when the site manager walked over to remind me that we were supposed to be off pitch at noon. Not that it was a gentle reminder, more like a scold. In fact we drove off the pitch at excatly 3 minutes past noon. We are newcomers to motorhoming and were a little shocked at such a military attitude to time keeping, especially as it was evident that we were within five minutes of moving off. Is this something we should come to expect?
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They don't like Us ................. I knew it :- |seriously I think it's just a case of ignorance . charge's the money and want the space Job's worth . Don't use them I refuse to pay that kinda money for a night .. joined MHC instead. Better luck next time .. I think on the whole though you find people helpful but maybe they he /she was having a bad hair day. Either way they need to get there life in perspective . :-(
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There's absolutely no excuse for being scolded as you were, the point could easily have been made nicely, if it really needed to be made at all. There is a fairly strict "off by noon" rule on some sites simply because that is when a lot of them allow new arrivals to start pitching up. On some sites if you're not away it could prevent someone else from getting a pitch, or you could be trying to go out when others are trying to come in and the meeting of 2 large units is not always a good thing especially at the entrances to some of the sites with restrictive access roads! It might well be that the warden was doing a check to see what pitches were vacant so that he/she could advise people of what was available and needed to get back. I'm not saying that you were causing a problem at the time and you did vacate quickly but I suppose they might not have realised you were going imminently - it could've been that you weren't planning to have your lunch before shuffling off. It may be that they've experienced some people taking advantage and staying for a lot longer than a few extra minutes and that's why they are a bit prickly. Could I suggest that, to avoid problems in future, if you find that you may be a little late vacating on a site, whoever it is run/owned by, perhaps being courteous by visiting the site office and informing them of the fact could avoid such a scolding. Don't let this put you off using sites generally, for everyone of the sites with 'strict' wardens there are many more friendly ones out there, just remember it's these 'rude' ones that have the problem - don't let the aggravation pass to you, drive away and forget them, let them stew in their own 'bad mood'.
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Hi Garf- I would find that situation completly unexceptable and would have given the so called site manager a rollocking himself. You say it was a CC site, well I am in the CCC and have never ever had that situation happen to me. What members of either clubs want to remember is that they own these clubs, and these site managers/ wardens what ever title they are called are being employed by members. Jobsworths should always be reported to headoffice when they step out of line, so they may be retrained in customer care. Chas
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MelB come on three minute's late ...........old coger want's a clump. Probably get one ,one day if he /she rub's the wrong people up the wrong way. How can you know you are going to be three minutes late . I would of been embarrased if that was me running the site. Job's worth still stand's :-( & they ain't getting a card from me :-( :-S Might send half a pound of Happy Pill's
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There's ways and means of reminding users of rules and regulations. Personnel training might be useful here ;-) My sister is good at giving people like that 'the look', unfortunately I've never been able to cultivate it. But it really puts people down without a word being said ............ :-D
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That sounds about right for C&C club. That's why we've now cancelled our membership as from this year after 6 Yrs. Too many old codger jobsworths, give e'm a bit of authority and it goes to their heads. You would think they personally owned the sites. >:-(
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[QUOTE]peter - 2006-09-14 11:15 PM That sounds about right for C&C club. That's why we've now cancelled our membership as from this year after 6 Yrs. Too many old codger jobsworths, give e'm a bit of authority and it goes to their heads. You would think they personally owned the sites. >:-([/QUOTE] I am now a tad confused C & C = Camping and Caravanning Club (the acronym normally used is CCC) CC = Caravan Club The CCC is generally more motorhome friendly than the CC in my experience and I have resigned from the latter.
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Just to clarify it was a Caravan and Camping site not a Caravan Club Site. I must say that the CCC sites have been much more friendly than a couple of CC sites we have stayed at. Just don't get me started on, 'Oh, you haven't booked a pitch for an awning so you pitch will be very narrow.' I didn't know that we had to state a preference.
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C&C Club = Camping & Caravaning Club. Have now joined Caravan Club to give them a try, am impressed by their professional looking web site and documentation, CL's Etc. Still, time will tell. :D
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Garf, Agree with all correspondence regarding some of the "Jobsworths" wardens, but you also get people who will totally milk the system. ie, stay until they are demanded off, or even go off in the morning in the car and come back late. Take hot water out of the toilets to use in their vans, pinch toilet rolls, milk the soap dispense machines dry to use at home, let dogs run loose. Have been a Publican and also had all this done and more, even took the light bulbs out of the Gents one night. But there are nice ways to say things and tact should be the first one to learn by all Wardens. David
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[QUOTE]Garf - 2006-09-13 10:52 PM that it was a gentle reminder, more like a scold. In fact we drove off the pitch at excatly 3 minutes past noon. [/QUOTE] It worked then. You would be surprised how many 'campers' take the preverbial when using sites. That 'firm' reminder will probably stop you from overstaying again.
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WE're in both C&CC and CC, and usually try to use Caravan Club sites in preference.l Our few expereiences of C&CC have not been good, extending to the event when we went to one earlier this year inLake District with the intention of joining. We arrived at around 11.40, to give time for the paper work to be done, and they tried to make us pay the £5 'early arrival' fee. So we left the van blocking their parking and sat and waited for 12.00! Having later complained to the 'Head Office' we were told in no uncertain terms this was their practice and they had no intetnion of changing it, although they did expect a limited 'discretion'....! As many motorhomers depart well before the 'off' time, and others like to arrive early to park on site and use public transport, I cannot but think this is another ploy to get more money from us. Certainly mNOT the 'Friendly Club' as they supposedly claim!
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I had the same happen to me, I used a C&C site to visit London where i could get the bus in and out and the firm paid the diesel so any excuse for camping, I informed the Warden that i would be returning late on the Monday but would drive off as soon as i returned it seemed ok, i wasnt a member so paid the premium rate for 3 nights. On my return to the site i got in my MH and started to drive up to the barrier when a power crazy warden started to give me a dressing down for returning late stating he could have let my pitch which of course was on hard standing as MH arnt allowed on his nice grass and he said "all members know they have to vacate at 12 noon ". Now the Funny bit I replied "Problem is old chap i aint a member so how am i supposed to know your silly rules so open the barrier. So he scurried off. I have never joined that club he was so happy to take my money on my arrival and the funny thing was the site wasnt even half full after the weekend. I hate Jobs worths people skills they have not!.
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