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Help No 12 Volt


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Can anyone help us please. While in France OH noticed that one of our batter connectors was very corroded and now we are back, he has replaced both connectors but we have no 12V at all.


We have an Elektrobloc and we have checked the usual fuses and consumer box but still nothing. He has tested the battery and it has power. Can anyone offer any advice as to what the problem could be. Is there a re-set button on the Elektrobloc that we cannot see?


Thanks in advance for any help.

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If it worked before you changed the connectors first suspect what you have done.


Does it work with the engine running to charge the leisure battery?


If neither works, follow the colour coded 12 v feeds from the battery to the Electrblock and see if any voltage from either battery is actually reaching the unit by removing the connection and checking the voltage at the cable end.


If there is voltage in the cable to/from the batteries but not getting through the unit it may be faulty, but as I know nothing of these units and how they work - other than they are bloomin' expensive - I can't say owt else!!

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There is a battery isolation switch on the front off Elektroblocks it is a very small slide switch which operates a relay and must be turned off before disconnecting the battery.

I assume the batteries were turned off without switching it off, try turning the switch off then back on you should hear the relay click on, next turn the control panel on and off quickly then it should turn on normally.


Next time read the instructions first (lol)

I know real men don't read instructions :D

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Thanks for all your replies and help. We have tried them all and still no 12V. OH has read somewhere that there is a fuse inside the Elektroblock so he is going to take it apart and have a look as he feels nothing will be lost as its not working anyway.


Lenny, I read out your comment to him and he had the decency to blush and admit he hadn't read it through first, in which case he would've known to turn off the solar panel controller first!!!!



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Just to update you helpful ones, OH took out the Elektroblock and tested the fuses and took it apart to test the fuse inside and nothing, it still does not work. He has been in touch with Shauldt and they have given him a test to do and it has failed so it looks like a new Elektroblock is required - ouch!


to anyone who has an Elektroblock and a Solar Panel, remember to turn it off as well as the Elektroblock before disconnecting the leisure battery, it saves a heap of money 8o|

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