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Germany to charge foreign motorists for autobahn use


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Hello all, I have just copied this off the BBC news site. It looks like the Germans are going to copy us but take it further and charge everyone, not just Lorries.


Germany has announced plans to tax the millions of foreign motorists who use its roads, including the famous autobahn highway, from 2016 onwards.


Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt said the levy should raise 2.5bn euros (£1.98bn) over four years.


Vehicles will be issued with badges, costing between 10 euros for 10 days and about 100 euros for a year-long permit.


Critics of the planned toll say it violates EU anti-discrimination laws.


While vehicles registered in Germany will also have to pay the charge, their owners will be compensated by an equivalent reduction in a separate car tax.

Austria and the Netherlands have complained about the planned tax, the AFP news agency reports.


However, Mr Dobrint has insisted that the law - due to be passed this year - does not violate EU rules against discrimination.


His Christian Social Union party campaigned for a toll in last year's elections.


The party's base is in the southern region of Bavaria, where residents have long complained of having to pay to use roads in neighbouring Austria and Switzerland, while motorists from those countries pay nothing to drive in Germany.


I have never been to Germany in my motor-home, so next year could well be a good time.



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SimonH - 2014-07-08 10:51 AM


MMM update on tyne story:




So you'll need an LEZ sticker AND an Autobahn sticker to drive in Germany soon.

Simply not correct. If you do not want to pay the toll charge, easy, do not use toll roads, most do this in France. LEZ, only applies to very small bits, again easy to avoid if you wish or just pay the small charge.

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