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Can anyone identify this Caravan Club Grille Badge?


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My 'other' campervan, an ancient aircooled VW originally came with a badge-bar with seven badges on it.


Most of them are easily recogniseable - camping clubs, military stuff and the usual old AA and RAC badges, but one has me stumped, and hours on the internet trawling badge collector sites, google searches and expert advise requests has led to nothing.


The logo features a stag or deer with red antlers, and the letters are either CC or CCC if the encompassing C is taken into account. The consensus is that it's some caravan club, and Cheltenham and Bucks have been mentioned,but image searches draw a blank... Any clues?


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Guest Had Enough

I doubt very much whether it's anything to do with caravans. You're probably assuming this because it's on a camper and because you've heard of the Caravan Club or the C & CC.


However, why would a branch of the CC have a deer on its logo? My first thought was something like the Countryside Commission.


I think that you may have more luck researching countryside activities organisations.

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I've done my own research into those clubs and spoken to a Cheltenham member, he didn't recognise it.

An automobilia badge expert - two in fact both came back with a caravan club likely hood, but not definite. Plus other badges on the VW were camping related.


Hoping the regional variety of OutandAbout members may at least give a pointer to the red antlered stag or deer.


With every other badge a few minutes using descriptive searches with google images threw up a match

..this one is being elusive! !

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I recall from my membership days years ago that the CCC has/had a historian or archivist for the recording and possible collection of the clubs history memorabilia based, I believe at their HQ which used to be in Coventry?


The CC may have something similar at East Grinstead?


I doubt the MCC is old enough to have such a badge but someone might recognise it?


Maybe the clubs would put an article and photo in their in house magazines for you?

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For what it is worth I think judging by the facial characteristics and points on the antlers that this is a red deer. Red deer are much more common in Scotland but there are some isolated herds in England.

So that points (pun --get it ?) to a Scottish Connection.

The Caravan Club have a Scottish Division imaginatively titled "The Scottish Caravan Club"

Suggest you contact this organisation.

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For what it is worth I think judging by the facial characteristics and points on the antlers that this is a red deer. Red deer are much more common in Scotland but there are some isolated herds in England.

So that points (pun --get it ?) to a Scottish Connection.

The Caravan Club have a Scottish Division imaginatively titled "The Scottish Caravan Club"

Suggest you contact this organisation.

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Excellent picture, can I ask how you came across that picture? Just from memory that you had it in a library?


Badge bars often have a 'theme' of sorts, those are all cars rather than interests, so I wonder if the CC is a Car Club rather than a caravan club?



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Very interesting. I did lots of research using Celtic as one of the 's' s because of the potential Scottish connection. No joy. The auction site linked above. as you say drew a blank. I spoke to a chap who wrote books about car badges (really!) - he hasn't seen it.


This becoming like one of those crossword clues you just can't get... I've put far more time into it than I should have ... but it's bugging me.


Thanks for all input so far, any further info very much welcomed.



Is there a clue in the red antlers?



is it a Crochet club and i'm on the wrong track?

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rubberrat - 2014-07-21 4:13 PM


Excellent picture, can I ask how you came across that picture? Just from memory that you had it in a library?


Badge bars often have a 'theme' of sorts, those are all cars rather than interests, so I wonder if the CC is a Car Club rather than a caravan club?



No, I was just searching google to help you, using every description I could think of. I searched Caledonian Car Club and Caledonian Cricket Club but nothing. I have a collection of AA & RAC badges along with Civil Service Motoring club etc etc so I was interested in this topic.

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No - nothing on the back. These badges often have a stamped member number, and I suspect it was made by Gaunt, but still, despite many hours of google research - nothing.

I'll try some Salisbury references, as above, there is often a theme to badge collections on a vehicle, be it regional or special interest.


I agree that it may be from a now defunct organisation,

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Yes, that Ebay ad is mine, I need to delete it as I originally put up the ad based on the info from a badge aficionado.


We have been having a big sell-off of years of accumulated campervan stuff. 70's and 80's things for our last 4 period VW's - modern stuff for our demountable that is duplicated..

Things from the last half dozen motorhomes, can't believe how it all accumulates.



I did look at Cheltenham Owners Club, I think one of the experts came up with that, but the car badge looks like this. (Pic Below)


I'm now pretty sure that the CC isn't a caravan club but a Car Club. Amazing that with the breadth and scope of the internet and Google images that I (we) can't put a finger on it..




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Have you asked the Cheltenham Club if they recognise it after all they do use a stag on their badge (all their models were named after deer) and the letters CCC obviously fit. Perhaps it was a later model than the one you've shown.
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