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Auto Sleeper Thetford 400 toilet trims.


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There are many Auto Sleeper models fitted with Thetford 400 Toilets that have a trim in three sections that finish off the fitting and I'm trying to locate the supplier or manufacturer as Auto sleeper have said that they no longer have them. I know that they have been fitting them in the Warwicks of late. I would appreciate any information.
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Even though Auto-Sleepers may no longer stock the trim item you want, surely they should be able to tell you where they sourced the trim from? If Auto-Sleepers don’t know (or won’t tell you), you’ll be very lucky finding anyone else with the necessary information.
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Thanks for the replies. Has anyone tried to get through to Thetford direct, if you have and was successful can you give me the contact number. My line of enquires has been: Auto Sleeper, Cirencester Plastics, AAccyroma Plastics, CakTanks, O'learies and Southdowns motorhomes who carry a comprehensive stock of Thetford spare parts. One company AW Motorhome Replacement Body Panels has offered to make me a set if I can call at their premises in Essex which I thought was very good of them but as I live up here in NE Lancs it would be a bit of a trek. If ever I'm in their area I will definitely give them a call. It seems that Thetford only supply them as part of the fitting kit.
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It might be helpful to know what ‘trim’ you are actually looking for.


This webpage




allows a schematic of a typical Thetford C-400 to be opened.


The only ‘trim’ that’s obvious is a flexible strip (part No: 32311) that seals the gap between the toilet and the walls. It’s advertised (“Thetford Wall Seal”) on the webpage at £14.51 but, as it appears to be a single piece of ‘rubber’ rather than in three sections (and you’ve been in contact with companies that specialise in plastic parts) is probably not what you want.

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