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Efoy fuel cell


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I have an efoy cell. What is it you want to know. It does what it says on the tin, The liquid used to run it is an horrendous price in this country. I was quoted £70.00 by a well known outlet in this country for 10ltrs. I bought 10 ltrs in Portugal for E36 and at another outlet in Portugal E32. That was when the exchange rate was about 1.1 E to the pound. so work it out for yourself. The equipment works fine and I have one for sale if you are interested, together with one of the 10 ltrs fuel I bought in Portugal. PM me if interested. The reason it is for sale is the fact I now have another van which has a 140wt solar panel on the roof coupled to two 110amp batteries which provides me with more than I need, hence the sale. Any questions I will try to answer. You will only get the truth, if I dont know I will say so.


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We have just had to send ours back to Germany for repair, it has done less than 600 hours. The cost for repair has worked out at £1235 at today exchange rate with our Currency provider. The cost includes replacement Stack and a 2 year warranty delivered back to us. We decided to dig deep into our savings as it seemed false economy not to have it done as we could not do anything with it if they had returned it unrepaired. This was already fitted into our van when we bought it but we wouldn't have chosen to buy one because of the cost. We also bought 5 x 10 liters of fuel as we had a voucher at the motorhome dealers, this was 45 euro each at the time in France. We may decide to sell it once it has arrived back but we haven't decided yet.
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It is unfortunate that the purveyors of the precious liquid which runs these things seem to want to rip off the buyers. The best price I encountered was in Portugal as indicated above. However, I have to say the units are very economical, 10 ltrs will last for a very long time but you still want to get it at the best price. The UK does not provide the best price. Surprised it required repair, They are very reliable.


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The manufacturers of Efoy state that the fluid must be 'clean' and the stuff available at a sensible price is not clean and will damage the machine. A good marketing ploy perhaps but more important, The fuel cells are sealed with a special connector to draw fuel.


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I cannot understand why you can buy these units in the UK but there is no where were you can have them repaired or serviced. I contacted a company at Pocklington, near York but the reply was that we would have to contact Germany. I think our unit was underused with only having less than 600 hours on it. As said in a earlier post this was installed in our van already which we bought in 2011, I don't know when the unit was purchased but the van is a 2007.
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Arthur Brown - 2014-07-25 10:39 AM



The manufacturers of Efoy state that the fluid must be 'clean' and the stuff available at a sensible price is not clean and will damage the machine. A good marketing ploy perhaps but more important, The fuel cells are sealed with a special connector to draw fuel.



Thanks for the explanation.


So it’s not actually the cost of the methanol fuel for an Efoy system that is being complained about, it’s the high cost of the proprietary fuel cartridges that the system employs.

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yep, you named that tune in one. I have played with an empty container trying to find a way to refill it but have failed. They must have a system of filling the container then super glue the top. It might be possible to remove the top with an exceptional sharp instrument, fill the bottle then restick the top but I feel that this would be fraught with danger.

On another note I understand that the company at Pocklington are suppliers of methonol only, they do not service etc. I contacted them about providing fuel cells and they had to be collected as delivery people would not transport them because of insurance.

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If you want further info re efoy then contact a company called Herongate, at Hungerford. email: info@fuelcellsystems.co.uk They will assist with any fuel cells but do deal with efoy. I have had lengthy conversations with the guy who replied to me and they try to eliminate mechanical problems but anything which requires new boards etc has to go to the manufacturers. They are one of two top tier agents in the UK, he didnt tell me who the other was so cannot help in that direction. Anyone with a problem can at least start here and progress from there. He may also be worth contacting regarding fuel price, he was surprised at my comments in that respect so you never know. Best of luck.


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Correct again, my mistake. I have had further correspondence with them and the price of 10ltr fuel cells is not as bad as first thought. I had a quote at one of the shows of £70.00 for one M10 (10ltrs) Fuel cells are only supplied in a box of two and the cost is £78.00. That is for two M10's. I can tell you from experience that they last a long time. Efoy units are extremely economical. Hope this helps people.


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