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Shureflo trail king 7 - water pump problems!


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Hello ,hope you can help. We have the above pump and it has behaved intermittently over the last 6 months. When it does not work, it makes the pumping sound but does not do anything. We rectified the problem once by knocking the pump slightly; another time we took the pump apart and put it back together again-which worked. This week we took the pump apart and found a piece of black rubber loose in the pump and thinking this would work put it all back together,but it did not work. We now don't know what to do with it. does any one have experience of what goes wrong with these pumps, and or where to get advice, parts etc?? Gary
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Sounds as if the diaphragm has failed. Have you got the instruction booklet - there is a good troubleshooting section in it, plus a diagram of the pump. If not, you might be able to get a copy from their website www.shureflow.com. Let us know if that fails. Brian
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