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LEZ expanding......

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman

Looks like unless you have a euro 6 diesel, or pre 2006 petrol it'll cost you over 20 quid a day to drive in central London 8-)....................Time for Eddie to cash in his house and run ;-).............



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candapack - 2014-07-29 11:05 PM


...Fabulous city, but why anyone would want to drive into the centre, especially in a motorhome, is beyond me.



I should think that many of the drivers that enter any city, feel that they need to be there?(..going to work..home..appointments etc)and that driving in, is maybe their easiest option?...


When ever "congestion" gets discussed on TV/radio , you sometimes get the impression that the clever powers that be, seem to think that "Joe public" are choosing to head into major towns and cities at peak times, just for the fun of it?..

(..although, for somewhere like London,maybe some "sightseers" are..? :-S )

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Brighton manages to keep the cars out without an LEZ it just has one of the most anti car councils in the country. The result is constant streams bus double decker buses creating enormiously high polution levels. I'm supprised all the residents aren't wearing gas masks. (lol)
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Muswell - 2014-07-30 8:51 AM


No, they just think they are too important to use public transport, which is excellent.


I hadn't factored in that element... ;-)


The problem is though, other cities(and some major towns), who don't have anywhere near the public transport network that London has, still look to London and it's congestion charge, as an example of what they may do..... :-S

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Guest pelmetman

Seems like the "experts" dropped a clanger when they started encouraging everyone to drive diesels *-).........................and they deffo have a problem down Souf with pollution 8-)...................as my own non scientific experiments prove when I do deliveries, once a fortnight ;-)................


My bogey count goes up......the closer I get to London :D...............

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pelmetman - 2014-07-30 10:41 AM


Seems like the "experts" dropped a clanger when they started encouraging everyone to drive diesels *-).........................and they deffo have a problem down Souf with pollution 8-)...................as my own non scientific experiments prove when I do deliveries, once a fortnight ;-)................


My bogey count goes up......the closer I get to London :D...............



This gets my goat like nothing else.


I sent a lengthy letter/report to Fleet News, the AA and the Dept for Transport back in 1992 when it was obvious to me and to anyone that knew anything about engine technology that the EU directives for lower emissions, the CO2 basis for car tax, company car tax and everything else was pushing fleets and individuals towards Diesel engines. I saw this as a massive mistake.


At the time, it's true that Diesels were generally much more economical than Petrols but this is not really the point. The emissions of NOX, CO and particulates from Diesels were scary and the amount of engineering work that would be required to improve this was very substantial.


This was the time for research into smaller, turbocharged Petrols and for hybrid petrol/electrics.


The EU stuck to their guns and our witless politicians agreed with it all because they were too stupid to listen to the automotive industry.


Now, we the motorist will be charged again for buying what we were expected to, and in most cases; all that was available. WE are going to be taxed because of their mistakes. As usual it will be those with the least money that are hit hardest. The public buy used cars more than new and the only used cars available are diesels.


I now face a particularly surreal situation.


I have 2 cars, both 3.2V6 petrols. An Alfa GT and a Frontera. The combined mileage that i do in these is less than 5000 a year so the fuel consumption is not really a concern and even though each emits over 350g of CO2, the fact that i use them so little leads to no sleepless nights about my pollution either. Now though; if this all goes ahead, I won't have to pay to take them into town whereas a 130g Euro5 Diesel driver will.


If the government still don't see how stupid all of this is, and the EU still can't apologise for leading us all up the garden path, I fear that this is the beginning of the end. Anyone that works in a city centre should rush out and buy a nice, comfy V8 Jag while they are still cheap! Far better to spend your tenner on fuel and comfort than fund another round of Eco warrior nonsense that only serves to make the Uk look like the most environmentally conscious country when in reality they are the most inept.



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How right you are Nick.

As a non expert from an engineering standpoint but very experienced driver I too have seen the way we are being pushed over the years and I too have always believed that the inept and inelegant political solution of variable VED to resolve an engineering problem was totally wrong.

It penalises only those who A, can easily afford it and thus don't much care so no real penalty there then, and B, those at the bottom of the motoring class who can't afford to trade up to a newer cleaner car but still depend on a car and can ill afford punitive VED for a normal family car.

For everyone else in between we all say thank you very much Mr Chancellor for making the car we were going to buy anyway that much less expensive to run when they really had no need to because in the grand scheme of car buying the VED is but small fry when compared to depreciation and for many buyers low VED is just a bonus and surely not an incentive worth the loss of income to the treasury?

I now pay £225 VED for the van which covers about 2000 miles a year, or less, in the UK and for the Lexus hybrid car NOTHING in VED for covering over 12000 miles a year in the UK.

How crazy is that as an idea to reduce congestion and pollution?

Given the problems that the development guinea pigs for Euro5 had to pay for themselves - that's you and me folks, the customer - it will be a long long time before I even consider a Euro 6 diesel!

Petrol / hybrid and small petrol engined electric range extenders would now seem to be the best way forward?

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Guest pelmetman

Maybe my idea of sticking a 3 litre V6 Essex engine in the works van don't seem so daft after all B-)...............



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While I am on a roll......


Boris Johnson has to be admired.


The LEZ in London was to be tightened further in 2015 by upping the requirement to Euro5 for trucks and Euro4 for light commercials. In 2013 he decided that in order to save businesses a huge amount of unnecessary cost he would leave the current standards alone but replace his bus fleet with Euro 6 and hybrids before 2016. He correctly identified the busses as far and away the biggest source of pollution and dealt with it.


Next, an appalling example of being punished for doing things right;


My girlfriend was driving a 1.6 Beetle 80 miles a day at no better than 30mpg. Huge emissions.

We got her a Giulietta 1.6 Euro5 diesel that does no less than 65mpg. Tiny emissions. The saving in fuel cost actually funds the car payments!

If she has to pay £10 a day to get to work where parking is free she would have been better off keeping the Beetle. It was paid for!

It makes me sick, just thinking about it.



Incidentally, Boris was on TV last night and stated that "People have been encouraged to buy diesel cars over the last few years, and now that would seem to be a mistake".


Is that actionable as an admission of Governmental blame and incompetence?


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euroserv - 2014-07-30 12:30 PM


Incidentally, Boris was on TV last night and stated that "People have been encouraged to buy diesel cars over the last few years, and now that would seem to be a mistake".


Is that actionable as an admission of Governmental blame and incompetence?


Also the manufacturers have resopnded to the hipe, 2 or 3 new cars I have been looking at only the base model is petrol, if you want any better spec or an auto you only get the option on the diesel versions. A silly option for low milage drivers.

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pepe63 - 2014-07-30 1:02 PM


I dare say, if we'd all stuck with petrol, they'd just be aiming their "charges" at the petrol powered instead...

...and if Mr & Mrs J Public all said "..scr*w it, we'll just walk and cycle..", it wouldn't be long before they introduced a charge/tax on that... :-S




My guess is that we will eventually have to pay " land rent " for the area of land taken up by our vehicles.




( p.s but not til after next years election )


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malc d - 2014-07-30 2:07 PM


My guess is that we will eventually have to pay " land rent " for the area of land taken up by our vehicles.



We already do - they call it council tax and the bigger and more valuable your property the more you pay!

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Tracker - 2014-07-30 2:14 PM


malc d - 2014-07-30 2:07 PM


My guess is that we will eventually have to pay " land rent " for the area of land taken up by our vehicles.



We already do -




You may be paying a land rent for your car where you live - we don't round here.


Apart from designated car parks I can park in any layby - or field - or common land - completely rent free at the moment.







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malc d - 2014-07-30 2:48 PM


Apart from designated car parks I can park in any layby - or field - or common land - completely rent free at the moment.



Er - no you can't - you do pay a fee to park in a layby, and a fee to get to a field - it used to be called car tax and now it's called vehicle excise duty!


You don't get own for nowt you know!!

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Tracker - 2014-07-30 3:02 PM


malc d - 2014-07-30 2:48 PM


Apart from designated car parks I can park in any layby - or field - or common land - completely rent free at the moment.



Er - no you can't - you do pay a fee to park in a layby, and a fee to get to a field - it used to be called car tax and now it's called vehicle excise duty!


You don't get own for nowt you know!!



I'm talking 'rent ' not ' tax '.


I am aware that the fee you pay to use the roads to get to the layby or field is called car tax - or vehicle excise duty.


The new " land rent " fee will be an additional charge relating to the area of the planet

that your are " renting " ( when away from home ).


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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2014-07-30 3:31 PM



The new " land rent " fee will be an additional charge relating to the area of the planet

that your are " renting " ( when away from home ).


I'll be alright then ;-)..................As I come from a different planet according to some on here (lol)..............



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