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Self-defence in the EU


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What are the rules for carrying weapons in the commonly-visited EU countries (France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece)? How much mayhem are you allowed to inflict on somebody trying to break into your rig before you find yourself sharng a cell with Tony Martin?
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Bill, I'm sorry no one has replied all busy I suspect, Sorry I can't help you , not knowing the consiquences of what would happen in a foreing country. The only thing that I can add is we alway's have the WD40 open and ready in the door pocket & behind the drivers seat a torque rench. I don't know what would happen but I'll take my chances
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I think the rules abroad arer the same as here and that is "you may use reasonable force to protect your life and property".... I personally carry a baseball bat in the MH. Good for when you are out in the open, playing baseball of course, but difficult to use when at close quarters. I then use or should I say would use it as a "prodder". If you break someones arms and legs, knees and elbows etc etc you had better have a good reason for inflicting those injuries. "He slipped and fell M'Lord," may be a no-go. What is reasonable force? I would suppose each persons view would be different. If a person came at me with a knife I would use all means at my dispossal to protect myself. If an unarmed person was trying to get in to my property I would try to detain the crim with "gentle" actions. At the end of the day its down to the individuals abilities. Its not always "wise" to stand your ground. Whats a bit of property worth? Is it worth your life....I think not. Just make sure you are insured and get a crime number and add yourself to the increasing statitics list. Johnny F
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[QUOTE]Roy - 2006-09-17 5:35 PM Remember that very much like here now, the criminal has his rights!!![/QUOTE] I may be wrong but that doesn't sound right....The law is an ass, sir. The only right they should have is the right to remain silent and a right to go to jail, to go straight to jail and if they pass go do not get a bloody penny... Johny F
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Generally speaking the laws and their application are a little more relaxed than the UK. By all means carry a baseball bat but just make sure somewhere in the van you have a ball to go with it.That will strengthen your argument for its possession considerably. CS gas is readily available in France.I cannot stress enough that if you decide to purchase some canisters(currently 9€ for a big one and a small handbag one)that you dispose of them safely before returning to the UK.English Police will have a serious sense of humour failure if you're caught with any.In the UK CS needs a section 1 Firearms license. There is a case for the purchase of CS for those travelling to Spain. Another perfectly legal alternative is a can of ladies hairspray.If this is sprayed into someone's eyes at close quarters it will render them blind for about a minute. Makes it sound as if we're all travelling around Europe "tooled up" which perhaps we are.!!
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Correct me if I am wrong . We seem to hear more about knock out gas attacks abroad than being broken into. I am not saying it does not happen. Perhaps the criminals choose to do this hoping not to hurt or fight with anyone. Rather than breaking in without the gas. The only reason I can think of is if they do use force and break in and have not rendered you unconcious first ,maybe the police over there are stricter than us . And they know that they would be put in prison for ABH. The other option of course is it is easier if the occupants are asleep knocked out ,no fight take what you like.
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Hbarnett, NICE ONE ... I make you right . Isn't it funny but as you get older you can still see your self fending off the baddies... Reality is the mind is willing and the flesh is weak.. Best to be careful and alway's try to stick together on the road . Saftey in numbers and all that... ;-)
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  • 4 months later...
Ah - self defence - who needs it? We spent three weeks during that cold winter of we think 1999 - not a long time we know - travelling to Gibraltar and back on back roads. Never saw a motorway or a toll. Wild camped every night and scrounged water from garages when we needed to. Only woken twice at night in Spain. First by security guards and then by the police. Said we were parking on private land it being on an industrial estate. However, they let us stay the night no problem. We guess that our old battered VW1600 diesel van "snowcat" with blacked out windows by using dustbin liners just looked a bit scarey.
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I was taught a self defence move many years ago that will, if carried out properly, render an assaillant immobile if not unconscious. It is not recomended that you use this action unless you are certain of your abilities and if you do intend to ever use it then you need to practice the moves involved so that in a "fight or flight" situation you just do it without thinking about it. Speed is the most important part of this technique. Step 1/ hit the assaillant on the nose. Not with a fist as this could hurt you as much as him, use an open palm with hand upwards and hit him with the heel of your palm. Your aim should be to push his nose through the back of his head! Yes really! Step 2/ as the attacker reels back, blinded by the excrutiating pain in his face, you hit him just below his solar plexus, bottom of the chest top of thegut area. Again this needs to be your best ever punch. He will fold forwards completely winded. Step 3/ (Optional depending on how angry you are) As he bows forwards clamp your hands together behind his head and slam his face down onto your knee at the same time raisin your knee to meet him. Your assaillant is now in a bloody heap on the floor and you can call the police in safety. Step 4/ if he starts to get up before 5 minutes has passed you need to be a fast runner! Only ever use the above technique in self defence and only if you have practised to the point of being confident to use it. D.
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Don't know if this is actually legal but i got a can of dog defence spray off ebay...it cost about £5.. and its about the same as Mace but it is technically desinged to temporally blind a large dog if your being attacked.....i actually tried it on my mate ( with his permision) and it does work...soon as i squirted it he was totally blinded for about 20 mins and just fell to the floor and couldnt move...so ideal if you get attacked....you can also get really small ones that look like a pen..ideal for your wives,girlfriends,daughters etc....for peice of mind.....you never know when they will get attacked buy a dog.....im sure you know what i mean......
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Guest starspirit
Perhaps we should all get a 'Clive' aka 'Ron' as our very own self defense mechanism. Surely just one look from (or even at?) Clive would send any would be evil bu##ers running for cover?
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There's very little worth doing in self defence in the confines of a vehicle other than if you're within arms length, then its two fingers in the eyes. As when we were training in the Marines. bil h
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