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Self-defence in the EU


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All these, poke him in the eyes, hit him under the nose with the palm of your hand techniques are well tried and tested, being an ex Army (Marine Commando trained, close combat instructor) i have taught and tried them all. BUT most people forget to throw into the eqausion , the person your trying to poke in the eyes is a dirty street fighter, being in more fights than you have had hot dinners, and does not stand still like a dummy will in your " Self Defence Lessons ". You have to try to poke/hit him while he is doing the same to you. I trained several times a week for 10 years, but at 57 would still use the hit and run method . Geoff.
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When we were in the UK in November we visited the people at Taylormade window covers. They have a very large RV and because its so large they have to park on the motorways with the lorries and were telling us that when they were coming back on their last trip from through Spain Mrs Taylor woke in the middle of the night hearing a noise. Mr Taylor was wearing earplugs because of the noise of the motorway traffic so he didn't hear a thing until his wife woke him up so find a very large individual at the bottom of their bed who had broken in. When they stayed the night in France they alerted the Gendarmes and told them what had happened in Spain and they put them under the the lit canopies on the service station. Luckily no one was hurt (only pride) and they have now fitted the vehicle with the necessary alarms.
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Guest Frank Wilkinson

[QUOTE]madguy4 - 2007-01-21 2:11 PM Don't know if this is actually legal but i got a can of dog defence spray off ebay...it cost about £5.. and its about the same as Mace but it is technically desinged to temporally blind a large dog if your being attacked.....i actually tried it on my mate ( with his permision) and it does work...soon as i squirted it he was totally blinded for about 20 mins and just fell to the floor and couldnt move...so ideal if you get attacked....you can also get really small ones that look like a pen..ideal for your wives,girlfriends,daughters etc....for peice of mind.....you never know when they will get attacked buy a dog.....im sure you know what i mean......[/QUOTE]

Nothing would please me more Madguy, than to spray a mugger with this stuff. However, joking apart I suspect that you'd be found guilty of a serious offence if you used it. we all know the propensity of the police for punishing the victim, sometimes more than the attacker.  Tony Martin, the farmer in Norfolk who shot the Irish tinkers burglars who were making his life a misery, comes to mind.

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Note for Mel-B...it was his idea but then we were both Pi***d at the time....and yes i agree that its usually the victim that gets into trouble for it but the way i look at it is' i would rather be fit and healthy to defend myself than be in hospital and not have to...
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[QUOTE]madguy4 - 2007-01-23 2:31 PM i would rather be fit and healthy to defend myself than be in hospital and not have to... [/QUOTE] As our American cousins say: "It is better to be tried by twelve than carried by six"
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