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Uprating GVW/MAM

Don Madge

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I'm looking into up rating our Timberland Fiat Ducato 15 LWB 2.8 JTD Panel Van from 3300kg to 34oo/3500kg. I'm hoping just a change of tyre size might do it. I've contacted http://www.svtech.co.uk/ for advice. I can do with just a bit more payload these days. Anybody got any thoughts on the subject please. We are off on our travels tomorrow for two weeks but I'd like some info while we are away. I'm taking the laptop and I've sussed out a few hotspots along the way. Thanks Don
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Don, see my last post under "selecting a motor home". You can Email for any info I may have but as a newcomer to motorhoming I may not have covered all the bases! You will find Steve and Gareth at Svtech to be very helpful and friendly. I may be reading somthing into your post which you did not mean, but it's not tyre size but load rating which needs to be changed. The normal 104/102s only allow 1800KGs per axle. This may be enough for your uprate.
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Don, Changing the tyres doesn't help. But you can normally re-plate to the maximum allowed mass (MAM) defined by the vehicle manufacturer for the base vehicle. I assume your Ducato base has the 2.3 engine and hence the lower MAM of 3300. No problem, even without any work, SVTech will replate you to close to the sum of the two axle limits and this should easily take you to 3500. Obviously you cannot go right to this limit as that would involve extremely precarious balancing to avoid overloading an axle - and even then, overload would occur as you used up fuel. But I think 3500 should be no problem and still leave you with room. Send me your current email address and I'll forward a copy of the 'How to Replate Up or Down' Fact Sheet I did for MMM a couple of years' ago.
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Mike, I did not make it very clear but I've have 205/70 R15C 106/104 Q tyres, I'm hoping I might just be able to up rate to 215/70 R15C 109/107 Q. Mel, My Max front axle weight is 1750kg and the rear is 1850kg so I hoping that will help. We have the 2.8 engine more than enough power. I've sent you a PM for the fact sheet. Regards Don
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Don, why do you feel you need to increase the tyre size to 215/70s from 205/70s. What will your uprated axle weights be? I am in the process of raising the MTPLM from 3200 to 3500 and will need to go to your present load rating from my 104/102s. Mel, I would appreciate a copy of your fact sheet. As a novice, I would like to make certain I have covered all the bases. kavgreenleas@ntlworld.com
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Don, Presumably the increase in size of 10 MM is not an issue but if you don't have to, why spend about £500 you don't need to? I thought Yorkshiremen were "carefull" Excuse my nosiness, but I'm interested in issues around payloads and weights. Seems to be a confusing subject within the motorhome community. One other minor point, surely changing your tyre diameter will alter your speedo readings and your gear ratios. Not sure of the practical effect but it's something to think about.
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[QUOTE]kavgreenleas - 2006-09-17 5:33 PM Presumably the increase in diameter of 10 MM is not an issue but if you don't have to, why spend about £500 you don't need to? I thought Yorkshiremen were "careful" Excuse my nosiness, but I'm interested in issues around payloads and weights. Seems to be a confusing subject within the motorhome community. One other minor point, surely changing your tyre diameter will alter your speedo readings and your gear ratios. Not sure of the practical effect but it's something to think about.[/QUOTE] Mike, I'm not a "Careful Yorkshire-man" I was exiled from the south 30 years ago to do missionary work and I been here ever since. I've lived in this village all that time and we are still foreigners. :-D :-D Ref tyres I'm still at the looking stage so all info is welcome. Don
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Don, we're all having a good laugh as my wife is a reformed northener. The change in diameter is moot as the tyre height is expressed as percentage of the width. This would mean you were proposing to change from a tyre height of 70% of 205mm to one of 70% of 215 (times two of course). As I am looking at changing 5 tyres myself, the cost of any Michelin made me wince. As a guide the cost of the cheapest tyre for my van would be £60 each fitted etc. The Michelins were coming out at about £95. A good guide to what all the numbers mean is on WWW.blackcircles.com/general/sidewall
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Just to clarify upgrading matters, briefly the situation is as follows: - if the base chassis of your m'home was designed by the chassis manufacturer for a higher load, then upgrading back to that level is normally straightforward. This often happens when converters 'down plate' a vehicle to come within the 3500 Kg limit that has applied to Continental diving licenes much longer than it has in the UK (since 01.01.97 here). - otherwise, you can normally upgrade MAM/GVW to the sum of the two axle weight limits or just below. You cannot, of course use this new MAM FULLY because you would inevitably overload one axle or the other which is equally illegal. But it does give you more uasable capacity as Don's figures show. - certain chassis modifications can also allow an upgrading. Just fitting an extra leaf spring or the spring assisters widely sold at shows is not normally enough, however (and they actually add weight, of course!). Equally, you can down plate - normally to get below 7500 Kg or 3500 Kg licence limits, provided you have adequate carrying capacity after doing so. The process is very straightforward, though even a simple replating will likely cost around £150.
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We've had the Timberland's MAM/GVW uprated from 3300kg to 3500kg (axle weights stay the same) with no modifications at all. It was done for peace of mind more than anything else. We were running very close to the MAM when travelling on our winter trips, once we filled the fresh water tanks we were over the 3300kg MAM. For us it was very simple, quick chat on the phone, downloaded the uprating form from http://www.svtech.co.uk/ post completed form with a copy of the V5 (vehicle registration document) they send you an invoice, for us it was £235. Post your cheque and they mail you the uprated vin plate. There was no need to involve the DVLA but insurers were informed. Having spoken to Sv Tech a couple of times they come across as a very profesional outfit. Don
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