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2000 Hymer Ducato 1.9TD 2nd gear problem


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Hi, and welcome to the madhouse!


Could be the gear selection mechanism where the rods enter the gearbox which is located behind the gearbox and engine and so located that water from the scuttle drains down onto it.


Only way is to get underneath and clean and derust it. On a ramp it's easy, on your back under the van it ain't!


This crops up from time to time but so far I have not been able to locate the last thread to link to via the search facility.


If it makes a 'noise' when in gear and rolling it may well be a gearbox bearing.


What kind of noise?

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Here is the relevant text for the post mentioned by Tracker.


Difficulties with selecting gears on Ducato's are normally easily resolved. There is a pivot where the cables attach to the selector arm on the gearbox. It is not enough to just brush off the muck and lubricate it. The pivot must be removed and the pin and socket cleaned thoroughly with emery paper before greasing and re-attaching.


This is easier if you can get the vehicle onto a ramp and then only takes about half an hour. It can be done on the floor if you are very agile but will take a little longer. The process rarely requires any new parts and really is quite simple.

I'm trying to do this job on my 1999 2.8D Swift as the left-right gear lever movement has become almost impossible. Following the suggestions here and on motorhomefacts, I've removed the air filter and associated pipes to get access to the gear cables and linkage. I detached the left-right cable from the linkage. The cable now moves completely freely and I can't move the left-right linkage at all by hand. This would seem to prove that the problem is in the linkage at the pivot. I've removed the black plastic cover and taken off the 13mm nut. I can't find any other nut or bolt to undo - the linkage pivot is immovable and I'm too nervous to hit it in case there is another nut/bolt. I may be missing seeing something as I'm working in rather confined conditions on my driveway.............

These are sometimes so badly stuck that some force is required. Spray it liberally with freeing oil and give it a whack! ................


There are photos of the mechanism in the post if you can find it,

The fact that gear selection improves with low revs might mean it could be a clutch dragging problem, might be an idea to let a friendly local expert to have a look before you go further.

More details of the problem might shine more light on the problem from some of the knowledgeable guys on here.

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ogdenfamily4 - 2014-08-06 10:02 PM




I'm having difficulty engaging 2nd gear on my 2000 Ducato 1.9TD


It does go in, but noisy unless I allow revs to drop 1st!!


No idea about cause/solution


Can anyone help?

I assume this is when changing up from first to second? What's it like when changing down from third to second?

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