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Peugeot boxer autocruise stargazer


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‘Up-plating’ a motorhome so that it has more payload is regularly discussed on this forum. You can find some earlier forum-threads here




and there’s a short MMM magazine article here




Essentially there are two levels of up-plating for a motorhome with a maximum authorised weight up to 3500kg - one where (after the up-plating exercise) the weight remains no greater than 3500kg and the 2nd where the weight exceeds 3500kg. If you were considering up-plating from 3300kg to 3500kg, this would very likely be straightforward to achieve and be uncontroversial. If you were considering going higher - say to 3700kg - a change in the road-tax class (PLG to PHGV) would also be involved and there would be implications regarding speed limits and driving-licence entitlements.


Changing the weight-limits shown on your motorhome’s VIN-plate would mean that a replacement plate would be needed. If you up-plated no higher than 3500kg, you might need to inform the DVLA. (Depends on what’s on your motorhome’s V5C registration certificate). If you up-plated above 3500kg, you would definitely need to inform the DVLA.




Whatever level of up-plating you might decide on, you’d need to inform your insurance provider afterwards. (In fact, you’d be wise to check with your provider beforehand.)


It’s impossible to advise specifically on whether mechanical changes would be required, as this depends on its current specification. For a small weight increase up-plating might only be a ‘on-paper' exercise: for a larger increase you might need to fit tyres with a higher load-carrying capability and/or air-bellows for the rear axle.


Your best bet would be to discuss what you want to do with SVTech




who specialise in motorhome weight re-rating.

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andywildstar - 2014-08-07 6:05 PM


Hi any one know any thing about replating,as my motor home is only 3300kg would like to upgrade it as payload is very tight. B-)


I am surprised at your weights, I have a fiat based o9 plate stargazer and have always beleived it to be 3500 rating.

I took it to weighbridge recently and results were tare 3100, front 1420, rear 1680, plated at 3500.

engine is 2.3


it makes me wonder if your vehicle has been down plated from original, or has it been on a weighbridge and found to be 3300 gross in running trim.


I assume you have checked the original plate under the bonnet..is there a second plate somewhere..


there should be no reason that it cant be upped to 3500 without any problem..might just be a paperwork error. Get it weighed and see what figures you get.




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In this 2011 forum-thread “kelly58" mentions uprating a Peugeot-based motorhome from 3300kg to 3500kg using the services of SVTech.




You’ve mentioned that the weighbridge-measured overall loaded weight (less freshwater) of your Stargazer was 3360kg, but not what the measured axle-loads were. I think the maximum authorised axle-loadings of a 3300kg Stargazer would be 1750kg(front axle) and 1900kg(rear axle). If that’s correct, then (in principle) uprating the overall weight from 3300kg to 3500kg should (as in kelly58’s case with his Nuevo) be a paperwork-only exercise, with changes to tyres or suspension not being needed.


However, if either of your motorhome’s measured axle-loadings are close to their maximum limit, I believe you’d find that uprating from 3300kg to 3500kg would not increase those limits.

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