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New E bke system from Yamaha

Guest JudgeMental

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Guest JudgeMental

Just reading about this new 70 Nm motor (Nm is how power rated) and battery system from Yamaha ( Bosch 60 & 50 Nm depending on model). it is fitted to a new range of MTB's and trekking models from Haibike and probably more to follow and prices a good deal more competitive then Bosch. staring from around 2K and about 700 - 900€ cheaper then equivalent Bosch models


Have just sold one of our E bikes and in the market for a new full suspension one for next season...Just returned from holidays and bikes performed superbly, wish same could be said about the weather as probably the most inclement in our 10th year in Italy. Rain followed us everywhere, from the Mosel to Alsace, lake Constance to Lake Garda, at least in Lake Garda it was warm! and some decent days, but in July they had 25 days of rain.....very unusual!


For those who appreciate the finer things....here is a look anyway:




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Hi Eddie

Nice to see you looking forward to next year. The weather here has been pretty good, well down in our part of the world, was too hot at times.You seem to be always changing your e bikes! I wish I could still ride a bike, then I would get e bike.

Any way glad you got back safely. I expect you still had a good time


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Guest JudgeMental

Yamaha have been in the e bike business since early 80's. This looks a real good system and getting good reviews. also Bosch have had it there own way for far to long...nice to see some competition in the market place.....


P Jay had a great time thanks, and only put on 1.5 kg :D. Even if I had to give up motorhoming, I can still cycle and its one of my main interests..... Had enough decent weather to make it worthwhile, and we just love Italy anyway. just felt sorry for those in tents when the heavens opened, and believe me when among lakes and mountains when it rains it can be heavy!

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This years Kalkhoff Impulse 2 system are also 70Nm motors and are really very good, I finally splashed out and bought my first new bike ever on Friday, a Kalkhoff Pro Connect with eight speed Alfine hub gear.

They are really spanking Bosch when it comes to drive units and batteries.






And my impoverishment is due to a post by JudgeMental extolling the virtues of hub systems.

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JudgeMental - 2014-08-17 4:31 PM


Just reading about this new 70 Nm motor (Nm is how power rated) and battery system from Yamaha ( Bosch 60 & 50 Nm depending on model). it is fitted to a new range of MTB's and trekking models from Haibike and probably more to follow and prices a good deal more competitive then Bosch. staring from around 2K and about 700 - 900€ cheaper then equivalent Bosch models


Have just sold one of our E bikes and in the market for a new full suspension one for next season...Just returned from holidays and bikes performed superbly, wish same could be said about the weather as probably the most inclement in our 10th year in Italy. Rain followed us everywhere, from the Mosel to Alsace, lake Constance to Lake Garda, at least in Lake Garda it was warm! and some decent days, but in July they had 25 days of rain.....very unusual!


For those who appreciate the finer things....here is a look anyway:





For those of us that are not Kamikaze style riders and prefer the more genteel cycle, are these motors being fitted to road cycles rather than off road?

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Guest JudgeMental

Yes...I did say both MTB and trekking models, the advertising aimed at young riders and tends to be OTT. I can assure you in Europe many middle age people ride these bikes. There is also versions from Giant..loads more will follow I'm sure in different styles. The Haibike I purchased last year is my first MTB and with the state of British roads these style bikes have advantages and are obviously better to ride off road as well.....


As for kalkhoff being better, laughable to be honest. suggest people judge for themselves rather then taking salesman BS at face value :-D


here is a trekking model:



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Re Kalkhoff

I did judge for myself, the motors are 70Nm torque, these are German bikes and are of a quality appreciated by the most people. Kalkhoff don't make monstrous off road machines, they make commuting and touring bikes and as such are in a different niche to Haibike.

Believing hype would be if you just read about something and then spread the gospel that it was the only truth, have you ridden this new bike with this new motor?

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gocro - 2014-08-18 4:04 PM


Re Kalkhoff

I did judge for myself, the motors are 70Nm torque, these are German bikes and are of a quality appreciated by the most people. Kalkhoff don't make monstrous off road machines, they make commuting and touring bikes and as such are in a different niche to Haibike.

Believing hype would be if you just read about something and then spread the gospel that it was the only truth, have you ridden this new bike with this new motor?


I too am a Kalkhoff fan having bought my second one a year ago but I am always looking and trying to find something better. I have yet to succeed. I use my bike extensively, mainly off road as I don't drive and it has always performed very well. At the Malvern show last weekend I noticed several people whizzing around on small wheel bikes that were being sold, the type you don't have to pedal and can't help wonder how they perform on steep hills. I have only ever dismounted on one steep hill and I am no fitness freak. I would love to hear how these new power systems fair.

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Guest JudgeMental
colin - 2014-08-18 10:47 PM


Well the 'Full Nine' looks interesting, but spending £2,600 on a bike seems a tad extravagant. Still if my joints get much worse I might be able to justify it. :-S


they build so many of these bikes all you have to do is wait for an end of season sale to pick up a bargain, as Hugh and myself did late last year with our Haibikes.


Bosh have revolutionized the e bike industry, there system has been adopted by every major European quality bicycle manufacturer. you can buy a Bosch powered bike in any style imaginable. from dutch step through to drop handle road/race bike ......


The Yamaha is brand new, and not yet on general sale but can be pre ordered, Its getting good reviews undercuts Bosch prices significantly, and system seems as good if not better, plus it allows for 2 front chain rings which the Bosch does not, have not had the opportunity to ride one yet but at least know someone who has ridden it whose opinion I trust. Plus there is a lot of interest in Germany on e bike forums from informed members who have tried it...Its just another option that's all..... and should be welcomed!lol

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