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Bikes and dog trailer stolen in France- Info needed


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Hi Everyone, Just got back from the Alsace region of France and Lake Annecy, really good areas for cycling, walking and just chilling.

Trip was great until the second to last night away, we had travelled up to Boulogne sur mer to see a vet for the pooch before getting the ferry, anyway..... Thurs afternoon, two young french lads were walking around and around the aire (just up the hill) and when I asked them what they were doing, they said they were looking for their little white dog?

Me and our Al thought it was funny so made sure both locks were on the bikes and they were fastened to the bike carrier correctly.

Due to the fact that I was tone deaf because I had been putting drops in my ears and also we have a Boarder Collie that does not stir, whatever noises might be heard, in the morning, the bikes and doggy trailer were gone, complete with both locks!!!

My problem I need help with............
As it was a bank holiday the Boulogne sur mer police said that I should try Calais police when we get there, called into the Calais Police station and as we were due to get the ferry in less than 3 hours, they said that there was a que of people waiting to register a crime so we would be better contacting the local police when we get home and then the local police could forward a report on to the French Police....... you still with me so far??

Anyway, at home, rang the insurance up, everything covered but need a crime reference number, went to local police and they said they couldn't give me a ref number as it didn't happen in this country!

Rang the insurance back up and they said could I phone French Police and get some sort of crime or incident report number.

Has anyone had any similar situation before where something has been stolen but they were not able to report it in France??

Any help much appreciated as usual. :-)

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hi, you do need a French ref number. to be honest the French police are as useless as ours, if not more so. look up the number of the French police station or try the marie of the area in which you camped, with luck they may have an email address. you can then email using a translation program so its in French and with luck you may get a reply. michael
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