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Insurance and Andorra


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...I've posted on this anomaly before, but in checking my insurance docs before going away, I find it has reared its head again.


My insurance policy documents explicitly name Andorra as being within the territorial limits of my cover.


My Certificate of Insurance, however, does not!


Andorra is not part of the EU, and is therefore not covered under the wording extending the cover to meat the compulsory requirements of every country in the EU, and it isn't explicitly detailed (as for example Lichtenstein is).


I'm not going anywhere near Andorra this trip (indeed, it is one of those places that I feel one ought to visit just for the record, but possibly only once - been there, done that) so it is of little immediate concern to me, but I do feel a query to my provider coming on.


Anyone with plans to visit or traverse Andorra may wish to check their insurance status.



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You got me checking mine even though I am not likely to go near Andorra in the near future.


The certificate states "EU Countries" and Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstien & Croatia.


The policy does not list any countries but has this statement:


"any country which the Commission of the

European Communities is satisfied has made

arrangements to meet the requirements of

Article 7(2) of EC Directive 72/166/EEC

relating to civil liabilities arising from the use of

a motor vehicle."


At a guess I would expect Andorra to come into this category, but does this mean you should have a green card to transit Andorra?

I've been there a few times in the past never even thought about it.

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....I suspect your policy is with the same broker/underwriter as mine.


If you look at the definition of "Territorial Limits" in the policy document, it specifically includes Andorra.


The COI, however, does not. I'm not sure I'd like to argue the toss with an Andorran rozzer. ;-)


(The COI is also interesting, since Croatia has been a member of the EU for over a year, yet is mentioned separately).


If I ever consider visiting Andorra again, then I'll certainly seek clarification.


Insurance companies, don't you love 'em. :-S

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...the current comfort policy document contains reference to "territorial limits", defined as


Territorial limits

Countries where 365 days cover applies and no Green Card is required:

Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, the Republic of Ireland, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France including Monaco), Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy (including San Marino and the Vatican City), Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland (including Liechtenstein).


All other acceptable countries outside of the EU, a single trip limit of 120 days applies and a Green Card is required.



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Whilst living near Toulouse I decided to tour the Pyrenees so leaving Toulouse during the Easter holiday it was a warm 28degrees C so shorts. Whilst climbing up to Andorra it started to snow so a quick change to jeans and jumper, a stop for a coffee and descend to Spain.

At the border the vehicle was very effectively searched as the customs man who did not believe any one would leave Andorra without buying any cheap duty free goods!

So make sure you buy something in Andorra to show at the customs in France or Spain.

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