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wi-fi booster for motorhome on site

John 2339

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sshortcircuit - 2014-08-21 8:36 AM


lennyhb - 2014-08-21 8:19 AM


Yes, it is, be prepared for a lot frustration getting working, when it does work it works well.


Good, I have had the same one for a couple of years now and yes they can be footery but if you work at it they are excellent. The reason I asked is that only specific dongles are recognised by the router as chip set vary but if it sees the aerial all is well.


An advantage of this router is that some sites only allow you to connect to one device. The router is counted as the one device and you can then connect as many devices as you like to the router, for family and grandkids all to connect.


Thanks again


Yes once you get to grips with them they are fine, what had me tearing my hair out for ages I hadn't noticed that every time you do a scan it re-sets to Ad-Hoc network which of course won't work.


I know about the problem with chipsets so took a chance with the directional one at 13 quid.

Works a treat far better that the Rocket on some free wifi at the moment in Loire valley.



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