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Possible gas attacks?


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Quoted below from a marketing email from Vicarious books and not of my making.

Please feel free to comment and discuss but PLEASE people can we keep it polite this time and address the topic without insulting and attacking each other for having a different point of view.





I put up a post on Facebook about a gas attack in France that was reported by the Mail and Kentonline. This has had a few spinoffs one being a potential article in the Mail expressing our views. In addition Caravan Guard Insurance have given us details of the three claims made since 2008 where gas was thought to have been used during the break ins. You can read more here.




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Guest pelmetman

Ding Ding.............seconds away.........Round 2 :D............


I got the email to Rich ;-)................I found this bit interesting, which kinda proves that those who assert that its all an insurance scam are incorrect, as its clear there is no advantage to be had by claiming to be gassed............especially given the abuse you can expect from Moho forums :-|..............


"According to the insurance company, the fact that gas attacks were cited “is not something [the] underwriters would have gone out of their way to prove...as long as there were signs of forcible entry into the motorhomes.”





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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-08-22 12:37 PM



Given up asserting its all an insurance scam then Frank? ;-)..............





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Full item copied....


Caravan Guard Insurance has provided some additional information regarding gas attacks. According to their records, back to 2008, just 3 claims made reference to gas being used during a break-in. They commented: “It certainly doesn’t seem to be a widespread problem.”


Interestingly, all three break-ins occurred in France, although the exact locations of two are unknown. One occurred at a service area near Montpellier, probably on the E80 coast road to Spain. The incident reported in the Mail occurred approximately 1 hour 40 minutes east on the same motorway. The E80 becomes the AP7 in Spain and continues down the Mediterranean coast. Barcelona is 4 to 5 hours south of the two known locations and the motorways around Barcelona are frequently said to be gassing and highway robbery hotspots.


According to the insurance company, the fact that gas attacks were cited “is not something [the] underwriters would have gone out of their way to prove...as long as there were signs of forcible entry into the motorhomes.”


The three claims contained the following references to gassing:


“...the motorhome was broken into when the family were asleep inside. None of the family heard the noise and so it was thought gas was used”


“...the thief ‘gassed the policyholders’ whilst they slept and broke into the motorhome to steal their belongings”


“...there was a break-in reported after somebody ‘piped gas into the motorhome’”


Two of the claimants’ motorhomes had Thatcham Category 1 alarms fitted, although it is not known whether these were set or triggered. I sleep like a log and have slept through thunderstorms and even TGV trains passing just 30m from the motorhome, but I doubt even I would sleep through an alarm sounding. That said, you have to learn to ignore noises when sleeping in a motorhome by the side of the road otherwise you would never sleep.


Please do not worry about being gassed simply NEVER PARK OVERNIGHT AT A MOTORWAY SERVICE AREAS, instead stop at a village aire or campsite.



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Guest JudgeMental

"Please do not worry about being gassed simply NEVER PARK OVERNIGHT AT A MOTORWAY SERVICE AREAS, instead stop at a village aire or campsite."


Well said Brambles..


more hysterical nonsense from the usual protagonists.....Some need to get a life and grow a pair!lol

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As far as I’m concerned the ‘gassing’ issue is like theism.


There may be a deity that has created the universe and continues to personally involve itself in human beings private lives - or there may not. There seems to be no way to prove which view is true, but the belief that a supreme being may be overseeing one’s every action may persuade some people to act more sensibly than they would otherwise do.


Irrespective of whether or not there have ever actually been theft-related ‘gassing’ incidents, if the belief that ‘gassing’ happens encourages people not to overnight on motorway service areas, that will be a good thing. And if a belief in ‘gassing’ also encourages people to fit gas detectors in their leisure vehicles, that would be no bad thing either.


Now, for god’s sake shut the **** up about this!

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Guest pelmetman
Derek Uzzell - 2014-08-22 1:30 PM


As far as I’m concerned the ‘gassing’ issue is like theism.


There may be a deity that has created the universe and continues to personally involve itself in human beings private lives - or there may not. There seems to be no way to prove which view is true, but the belief that a supreme being may be overseeing one’s every action may persuade some people to act more sensibly than they would otherwise do.


Irrespective of whether or not there have ever actually been theft-related ‘gassing’ incidents, if the belief that ‘gassing’ happens encourages people not to overnight on motorway service areas, that will be a good thing. And if a belief in ‘gassing’ also encourages people to fit gas detectors in their leisure vehicles, that would be no bad thing either.


Now, for god’s sake shut the **** up about this!


You forget Derek.............. I'm an atheist :D............



Although I agree about stopping on motorway services and a CO alarm is a good thing to fit, as they don't need setting like a Thatcham ;-)..........



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Derek Uzzell - 2014-08-22 1:30 PM


As far as I’m concerned the ‘gassing’ issue is like theism.


There may be a deity that has created the universe and continues to personally involve itself in human beings private lives - or there may not. There seems to be no way to prove which view is true, but the belief that a supreme being may be overseeing one’s every action may persuade some people to act more sensibly than they would otherwise do.


Irrespective of whether or not there have ever actually been theft-related ‘gassing’ incidents, if the belief that ‘gassing’ happens encourages people not to overnight on motorway service areas, that will be a good thing. And if a belief in ‘gassing’ also encourages people to fit gas detectors in their leisure vehicles, that would be no bad thing either.


Now, for god’s sake shut the **** up about this!

Although I did not contribute to the last thread, at least do not think I did, cannot be bothered to look, why should people not comment about it. Other things come up repeatedly, i,e. reverse polarity, but no one has this reaction to them. Just because it is not to your liking it does not mean it cannot be discussed, no one is forcing you to read it. It is unfortunate that it caused Dave Newel to leave, he was one of the few genuine experts on here and a big loss but it was his choice, personal I hope he re-thinks. If it is discussed without the personal abuse no problem, sometimes these threads are even funny and certainly better than endless discussions about getting two wires the wrong way around.

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Guest JudgeMental

Civil? Its like trying to have an intelligent conversation with a bag of vegetables......


Edit: One of our finest professional and long term members Dave Newel left because of these idiots?...I find that reprehensible and astonishing to be honest. *-)

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Guest JudgeMental
Brambles - 2014-08-22 2:25 PM


I never said it judge -- whole post is a copy of Tracker's linked item. I posted the whole lot and did myself think the last line very relevant. I suppose I should have put quotes around it all.


no great shakes Brambles...we are copacetic :-D


(I read far to much american literature)

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Guest pelmetman
rupert123 - 2014-08-22 2:00 PM


Derek Uzzell - 2014-08-22 1:30 PM


As far as I’m concerned the ‘gassing’ issue is like theism.


There may be a deity that has created the universe and continues to personally involve itself in human beings private lives - or there may not. There seems to be no way to prove which view is true, but the belief that a supreme being may be overseeing one’s every action may persuade some people to act more sensibly than they would otherwise do.


Irrespective of whether or not there have ever actually been theft-related ‘gassing’ incidents, if the belief that ‘gassing’ happens encourages people not to overnight on motorway service areas, that will be a good thing. And if a belief in ‘gassing’ also encourages people to fit gas detectors in their leisure vehicles, that would be no bad thing either.


Now, for god’s sake shut the **** up about this!

Although I did not contribute to the last thread, at least do not think I did, cannot be bothered to look, why should people not comment about it. Other things come up repeatedly, i,e. reverse polarity, but no one has this reaction to them. Just because it is not to your liking it does not mean it cannot be discussed, no one is forcing you to read it. It is unfortunate that it caused Dave Newel to leave, he was one of the few genuine experts on here and a big loss but it was his choice, personal I hope he re-thinks. If it is discussed without the personal abuse no problem, sometimes these threads are even funny and certainly better than endless discussions about getting two wires the wrong way around.


An interesting analogy ;-)....................


Has anyone ever been injured by a plugging into a reverse polarity ehu? :-S.................or is it just a myth? :D.........

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JudgeMental - 2014-08-22 2:00 PM


Civil? Its like trying to have an intelligent conversation with a bag of vegetables......



Sorry to say Eddie, but it's difficult to recall a time when you ever posted anything civil on a topic with which you disagreed.


Vegetables eh? Now that's not a nice thing to say - please Eddie think before you rant and insult.


You, and others, might not like the topic but it is not going to go away and intelligent discussion will bring out more information from more people that ever insults will, particularly from those who are nervous of being pilloried for daring to have their own opposing opinions as we saw on another thread.


Dave Newell makes his own decisions and as far as I know is not given to hysteria but he really should not use this topic or any one person as an excuse to leave the forum when all he had to do was simply ignore the thread, so I conclude that he possibly has another reason to which we are not privy?


It is a pity as you and many others have said as his knowledge and experience is very valuable to us all, added to which he did get business and referrals because of the forum. Maybe he is too busy now and does not need any more custom via the forum?


Whatever - he and I had a few run ins over the years but I wish him well and every success and happiness in his post forum era.

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Guest Had Enough
JudgeMental - 2014-08-22 2:00 PM


Civil? Its like trying to have an intelligent conversation with a bag of vegetables......



Not a whole bag of vegetables surely? ;-)

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Tracker - 2014-08-22 2:54 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-08-22 2:00 PM


Civil? Its like trying to have an intelligent conversation with a bag of vegetables......



Sorry to say Eddie, but it's difficult to recall a time when you ever posted anything civil on a topic with which you disagreed.


Vegetables eh? Now that's not a nice thing to say - please Eddie think before you rant and insult....




Agree entirely.

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Guest JudgeMental
StuartO - 2014-08-22 4:00 PM


Tracker - 2014-08-22 2:54 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-08-22 2:00 PM


Civil? Its like trying to have an intelligent conversation with a bag of vegetables......



Sorry to say Eddie, but it's difficult to recall a time when you ever posted anything civil on a topic with which you disagreed.


Vegetables eh? Now that's not a nice thing to say - please Eddie think before you rant and insult....




Agree entirely.


Go on surprise me you clueless buffoon. tracker well known for his snide invective and his illusion of piety....And why his been banned before now but crawls back under another persona. Keep you friends close and your enemies closer.

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JudgeMental - 2014-08-22 4:38 PM

Go on surprise me you clueless buffoon. tracker well known for his snide invective and his illusion of piety....And why his been banned before now but crawls back under another persona. Keep you friends close and your enemies closer.


There you go again Eddie - why do you persist in such upleasantries?


Nobody insulted you on this thread and only you in a typically bad tempered, selfish and weak endeavour to justify your own lack of self control has found the need to yet again rake up the same old distortion of old history that as ever has no connection or bearing whatsoever on the current topic.


You unfortunately are exactly the reason so many people are afraid to post on here and many more have left.


Nevertheless, I don't see you as my enemy and I never have and I would happily help if you had a problem so why do you feel the need to continually be so unpleasant not only to me but to so many others?

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StuartO - 2014-08-22 4:00 PM


Tracker - 2014-08-22 2:54 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-08-22 2:00 PM


Civil? Its like trying to have an intelligent conversation with a bag of vegetables......



Sorry to say Eddie, but it's difficult to recall a time when you ever posted anything civil on a topic with which you disagreed.


Vegetables eh? Now that's not a nice thing to say - please Eddie think before you rant and insult....




Agree entirely.


Second that ... To call another on a motorhome forum a vegetable because he/she has a different view is in my view disgraceful ... Thankfully I am not the only one who thinks the same

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Guest JudgeMental
Had Enough - 2014-08-22 3:49 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-08-22 2:00 PM


Civil? Its like trying to have an intelligent conversation with a bag of vegetables......



Not a whole bag of vegetables surely? ;-)


Well at least they have a semblance of intelligence....

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It is a shame that once again this has descended into an ill natured thread.


Why don't we leave the insults there guys and allow normality and civility to return and hopefully other people will have sufficient confidence to express their own view without fear of ridicule or insult?

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