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Possible gas attacks?


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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2014-09-01 2:34 PM


Had Enough - 2014-09-01 1:42 PM


Did you know that there are some people who think that we're ruled by a race of shape-shifting green lizards? What would you call them? I know what I call them!



I give up Frank, I have no idea what you would call a race of shape shifting green lizards so do please tell us what you know about them so we will be forewarned when they try a gas attack on us simply because we are silly enough to not believe in them?


I gave you the link. I hope you're not becoming stupid in your old age Richard? ;-)

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Had Enough - 2014-09-01 2:51 PM


Tracker - 2014-09-01 2:34 PM


Had Enough - 2014-09-01 1:42 PM


Did you know that there are some people who think that we're ruled by a race of shape-shifting green lizards? What would you call them? I know what I call them!



I give up Frank, I have no idea what you would call a race of shape shifting green lizards so do please tell us what you know about them so we will be forewarned when they try a gas attack on us simply because we are silly enough to not believe in them?


I gave you the link. I hope you're not becoming stupid in your old age Richard? ;-)


I am not at all interested in what other people call a shape shifting green lizard Frank but as it was you who raised the issue of their threat I did hope that you would be able to tell me what you call them as I do so value your expert opinion in these matters of national importance.


Whether or not I am becoming stupid is another matter entirely but meanwhile I am trying to inject some humour into this dour and confrontational forum by trying to retain my sense of humour which seemingly is about as far removed from your own sense of humour as are green shape shifting lizards.


Do try not to take yourself so seriously Frank.

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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2014-09-01 3:27 PM


Had Enough - 2014-09-01 2:51 PM


Tracker - 2014-09-01 2:34 PM


Had Enough - 2014-09-01 1:42 PM


Did you know that there are some people who think that we're ruled by a race of shape-shifting green lizards? What would you call them? I know what I call them!



I give up Frank, I have no idea what you would call a race of shape shifting green lizards so do please tell us what you know about them so we will be forewarned when they try a gas attack on us simply because we are silly enough to not believe in them?


I gave you the link. I hope you're not becoming stupid in your old age Richard? ;-)


I am not at all interested in what other people call a shape shifting green lizard Frank but as it was you who raised the issue of their threat I did hope that you would be able to tell me what you call them as I do so value your expert opinion in these matters of national importance.


Whether or not I am becoming stupid is another matter entirely but meanwhile I am trying to inject some humour into this dour and confrontational forum by trying to retain my sense of humour which seemingly is about as far removed from your own sense of humour as are green shape shifting lizards.


Do try not to take yourself so seriously Frank.


I call them 'Green shape-shifting lizards'. I hope this clarifies it for you. And the subject of my sentence was the people who think we're ruled by the lizards, not the lizards themselves.


I call these people 'Stupid'.


I hope that has answered all your questions regarding this. If not please don't hesitate to come back to me.



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Actually Frank the subject of your post was the lizards according to the way it reads -


Did you know that there are some people who think that we're ruled by a race of shape-shifting green lizards? What would you call them? I know what I call them!


I could suggest a few names but I doubt your sense of humour and ability to laugh at yourself is up to it so rather than start another spat I won't - but maybe some body else might!


Forgive me Frank for having an ir-repressable sense of fun, a warped sense of humour and for being unable to take life or myself too seriously!

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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2014-09-01 4:26 PM


Actually Frank the subject of your post was the lizards according to the way it reads -


Did you know that there are some people who think that we're ruled by a race of shape-shifting green lizards? What would you call them? I know what I call them!


I could suggest a few names but I doubt your sense of humour and ability to laugh at yourself is up to it so rather than start another spat I won't - but maybe some body else might!


It's not my fault Richard if you don't understand grammar. The question was: 'Did you know there are some people who think....................................'


The next question was: 'What would you call them................'


I never asked about anyone having a name for the lizards.


The subject of the sentence was clearly the people who think we're run by green lizards. Among other things sentences have subjects and objects.


But you're right of course about my sense of humour. I have never submitted a post that's intended to be funny. My budgie protection equipment is just one example of humorous posts that I've never made.


I shall try to improve my funny posts' quota in future.

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Guest Had Enough
pepe63 - 2014-09-01 4:40 PM


Tracker - 2014-09-01 4:26 PM


Forgive me Frank for having an ir-repressable sense of fun, a warped sense of humour and for being unable to take life or myself too seriously!


...and not forgetting your modesty, which knows no bounds.... ;-)


That's extremely funny. I wish I could do humorous stuff like that.

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Had Enough - 2014-09-01 4:42 PM


pepe63 - 2014-09-01 4:40 PM


Tracker - 2014-09-01 4:26 PM


Forgive me Frank for having an ir-repressable sense of fun, a warped sense of humour and for being unable to take life or myself too seriously!


...and not forgetting your modesty, which knows no bounds.... ;-)


That's extremely funny. I wish I could do humorous stuff like that.


Don't we all!

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pepe63 - 2014-09-01 4:40 PM


Tracker - 2014-09-01 4:26 PM


Forgive me Frank for having an ir-repressable sense of fun, a warped sense of humour and for being unable to take life or myself too seriously!


...and not forgetting your modesty, which knows no bounds.... ;-)


Aw gee shucks Pepe - that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me!

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If the trnt was split where the robbers got in, how come the gas didn't escape? Furthermore how come the robbers targetted a trailertent rather than an expensive looking caravan with potentially richer pickings?

Sorry still don't and won't believe these gassing stories until someone proves one.

How come the authorities never do a blood test to see what is in the system? (besides alcohol)

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Guest pelmetman
Mike B. - 2014-09-01 8:16 PM


How come the authorities never do a blood test to see what is in the system? (besides alcohol)


They did for the incident before this one........ 6 people were found to have CO poisoning ;-)...............



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pelmetman - 2014-09-01 8:35 PM


Mike B. - 2014-09-01 8:16 PM


How come the authorities never do a blood test to see what is in the system? (besides alcohol)


They did for the incident before this one........ 6 people were found to have CO poisoning ;-)...............



Sure -- they were all heavy smokers -- that's where it came from! >:-)



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Guest Had Enough
Symbol Owner - 2014-09-01 8:39 PM


pelmetman - 2014-09-01 8:35 PM


Mike B. - 2014-09-01 8:16 PM


How come the authorities never do a blood test to see what is in the system? (besides alcohol)


They did for the incident before this one........ 6 people were found to have CO poisoning ;-)...............



Sure -- they were all heavy smokers -- that's where it came from! >:-)




He knows damn well that they didn't have CO 'poisoning' but is so desperate to dig himself out of his gaseous hole that he repeats this nonsense again.


The people concerned claimed that the hospital said that they had CO in their bloodstreams. And as we know, many smokers have CO in their bloodstream. It never mentioned poisoning although I think the DM had some attention-grabbing headline about it.


But what he can't work out is how the ones in the Luton cab were only put to sleep without killing the ones lower down. And again, why aren't there any dead dogs around?

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-09-01 9:00 PM


Symbol Owner - 2014-09-01 8:39 PM


pelmetman - 2014-09-01 8:35 PM


Mike B. - 2014-09-01 8:16 PM


How come the authorities never do a blood test to see what is in the system? (besides alcohol)


They did for the incident before this one........ 6 people were found to have CO poisoning ;-)...............



Sure -- they were all heavy smokers -- that's where it came from! >:-)




He knows damn well that they didn't have CO 'poisoning' but is so desperate to dig himself out of his gaseous hole that he repeats this nonsense again.


The people concerned claimed that the hospital said that they had CO in their bloodstreams. And as we know, many smokers have CO in their bloodstream. It never mentioned poisoning although I think the DM had some attention-grabbing headline about it.


But what he can't work out is how the ones in the Luton cab were only put to sleep without killing the ones lower down. And again, why aren't there any dead dogs around?


Are you suggesting French medical staff are incapable of telling the difference between a heavy smoker and CO poisoning? :-S..................



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Yes -- because they would only be using a basic test for CO in the blood, which says nothing about the source of the gas nor its concentration before absorbtion -- it obviously wasn't enough to kill the occupants -- so for the French medics it would just be a crude (and pretty low) measure of blood level CO., nothing more.



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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-09-01 9:05 PM


Are you suggesting French medical staff are incapable of telling the difference between a heavy smoker and CO poisoning? :-S..................



God, you're unbelievable. No I'm not. What I'm saying is that the French medics may well have said that their blood did show signs of CO. The six people did not say that the hospital mentioned poisoning, only that they said they had signs of CO. And this after much prompting probably from some real dumbos who would have pushed them to confirm that they may have been gassed because they themselves wanted to believe it.


What's hilarious about this apart from your inability to see the obvious is your sudden faith in experts.


But you never ever come back with a reason why no one ever hears these gassings or sees them. You never try to explain why in thirty years NOT ONE incident has been witnessed by any independent witness.


You never try to explain why so much gas to incapacitate a grown man never kills small dogs. Perhaps the robbers have X-ray vision and can work out the weight of the occupants, how many there are and if they have a dog or two?


Anyone with an IQ of 80 or more should be able to work out why all this is utter bollox. Those who can't can only fall back on their ''open mind'. Hilarious, but very sad.


Time to give a rest don't you think?

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Guest Had Enough
Symbol Owner - 2014-09-01 9:17 PM


Yes -- because they would only be using a basic test for CO in the blood, which says nothing about the source of the gas nor its concentration before absorbtion -- it obviously wasn't enough to kill the occupants -- so for the French medics it would just be a crude (and pretty low) measure of blood level CO., nothing more.




And as we know these 'experts' are often wrong. I learned that from Pelmetman. ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-09-01 9:00 PM



But what he can't work out is how the ones in the Luton cab were only put to sleep without killing the ones lower down. And again, why aren't there any dead dogs around?


Chem4kids Sections Search


States of Matter


Looking for a Gas

Gases are all around you. You might see the atmosphere, bubbles in soda, volcanic fumes, or helium filled balloons.


Gases are everywhere. You may have heard about the atmosphere. The atmosphere is an envelope of gases that surrounds the Earth. In solids, atoms and molecules are compact and close together. Liquids have atoms that are spread out a little more. The molecules in gases are really spread out, full of energy, and constantly moving around in random ways.


****What is another physical characteristic of gases? Gases can fill a container of any size or shape. It doesn't matter how big the container is. "The molecules spread out to fill the whole space equally". Think about a balloon. No matter what shape you make the balloon, it will be evenly filled with the gas molecules. Even if you make a balloon animal, the molecules are spread equally throughout the entire shape.******


Liquids can only fill the bottom of a container, while gases can fill it entirely. The shape of liquids is very dependent on gravity, while less dense gases are light enough to have a more freedom to move.



Maybe the bit I highlighted will explain why ;-)...........Looks like a useful site for you to do some homework Frank :D.........



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And that Frank, is making no mention of any communication problems between two groups of people whose first language was not that of the person/people that they were speaking to concerning a medical technicality! The mind boggles at the sheer gullibility of people who believe this kind of DM cr*p!





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Guest pelmetman
Symbol Owner - 2014-09-01 9:28 PM


And that Frank, is making no mention of any communication problems between two groups of people whose first language was not that of the person/people that they were speaking to concerning a medical technicality! The mind boggles at the sheer gullibility of people who believe this kind of DM cr*p!






Which explains why they were given oxygen ;-)...............because they were heavy smokers *-).......



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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-09-01 9:25 PM



Chem4kids Sections Search



I'm glad that you've found a site suitable for your intellect. Later you can move up to the grown-up stuff.


Still no explanation about the lack of witnesses over thirty years. Still no explanation of how they always get it just right and never kill anyone.


Still, you could try 'logic-for-five-year-olds.com'. Let us know how you get on.


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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-09-01 9:31 PM



Which explains why they were given oxygen ;-)...............because they were heavy smokers *-).......



Yea. They were gassed at four in the morning and needed oxygen about eight hours later. Hadn't they been breathing much air in between? You just get sillier and will believe any old rubbish to support your ludicrous stance.


We keep explaining all this stuff for you but you just can't take it in can you?


Anyway, what about this lack of witnesses and no deaths of small people and smaller dogs?


Come on, give us your expert opinion.

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Guest Had Enough
Symbol Owner - 2014-09-01 9:28 PM


And that Frank, is making no mention of any communication problems between two groups of people whose first language was not that of the person/people that they were speaking to concerning a medical technicality! The mind boggles at the sheer gullibility of people who believe this kind of DM cr*p!






My mind doesn't boggle about one person believing it. On past form I expect it. (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-09-01 9:32 PM


pelmetman - 2014-09-01 9:25 PM



Chem4kids Sections Search



I'm glad that you've found a site suitable for your intellect. Later you can move up to the grown-up stuff.


Still no explanation about the lack of witnesses over thirty years. Still no explanation of how they always get it just right and never kill anyone.


Still, you could try 'logic-for-five-year-olds.com'. Let us know how you get on.


Oh dear Frank..... did the kiddies website prove your theory wrong? (lol)...................


Seeing as there's already been 3 reports this year on the same section of French motorway...............only a matter of time in my view before they catch someone ;-)..............





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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-09-01 9:36 PM


pelmetman - 2014-09-01 9:31 PM



Which explains why they were given oxygen ;-)...............because they were heavy smokers *-).......



Yea. They were gassed at four in the morning and needed oxygen about eight hours later. Hadn't they been breathing much air in between? You just get sillier and will believe any old rubbish to support your ludicrous stance.


We keep explaining all this stuff for you but you just can't take it in can you?


Anyway, what about this lack of witnesses and no deaths of small people and smaller dogs?


Come on, give us your expert opinion.


When a person or animal breathes air with an unsafe carbon monoxide level the amount of carbon monoxide in their blood stream (COHb) will begin to rise.


Once removed from the source of carbon monoxide:


Breathing fresh air will decrease the unsafe carbon monoxide level in the blood stream by 50% within 4 to 5 hours, then another 50% every 4 to 5 hours after that until normal levels are reached.


Breathing pure oxygen will decrease the unsafe carbon monoxide level in the blood stream by 50% within about 1 hour, then another 50% every hour after that until normal levels are reached.





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