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Possible gas attacks?


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Brambles - 2014-09-03 3:18 PM


rupert123 - 2014-09-03 2:14 PM


Brambles - 2014-09-02 1:56 PM


"the C. & C. C. urged tourists to buy gas monitors",


Thats a new one on me...not read this in any of the stories printed in the papers.

Have you got a link or are these stories really growing arms and legs as they get repeated.


Daily Mail again, Monday I think.



Richard Grimsdale, The Camping and Caravanning Club’s Travel Services Director, said: “Thousands of Club members travel to France every year and we have never had to deal with a gas related criminal issue. France is a motorhome and camping-friendly country that has a network of stopover locations specifically designed for camping units. In most cases they're run by local town councils offering a range of facilities, and are much different to those that line the Autoroute. As a Club, we’d advise that the safest option is to stay at official campsites en route to or returning from camping holidays abroad.The Club offers a network of selected campsites across Europe that can be pre-booked to make travelling safe and easy.


“Like in any country, we’d advise people to use their common sense and be observant, take sensible security precautions and not leave valuables on display.”


...nothing about gas detectors -- and was the Telegraph not Daily Mail although they also ran the story



It was Mathew Collins from Cross Motorhomes who has made reference to gas detectors......


Matthew Collins, manager at Johns Cross Motorcaravan and Camping Centre in East Sussex, said customers were now fitting their caravans with £99 narcotic gas detector and asking about safety measures.


“There are definitely more people asking about buying them as a result of the publicity. These detectors sound an alarm if thieves try to pipe ether gas into a caravan. It’s obviously a big concern for families.


“We’ve had customers telling us it happened to them in France and Spain. They should avoid overnight stays at motorway service stops and make sure their caravans look well-secured. Robbers tend to go for a caravan which looks like an easy target.”



Just do not want to get Pelvicman all excited he has the backing of the C&CC to add to his argument!

Just checked. Definitely the Daily Mail, Monday 1 September page 32, northern edition. Headline 'Britons are gassed as tent thieves strike again in France'. Second column 'British families have reported similar raids this summer and yesterday the Caravan and Camping Club urged tourists not to sleep in French service stations and consider buying gas monitors'.

There you go, the Pelmet bloke vindicated, he was right all along, perhaps thread will make page 12 now.

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Tracker - 2014-09-02 10:29 PM


nowtelse2do - 2014-09-02 9:08 PM


Would a gasbag from uddersfield qualify ? :D




Other than champion lead nicker of the North I didn't realise that His eminence the Ud of Uddersfield had any qualifications?


You don't need qualifications for my line of work Rich just a scratch of the head and an ' I'm afraid it's a lot worse than I first thought .... It's going to cost more than I originally thought so do you need a lift down to the cash card ? ' .... And that's it

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"........... 'British families have reported similar raids this summer and yesterday the Caravan and Camping Club urged tourists not to sleep in French service stations and consider buying gas monitors' "


can I place a strategic comma after service stations ????



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Guest Had Enough

Yet another bunch of thickos who, if they hadn't heard this gassing myth previously, would never have thought of it. And another bunch of thickos who just happen to have had £2000 in cash on them.


Quote from the article: 'Richard Grimsdale, The Camping and Caravanning Club’s Travel Services Director, said: “Thousands of Club members travel to France every year and we have never had to deal with a gas related criminal issue.'


But now that the sleeping gas issue has been knocked on the head, and it's been that for thirty years, even more thickos have now decided that it's something even more dangerous, carbon monoxide.


When that's finally nailed, as it will be, the thickos will be talking about some imaginary 'incapacitant'

that only East European thugs are aware of.


You really couldn't make it up!



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Guest Had Enough
Brambles - 2014-09-03 5:57 PM


Maybe the next one will be playing soothing and tranquil music on their car radio next to your Motorhome which lulls you into a deep sleep ........ Hey! this might actually work. Maybe add in a bit of ocean sounds and the call of the eagle.....


You think you're joking don't you? ;-)

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Oooh?..I dunno now?...



"Miss Kearns’ parents Gill, 55, and Tony, 53, had slept in the caravan and were not robbed. But Miss Kearns believes they were gassed too, because their dog was with them but did not wake up"


So...they've drawn the conclusion that their dog, which was in a different vehicle(the caravan which wasn't attacked), didn't wake or make a noise because it too had been "gassed"... (lol)




Here you go Brambles...

(..just make sure you put your coffee mug down, just in case you nod off and keel over!)



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A couple of questions,


If the type of gas is not known, how does a gas detector know what to detect ?


and does a carbon monoxide detect anything ? or does it just detect lack of oxygen ? (which would also happen if a gas is introduced ?


What gas is used summat cheap, ? propane, butane, Nitrous oxide, but I don't think anyone woke up laughing.





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Guest pelmetman
tonyishuk - 2014-09-04 11:29 AM


A couple of questions,


If the type of gas is not known, how does a gas detector know what to detect ?


and does a carbon monoxide detect anything ? or does it just detect lack of oxygen ? (which would also happen if a gas is introduced ?


What gas is used summat cheap, ? propane, butane, Nitrous oxide, but I don't think anyone woke up laughing.





The couple in the first incident described symptoms similar to CO poisoning, the 6 people in the second incident all had high enough CO levels for them to require oxygen ;-)............and now a third incident within two months on the same stretch of motorway................make your own minds up folks >:-)............



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tonyishuk - 2014-09-04 11:29 AM


A couple of questions,


If the type of gas is not known, how does a gas detector know what to detect ?


and does a carbon monoxide detect anything ? or does it just detect lack of oxygen ? (which would also happen if a gas is introduced ?


What gas is used summat cheap, ? propane, butane, Nitrous oxide, but I don't think anyone woke up laughing.





You will have to ask Pelmetman who is our resident expert regarding gas attacks and understands how it occurs so if anyone knows it will be him.


EDIT - Oh sorry you were, they were rhetorical questions!

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Guest pelmetman
Brambles - 2014-09-04 3:06 PM


tonyishuk - 2014-09-04 11:29 AM


A couple of questions,


If the type of gas is not known, how does a gas detector know what to detect ?


and does a carbon monoxide detect anything ? or does it just detect lack of oxygen ? (which would also happen if a gas is introduced ?


What gas is used summat cheap, ? propane, butane, Nitrous oxide, but I don't think anyone woke up laughing.





You will have to ask Pelmetman who is our resident expert regarding gas attacks and understands how it occurs so if anyone knows it wil be him.


I only know what I read in the papers and what the frog plod and French medical staff say...........I suspect as they have had to deal with the consequences, I reckon their views are more valuable than our resident Ostrich skeptic brigade >:-)...............

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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-09-04 2:20 PM


The couple in the first incident described symptoms similar to CO poisoning, the 6 people in the second incident all had high enough CO levels for them to require oxygen ;-)............and now a third incident within two months on the same stretch of motorway................make your own minds up folks >:-)............



Once more I'll try to explain this to you in the simplest possible terms, although from past experience, you still won't be able to understand, but I can only try.


There hasn't been a third incident. There's been some thick people who, because they've heard of this gassing myth have decided to try it on with their insurers. Staying in a tent with £2000 in cash. Yea, of course!


There were no witnesses to this, but then again, in thirty odd years there never have been.


Make up your own mind folks.


The thickos from Derbyshire claim that they were given oxygen. There was no indication that they actually needed it but of course in order to prop up yet another claim for £2000 in cash and lots of jewelry of course, if they had oxygen, they probably asked for it.


But here's the bit that underlines your mental deficiency. They claim that they couldn't sleep. But they never noticed a car drawing up in the middle of the night when sound travels. And there couldn't have been any other vehicles moving as that would have meant witnesses, but again of course, there weren't any.


So whilst they lie awake they don't hear this car alongside or notice the noise from its engine and the kerfuffle of some men attaching hoses etc.


But what oddest is that all the time that it must have taken the robbers to wave their hose around and for the gas to gradually permeate up into they motorhome, they never, as they lay awake, noticed the smoky horrible smell of the car exhaust fumes?


Make up your own minds folks!


People who can read this report and still believe it was a gassing are, to put it as kindly as possible, extremely unintelligent. They are not just thick but they're gullible. Or of course they're so determined not to be proven wrong from the corner that they're backed into that they'll continue to squirm and wriggle and ignore the really important point, which they never address and which is:


In thirty odd years since this started on trains (how was CO possible then) not one incident has ever been seen by a third party. Not one of these operations, which must have taken an hour or two has ever been noticed, and it's a very noisy operation.


Make up your own minds folks.


Some thick people were robbed. They may well have a bit of CO in their blood. But if they did it's from smoking or a dodgy gas appliance.


Now, you've become a laughing stock on this forum with your continuing blind faith in this impossible nonsense. Trying to explain to you why it's just never happened is a bit like trying to explain to a child why the earth isn't flat.


You really do need to stop and think a little bit more deeply than you can normally manage.




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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-09-04 3:17 PM



The thickos from Derbyshire claim that they were given oxygen. There was no indication that they actually needed it




Oh dear I've woken up Frank de Plank :D...................I'm pretty sure French medical staff are more capable than a camera salesman, of deciding from a "blood test" whether people need oxygen or not ;-).............



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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-09-04 3:27 PM


Had Enough - 2014-09-04 3:17 PM



The thickos from Derbyshire claim that they were given oxygen. There was no indication that they actually needed it




Oh dear I've woken up Frank de Plank :D...................I'm pretty sure French medical staff are more capable than a camera salesman, of deciding from a "blood test" whether people need oxygen or not ;-).............



You're still not answering those awkward questions? Are they too difficult for you?




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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-09-04 3:17 PM


There hasn't been a third incident. There's been some thick people who, because they've heard of this gassing myth have decided to try it on with their insurers.




We've already heard from an insurer that whether gas was used or not would be immaterial to any potential claim ;-)......................So that's another skeptic myth busted :D...............



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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-09-04 3:34 PM



We've already heard from an insurer that whether gas was used or not would be immaterial to any potential claim ;-)......................So that's another skeptic myth busted :D...............



But the stupid people didn't know that and the really stupid people wouldn't be able to work that the stupid people who were robbed wouldn't know that.


But when are you going to answer the awkward questions? They're too tricky for you aren't they?



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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-09-04 3:17 PM



But here's the bit that underlines your mental deficiency. They claim that they couldn't sleep. But they never noticed a car drawing up in the middle of the night when sound travels. And there couldn't have been any other vehicles moving as that would have meant witnesses, but again of course, there weren't any.


So whilst they lie awake they don't hear this car alongside or notice the noise from its engine and the kerfuffle of some men attaching hoses etc.


But what oddest is that all the time that it must have taken the robbers to wave their hose around and for the gas to gradually permeate up into they motorhome, they never, as they lay awake, noticed the smoky horrible smell of the car exhaust fumes?



I think you'll find in two of the incidents people mention being woken but failing to become fully awake, or as one person said zoning out ;-).................


As for the smell of exhaust fumes I would imagine a filter of the type used for gas masks would help reduce the odour :D................. although yours doesn't appear to stop the smell of male cow poo :-S....................





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Guest Had Enough

Questions for Pelmetman.


If the Derbyshire thickos couldn't sleep, how come they didn't hear the car drawing up and the engine running whilst the robbers attached the hose and ran the gas into the 'van? It must have taken ages.


They claimed that they couldn't sleep because of the heat, so with six people in a 'van the windows would surely have been open? So with open windows how come they heard nothing? How come they never smelled anything as they lay awake?


Surely, if you're lying awake unable to sleep and a car runs its engine outside your 'van in the middle of the night you'd be a bit annoyed and at least have a look?


There are many more glaring anomalies in all these tales the main one being that no one ever sees these gassings going on. Never, ever, over thirty odd years.


But let's just start with these simple questions about the Derbyshire thickos robbery.


I know that everyone of us sceptics is waiting with baited breath for your explanation.


This should be fun! (lol)

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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-09-04 3:44 PM


As for the smell of exhaust fumes I would imagine a filter of the type used for gas masks would help reduce the odour .



Ah, I see. They're now so clever that they have special filters that stop the smell of the exhaust fumes but still let the gas through. This must be getting to be an expensive business for these two-bit robbers.


This is getting hilarious! (lol) (lol) (lol)


I you sure they're not aliens? *-)

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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-09-04 3:44 PM



I think you'll find in two of the incidents people mention being woken but failing to become fully awake, or as one person said zoning out ;-).................





Good try but in the Derbyshire thickos case they stated that they were awake and couldn't sleep. So let's have your explanation as to why they heard nothing.


Come on, give it a go. We all need a laugh.

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-09-04 3:52 PM


Questions for Pelmetman.


If the Derbyshire thickos couldn't sleep, how come they didn't hear the car drawing up and the engine running whilst the robbers attached the hose and ran the gas into the 'van? It must have taken ages.


They claimed that they couldn't sleep because of the heat, so with six people in a 'van the windows would surely have been open? So with open windows how come they heard nothing? How come they never smelled anything as they lay awake?


Surely, if you're lying awake unable to sleep and a car runs its engine outside your 'van in the middle of the night you'd be a bit annoyed and at least have a look?



From a respirator company website ;-)................


"What respirator should I use to protect against vehicle exhaust fumes?

You can get filters to take out the soot particles and unburnt hydrocarbons (fuel)****but not to take out the carbon monoxide****. So the ideal solution would be a supplied air system or self contained breathing apparatus."


I've highlighted the interesting bit............and I see your convinced you know more about CO poisoning than French medical staff *-).................I should send the hospital an email Frank and tell them the next time they have British tourists with CO poisoning, that they've really got some thicko Northerners :-S.............


Hang on a minute Frank......you come from Ooop North...........looks like some are thicker than others (lol)...........Personally if it happened to me I'd be inclined to give the opinions of the French medical staff more credence than a camera salesman nothing personal you understand >:-).....

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