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Possible gas attacks?


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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-09-04 3:58 PM


pelmetman - 2014-09-04 3:44 PM



I think you'll find in two of the incidents people mention being woken but failing to become fully awake, or as one person said zoning out ;-).................





Good try but in the Derbyshire thickos case they stated that they were awake and couldn't sleep. So let's have your explanation as to why they heard nothing.


Come on, give it a go. We all need a laugh.


You appear to have trouble reading or understanding the articles Frank :-S..................I can only assume your blinded by your skepticism *-).................


No doubt they'll be another incident soon for you to poo poo Frank ;-)..........and you can rely on me to flag it up >:-)................

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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-09-04 4:23 PM


You appear to have trouble reading or understanding the articles Frank :-S..................I can only assume your blinded by your skepticism *-).................


No doubt they'll be another incident soon for you to poo poo Frank ;-)..........and you can rely on me to flag it up >:-)................


No, I read the article. It said they were having trouble sleeping. So come on. Answer the question - how could they not have heard what was going on?


Answer the question - how come in thirty years not one case has been proven, how come not one case has been witnessed by a third party?


But we're slowly getting there. We now know it's not ether or nitrous oxide (which most of us knew anyway). We are now told that it's carbon monoxide but the latest twist is that it's not a normal hose pipe, it has special filters to remove the smell.


Laughing stock? Make up you own minds folks. (lol)


Perhaps as our resident expert you could tell us what they used on the trains thirty years ago, which is when it all started?


Make up your own minds folks! ;-)


Only one thing has been proven in these threads, that a certain person is beyond thick. *-)

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Guest Had Enough
pepe63 - 2014-09-04 4:20 PM


Madge Gentle - 2014-09-04 4:11 PM


Are you lot still banging on about this alleged gas threat that doesn't exist after 10 pages?


At least it should calm down a bit when you're back at school next week ….......


(lol) (lol) ..I blame it on too many E-numbers! (lol)


Something has addled his brain that's for sure! (lol)

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Guest pelmetman

So talking of awkward questions.......any of you skeptics have a "plausible" reason for 6 people to have CO poisoning as verified by French medical staff? ;-)...............



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Guest JudgeMental
spot he brain cell.....leaky exhaust/poorly installed, non tested gas appliance at home..the list endless.........................NEXT!
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Guest pelmetman
JudgeMental - 2014-09-04 5:08 PM


spot he brain cell.....leaky exhaust/poorly installed, non tested gas appliance at home..the list endless.........................NEXT!


3 times on the same stretch of motorway ;-).................a bit Bermuda triangle if you ask me..........and doesn't explain why the frog plod are blaming it on Eastern European gangs *-)..............



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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-09-04 5:04 PM


So talking of awkward questions.......any of you skeptics have a "plausible" reason for 6 people to have CO poisoning as verified by French medical staff? ;-)...............



Poisoning? Where did the staff or the thickos mention poisoning? Smokers have CO in the blood. We've explained all this to you before. There may have been a bit of a leak from an appliance. We've explained all this to you before. Please, concentrate.


But please don't try to divert. When are you going to answer the questions? These are the questions that prove (to anyone with a brain) that it's all a myth.


Come on. Give us the answers. Stop us being from sceptical.

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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-09-04 5:11 PM


3 times on the same stretch of motorway ;-).................a bit Bermuda triangle if you ask me..........and doesn't explain why the frog plod are blaming it on Eastern European gangs *-)..............



I'll try to explain again. There haven't been any examples. There have only been thickos who think they were gassed. But those of us with a brain can work out why it's not possible.


Why aren't you answering the questions I asked? They're reasonable and fair question. If you want to be taken seriously start arguing seriously and answer them.


And show me one official police notice where they confirm this. All we've had is thickos saying 'The police said this........................'


You spend half your time on here deriding experts. But when someone claims that an expert said something, it's suddenly gospel. *-)

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Guest Had Enough
JudgeMental - 2014-09-04 5:08 PM


spot he brain cell.....leaky exhaust/poorly installed, non tested gas appliance at home..the list endless.........................NEXT!


I love this. >:-) The more it goes on the more he proves how utterly brainless and gullible he is. Let's keep it going say I.


With every post he digs deeper. (lol) (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-09-04 5:41 PM


pelmetman - 2014-09-04 5:04 PM


So talking of awkward questions.......any of you skeptics have a "plausible" reason for 6 people to have CO poisoning as verified by French medical staff? ;-)...............



Poisoning? Where did the staff or the thickos mention poisoning? Smokers have CO in the blood. We've explained all this to you before. There may have been a bit of a leak from an appliance. We've explained all this to you before. Please, concentrate.


But please don't try to divert. When are you going to answer the questions? These are the questions that prove (to anyone with a brain) that it's all a myth.


Come on. Give us the answers. Stop us being from sceptical.


"Mrs Chadwick said the family had been given a report from the hospital saying that they had been affected by carbon monoxide.


She said doctors believed that was “more than likely” from exhaust fumes."


Would a doctor not know the difference between a heavy smoker and someone who has been poisoned?..................Clearly not :-S..........they need to ask a camera salesman for his expert opinion >:-) ................



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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-09-04 5:50 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-09-04 5:08 PM


spot he brain cell.....leaky exhaust/poorly installed, non tested gas appliance at home..the list endless.........................NEXT!


I love this. >:-) The more it goes on the more he proves how utterly brainless and gullible he is. Let's keep it going say I.


With every post he digs deeper. (lol) (lol)


I think its more a case of how desperate that you skeptics are not to be proved wrong ;-)............as you clearly know more than the French police or medical staff as its they who your calling liars Frank *-)...........I'm just repeating their opinions............much to the annoyance of you skeptics >:-)..........



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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-09-04 6:01 PM


"Mrs Chadwick said the family had been given a report from the hospital saying that they had been affected by carbon monoxide.


She said doctors believed that was “more than likely” from exhaust fumes."


Would a doctor not know the difference between a heavy smoker and someone who has been poisoned?..................Clearly not :-S..........they need to ask a camera salesman for his expert opinion >:-) ................



Mrs Chadwick said........................... (lol) She also said that on return from holiday that they still had £2000 in cash. *-)


I love the way that in every other post I'm suddenly a camera salesman. Congratulations on spelling it properly. I always assumed you'd spell it 'kamera salesman'. (lol) (lol)


But don't think we're being diverted. When are you going to answer my questions? Come on, if you're so sure of your facts it can't be hard. Don't worry about spelling things wrongly. Just give us the answers. ;-)


This is fun. >:-)

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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-09-04 6:04 PM


I think its more a case of how desperate that you skeptics are not to be proved wrong ;-)............as you clearly know more than the French police or medical staff as its they who your calling liars Frank *-)...........I'm just repeating their opinions............much to the annoyance of you skeptics >:-)..........



I'll try again. Now read slowly. You're repeating the claims of a load of thickos who had a £2000 plus insurance claim in mind. Now please, try not to be the winner of the Gullible Idiot of the Year award.


Are you ready to answer my simple questions yet? *-) Or do you just want to keep digging and cement your reputation on here even more? (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-09-04 6:09 PM


pelmetman - 2014-09-04 6:01 PM


"Mrs Chadwick said the family had been given a report from the hospital saying that they had been affected by carbon monoxide.


She said doctors believed that was “more than likely” from exhaust fumes."


Would a doctor not know the difference between a heavy smoker and someone who has been poisoned?..................Clearly not :-S..........they need to ask a camera salesman for his expert opinion >:-) ................



Mrs Chadwick said........................... (lol) She also said that on return from holiday that they still had £2000 in cash. *-)


I love the way that in every other post I'm suddenly a camera salesman. Congratulations on spelling it properly. I always assumed you'd spell it 'kamera salesman'. (lol) (lol)


But don't think we're being diverted. When are you going to answer my questions? Come on, if you're so sure of your facts it can't be hard. Don't worry about spelling things wrongly. Just give us the answers. ;-)


This is fun. >:-)


Not my facts Frank ;-).................The French authorities facts..........although klearly your incapable of accepting the opinion of the French police or medics............must be because your a bit of a klot :D...........



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Guest Had Enough



Questions for Pelmetman.


If the Derbyshire thickos couldn't sleep, how come they didn't hear the car drawing up and the engine running whilst the robbers attached the hose and ran the gas into the 'van? It must have taken ages.


They claimed that they couldn't sleep because of the heat, so with six people in a 'van the windows would surely have been open? So with open windows how come they heard nothing? How come they never smelled anything as they lay awake?


Surely, if you're lying awake unable to sleep and a car runs its engine outside your 'van in the middle of the night you'd be a bit annoyed and at least have a look?


There are many more glaring anomalies in all these tales the main one being that no one ever sees these gassings going on. Never, ever, over thirty odd years.


But let's just start with these simple questions about the Derbyshire thickos robbery.


I know that everyone of us sceptics is waiting with baited breath for your explanation.


This should be fun!

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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-09-04 6:15 PM


Not my facts Frank ;-).................The French authorities facts..........although klearly your incapable of accepting the opinion of the French police or medics............must be because your a bit of a klot :D...........



Show us the reports from the French authorities please. You can do this after you've answered the simple questions above. >:-)


Is everyone ready for Pelmet's answers? Or perhaps he hasn't got any? *-)


I'm going out now. I'll look forward to your answers when I get back. (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-09-04 6:12 PM


pelmetman - 2014-09-04 6:04 PM


I think its more a case of how desperate that you skeptics are not to be proved wrong ;-)............as you clearly know more than the French police or medical staff as its they who your calling liars Frank *-)...........I'm just repeating their opinions............much to the annoyance of you skeptics >:-)..........



I'll try again. Now read slowly. You're repeating the claims of a load of thickos who had a £2000 plus insurance claim in mind. Now please, try not to be the winner of the Gullible Idiot of the Year award.


Are you ready to answer my simple questions yet? *-) Or do you just want to keep digging and cement your reputation on here even more? (lol)


Well if you think that's the case Frank, don't you think you ought to do your bit as a upright citizen and report them to the police ;-)..................With you on the insurance company side they wont have a leg to stand on..............and then you can come back on here and tell us how you proved them wrong ;-)..............It'll do your skeptics case a power of good...........but you wont will you Frank? because you know your just an old windbag>:-).................



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Guest pelmetman
teflon2 - 2014-09-04 7:51 PM


Dave I've sent you a PM showing a simple system to do this. John (^) (gassing)


Thanks for the pm John ;-).............The free wifi kept dropping off last night so I think I sent my reply about 3 times :-S..........


Very interesting though, another potential method of delivering CO, with a easily contrived bit of kit and a camping stove 8-)................It could almost look like your having a brew up ;-)...............No noise..... and I presume No smell?.............and all for 50p a pop :-|................

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Guest pelmetman

Have you got back yet Frank?...........


0800 555 111.................There you go, that's the number for crime stoppers ;-)...........


You have all the evidence that its a scam don't you? :-|................So your'll be right about the Chadwick's claim being an insurance scam?................. ;-)

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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-09-06 9:57 PM


Have you got back yet Frank?...........


0800 555 111.................There you go, that's the number for crime stoppers ;-)...........


You have all the evidence that its a scam don't you? :-|................So your'll be right about the Chadwick's claim being an insurance scam?................. ;-)


Once more you show everyone how totally thick you are. Where has anyone ever denied that the Derbyshire thickos were robbed?


But I'll say this again, they claim to have had £2000 in cash after the holiday had ended. Yea, of course they did! *-)


And I've no doubt that they thought that they'd been gassed. But that's because, like you, they're too thick to work out why, if they couldn't sleep, they never heard the car running for hours and didn't smell the exhaust fumes.


Oh, I forgot, they've now got special filters to stop the smell! Very sophisticated these toe-rags! (lol)


But I'll tell you what, when you answer the simple questions I've been asking you for days, I'll phone crime stoppers and tell them that any talk of gassing is stupid nonsense, by stupid people who haven't got the brains to work out why it's never been witnessed in over thirty years, no one has ever been caught, no children or small dogs have ever been killed as the amount of gas to dope a person would kill them.


You are a brainless idiot who is also gullible, but worst of all your arrogance will not let you see the truth that every intelligent person on this site sees - that you are wrong and that gassing is impossible.


Now go away and stop boring everyone with this moronic nonsense. This is my last post to you on this or any other subject. You're a fool whose ego is bigger than mine or anyone else' s and I've finally realised that you are best ignored.

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Guest pelmetman

More bluff and bluster Frank *-).............. Don't you have the evidence that gassing is impossible? 8-)...............I note your edit ;-)................so I'll edit mine............


Don't you have the evidence that gassing is impossible in motothomes? :D................



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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-09-06 10:31 PM



But I'll say this again, they claim to have had £2000 in cash after the holiday had ended. Yea, of course they did! *-)




A DERBY family robbed while travelling through France believe criminals knocked them unconscious by piping gas from a car exhaust into their camper van.


Mum Linda Chadwick said she was told by a hospital doctor that exhaust fumes were used to knock them out and that she and her family “could have died”.


Robbers broke into the vehicle and stole a suitcase, mobile phones, jewellery and money worth £1,900 during the night.




Read more: http://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/Derby-family-gassed-robbed-camper-van


I guess it depends on which paper you read Frank ;-)...................but the fundamental theme remains, that they claim to have been gassed :-|..............



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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-09-06 10:31 PM


You're a fool whose ego is bigger than mine



Now that's what I call a proper myth (lol) (lol)............



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