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Possible gas attacks?


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Guest Had Enough
rupert123 - 2014-08-23 9:53 AM


Come off it Brian. A gentle bait is one thing but the usual response from the judge is quite another, it is time the moderators did something about this.


A gentle bait? I think that you may gather from the other members on this page that many of us a sick to death of Tracker's 'gentle baiting'. It's much more than that. it's snide goading and prodding designed to foment argument and to attack (just in fun though!) those he doesn't like.


It's made much worse by his vomit-inducing pious Mr Nice Guy posts where he admonishes everyone else to be nice to each other.


This thread has cheered me up enormously as I now know that it's not just me and that many others feel the same about him and aren't fooled by his hypocrisy.


Judge may be acerbic and he doesn't suffer fools but he never sets out to deliberately engineer strife, and in many cases he shows dignity by ignoring the goading. See the 'Motivation' thread where there's a perfect example of Tracker's prodding and where Eddie just let it slide.

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Guest JudgeMental
antony1969 - 2014-08-22 7:33 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-08-22 7:25 PM


Symbol Owner - 2014-08-22 6:34 PM


Tracker - 2014-08-22 5:13 PM


It is a shame that once again this has descended into an ill natured thread.



C'mon Richard! Who re-started this silly nonsense then?


If that wasn't an incitement to begin the silly spats about this mythical subject, then I don't know what was!


And..............don't play the innocent -- as you usually do!






Well spotted Colin! You have been around long enough to recognise tractors slimy & pious holier then thou technique.


At least this thread keeps most of the forum half wits and bigots occupied..how they found there way out of chatterpox God only knows :D


Still cant believe Dave Newel jacked it in because of these morons :-S



Tractors slimy and pious holier than thou technique , half wits , bigots , chatterpox , morons ..... All this on top of his vegetable insult and we wonder why folk are leaving


You sum yourself up very eloquently. Have yet to see you contribute on a motorhome topic. your input and mindset on chatterpox sums you up well.....

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Guest JudgeMental
Had Enough - 2014-08-23 11:00 AM


rupert123 - 2014-08-23 9:53 AM


Come off it Brian. A gentle bait is one thing but the usual response from the judge is quite another, it is time the moderators did something about this.


A gentle bait? I think that you may gather from the other members on this page that many of us a sick to death of Tracker's 'gentle baiting'. It's much more than that. it's snide goading and prodding designed to foment argument and to attack (just in fun though!) those he doesn't like.


It's made much worse by his vomit-inducing pious Mr Nice Guy posts where he admonishes everyone else to be nice to each other.


This thread has cheered me up enormously as I now know that it's not just me and that many others feel the same about him and aren't fooled by his hypocrisy.


Judge may be acerbic and he doesn't suffer fools but he never sets out to deliberately engineer strife, and in many cases he shows dignity by ignoring the goading. See the 'Motivation' thread where there's a perfect example of Tracker's prodding and where Eddie just let it slide.


Amen brother..we need a Shepard to get them all back in chatterpox

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Symbol Owner - 2014-08-23 10:31 AM


pelmetman - 2014-08-23 5:22 AM

How did 6 people end up with CO poisoning? :-S.................


That's easy you dumbo........... they had faulty gas appliances on board!




...or maybe they smoked too many cheap french cigarettes the night before. Along with the wine they slept like logs. Woke up with a hangover putting 2 and 2 together and got 5.

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Will85 - 2014-08-23 8:15 AM


I never read newspapers and to those who start unneccessary posts and make comments on rubbish such as this are a good reason for avoid forums too.




I don't think so, It's like reading a great comedy sketch. Keep it up guy's



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Guest JudgeMental
malc d - 2014-08-23 9:58 AM


Brian Kirby - 2014-08-23 12:01 AM



C'mon guys, this string was no more than a lobbed grenade. But why? Who benefits? Does anyone?



C'mon now Brian.


I'm sure you are aware that it's Tracker who benefits.


He delights in ressurrecting " dead " arguments ( i.e. stirring things up ) and admits above

that he finds it " fun "


( Always followed up with " Oh dear , I didn't realise this would happen " - when things get unpleasant )









Along with the other jack asses who are now calling for moderation when someone stand up to them...Astonishing behavior to be honest.. At the end of the day there are more out then in!. :D

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Brian I am actually serious when I say they could have been smokers --- Heavy smokers have very high levels of CO in the blood, can be as high as 50 ppm and for most smokers around 20ppm. Normal level for non smokers is around 2ppm. So could easily explain why the family had CO poisoning detected, if they were all smokers.
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JudgeMental - 2014-08-23 12:19 PM


antony1969 - 2014-08-22 7:33 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-08-22 7:25 PM


Symbol Owner - 2014-08-22 6:34 PM


Tracker - 2014-08-22 5:13 PM


It is a shame that once again this has descended into an ill natured thread.



C'mon Richard! Who re-started this silly nonsense then?


If that wasn't an incitement to begin the silly spats about this mythical subject, then I don't know what was!


And..............don't play the innocent -- as you usually do!






Well spotted Colin! You have been around long enough to recognise tractors slimy & pious holier then thou technique.


At least this thread keeps most of the forum half wits and bigots occupied..how they found there way out of chatterpox God only knows :D


Still cant believe Dave Newel jacked it in because of these morons :-S



Tractors slimy and pious holier than thou technique , half wits , bigots , chatterpox , morons ..... All this on top of his vegetable insult and we wonder why folk are leaving


You sum yourself up very eloquently. Have yet to see you contribute on a motorhome topic. your input and mindset on chatterpox sums you up well.....


Predictable reply Edward ... All that's missing is your usual threat of violence towards me ... Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks your name calling and insults are a step too far .

As for not contributing on motorhome matters I would rather not if like you I had to name call / insult or threaten with violence when I disagreed with someone on a ' motorhome ' subject


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Guest JudgeMental
antony1969 - 2014-08-23 2:12 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-08-23 12:19 PM


antony1969 - 2014-08-22 7:33 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-08-22 7:25 PM


Symbol Owner - 2014-08-22 6:34 PM


Tracker - 2014-08-22 5:13 PM


It is a shame that once again this has descended into an ill natured thread.



C'mon Richard! Who re-started this silly nonsense then?


If that wasn't an incitement to begin the silly spats about this mythical subject, then I don't know what was!


And..............don't play the innocent -- as you usually do!






Well spotted Colin! You have been around long enough to recognise tractors slimy & pious holier then thou technique.


At least this thread keeps most of the forum half wits and bigots occupied..how they found there way out of chatterpox God only knows :D


Still cant believe Dave Newel jacked it in because of these morons :-S



Tractors slimy and pious holier than thou technique , half wits , bigots , chatterpox , morons ..... All this on top of his vegetable insult and we wonder why folk are leaving


You sum yourself up very eloquently. Have yet to see you contribute on a motorhome topic. your input and mindset on chatterpox sums you up well.....


Predictable reply Edward ... All that's missing is your usual threat of violence towards me ... Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks your name calling and insults are a step too far .

As for not contributing on motorhome matters I would rather not if like you I had to name call / insult or threaten with violence when I disagreed with someone on a ' motorhome ' subject


Violence? Are you sure...You make it up as you go along!lol Still cant read plain English. I said "Like" trying to have a conversation with a bag of vegetables. No names mentioned, no one identified, simply a flippant generalisation, but you twist it to suit your agenda.....Best get back to harnessing the likes of Cliff Richard.....


I don't associate with people of your ilk, but your always digging me out because I dared to criticise you ages ago....Pathetic

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rupert123 - 2014-08-23 9:53 AM


'But, protest as much as you like, Rich, it was just a vehicle for you to bait NudgeGentle, and for Pelmet Dave to goad the Over Indulged One, and then to both feign innocence. Who, me Guv? Oh no, never entered my mind, honest. Like Hell it didn't! :-D


not acceptance that what they described as a poison is a potential narcotic.


C'mon guys, this string was no more than a lobbed grenade. But why? Who benefits? Does anyone?'



Come off it Brian. A gentle bait is one thing but the usual response from the judge is quite another, it is time the moderators did something about this.

No, sorry Henry, but I don't buy that. The boys have form. They know whose buttons to push, and how. Then they sit back and wait for the inevitable, and then profess innocence, then add to the fire by admonishing their goadees for responding. The rsponse is Pavlovian. It may not say much for the respondents' self-control, but that is the inevitable, and calculated, result.


You have some form on this score as well, when you make domineering statements on issues that are mainly matters of opinion, and which you must recognise will merely provoke correspondingly domineering disagreement. Having primed your device, you now complain that it has exploded. So, with respect, I'll take no lessons.

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Ohh No, not another 'Going nowhere' Thread, this 'old chestnut' has surely been 'done to death' many times..... myth, hearsay, lies whatever ? I havn't read of any Caravans or motorhomes exploding in flames, which surely would happen if folk were pumping in explosive toxic gases for Whatever reason.


Please use your brains.

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Guest JudgeMental
Rayjsj - 2014-08-23 2:42 PM



Please use your brains.



Ha Ah! But to do that they need a adequately functioning brain in the first place :-D

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JudgeMental - 2014-08-23 2:34 PM


antony1969 - 2014-08-23 2:12 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-08-23 12:19 PM


antony1969 - 2014-08-22 7:33 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-08-22 7:25 PM


Symbol Owner - 2014-08-22 6:34 PM


Tracker - 2014-08-22 5:13 PM


It is a shame that once again this has descended into an ill natured thread.



C'mon Richard! Who re-started this silly nonsense then?


If that wasn't an incitement to begin the silly spats about this mythical subject, then I don't know what was!


And..............don't play the innocent -- as you usually do!






Well spotted Colin! You have been around long enough to recognise tractors slimy & pious holier then thou technique.


At least this thread keeps most of the forum half wits and bigots occupied..how they found there way out of chatterpox God only knows :D


Still cant believe Dave Newel jacked it in because of these morons :-S



Tractors slimy and pious holier than thou technique , half wits , bigots , chatterpox , morons ..... All this on top of his vegetable insult and we wonder why folk are leaving


You sum yourself up very eloquently. Have yet to see you contribute on a motorhome topic. your input and mindset on chatterpox sums you up well.....


Predictable reply Edward ... All that's missing is your usual threat of violence towards me ... Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks your name calling and insults are a step too far .

As for not contributing on motorhome matters I would rather not if like you I had to name call / insult or threaten with violence when I disagreed with someone on a ' motorhome ' subject


Violence? Are you sure...You make it up as you go along!lol Still cant read plain English. I said "Like" trying to have a conversation with a bag of vegetables. No names mentioned, no one identified, simply a flippant generalisation, but you twist it to suit your agenda.....Best get back to harnessing the likes of Cliff Richard.....


I don't associate with people of your ilk, but your always digging me out because I dared to criticise you ages ago....Pathetic


Eh ?? For the sake of the forum Eddie ... Your right I'm wrong ... The End

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Guest Had Enough
Brambles - 2014-08-23 1:36 PM


Brian I am actually serious when I say they could have been smokers --- Heavy smokers have very high levels of CO in the blood, can be as high as 50 ppm and for most smokers around 20ppm. Normal level for non smokers is around 2ppm. So could easily explain why the family had CO poisoning detected, if they were all smokers.


Well done. You make a very good point. A quick search shows what you say to be true and there's a vast amount of information online about huge increases is blood CO levels amongst smokers. And if only some of them smoked the second-hand fumes would affect the others. Looking at them in the article they don't appear to be health fanatics.


So is someone who's a heavy smoker asks the hospital if there's CO in the blood the answer will be yes, as it could be ten or twenty times more than a non-smoker.





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Brambles - 2014-08-23 1:36 PM


Brian I am actually serious when I say they could have been smokers --- Heavy smokers have very high levels of CO in the blood, can be as high as 50 ppm and for most smokers around 20ppm. Normal level for non smokers is around 2ppm. So could easily explain why the family had CO poisoning detected, if they were all smokers.

Sorry Jon, I missed this from you. I wasn't dismissing the smokers theory, just commenting that no explanation for the CO poisioning has been advanced other than a vehicle exhaust being used as a means of incapacitating the occupants, which I find so improbable I flatly reject it.

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2014-08-23 1:08 PM


pelmetman - 2014-08-23 5:22 AM..............How did 6 people end up with CO poisoning? :-S.................

From carbon monoxide. That is indisputable. The question, which IMO remains unanswered, is how.


Bingo.........the pertinent question at last B-)....................So either the fridge packed up just before they were robbed, or they were gassed with exhaust fumes prior to the robbery :-|.............


I understand from the DM report the "Police" reckon it was exhaust fumes ;-)............


I suspect the Frog plod may know more than the O&L's skeptics brigade :D........



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ALL of you folk really should get a life ! ! , but then again as most of you are on here 24/7 this is probably the only life you have, I doubt any of you have a motorhome, perhaps that's what makes the majority of you the bitter and twisted individuals you appear to be, cheers.
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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2014-08-23 3:40 PM


Brambles - 2014-08-23 1:36 PM


Brian I am actually serious when I say they could have been smokers --- Heavy smokers have very high levels of CO in the blood, can be as high as 50 ppm and for most smokers around 20ppm. Normal level for non smokers is around 2ppm. So could easily explain why the family had CO poisoning detected, if they were all smokers.

Sorry Jon, I missed this from you. I wasn't dismissing the smokers theory, just commenting that no explanation for the CO poisioning has been advanced other than a vehicle exhaust being used as a means of incapacitating the occupants, which I find so improbable I flatly reject it.


If smoking is the cause, then its a wonder all our hospitals are not overflowing with people being given oxygen *-)


Not to mention the incident occurred about 4 am in the morning, maybe they were puffing away all through the night and passed out just before they were robbed? 8-)...............


Not very plausible eh?.......... but 10 out of 10 for effort (lol)..............



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Guest pelmetman
Joe90 - 2014-08-23 4:31 PM


ALL of you folk really should get a life ! ! , but then again as most of you are on here 24/7 this is probably the only life you have, I doubt any of you have a motorhome, perhaps that's what makes the majority of you the bitter and twisted individuals you appear to be, cheers.


Welcome to the forum Joe90 ;-)....................


Although someone who joins a forum just to give people a piece of their mind seems a bit peculiar :-S................Cheers :D.........

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2014-08-23 12:01 AM


But, protest as much as you like, Rich, it was just a vehicle for you to bait NudgeGentle, and for Pelmet Dave to goad the Over Indulged One, and then to both feign innocence. Who, me Guv? Oh no, never entered my mind, honest. Like Hell it didn't! :-D


Just to prove there was no collusion between Rich(Tracker) and me as some folk like to think *-).............


My last pm was to MelB............which can be verified with the mods I suspect ;-).............


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Guest pelmetman
Rayjsj - 2014-08-23 2:42 PM


Ohh No, not another 'Going nowhere' Thread, this 'old chestnut' has surely been 'done to death' many times..... myth, hearsay, lies whatever ? I havn't read of any Caravans or motorhomes exploding in flames, which surely would happen if folk were pumping in explosive toxic gases for Whatever reason.


Please use your brains.


Can exhaust fumes explode? :-S..................my brain says no ;-)..............



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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-08-23 4:36 PM


If smoking is the cause, then its a wonder all our hospitals are not overflowing with people being given oxygen *-)


Not to mention the incident occurred about 4 am in the morning, maybe they were puffing away all through the night and passed out just before they were robbed? 8-)...............


Not very plausible eh?.......... but 10 out of 10 for effort (lol)..............



Our hospitals are overwhelmed with people suffering from the effects of smoking. And the CO in the bloodstream remains there for a long time and only drops when they give up. And they didn't pass out. Like most people who are robbed they were robbed whilst they slept.


Nil out of ten for not being able to think coherently.


And I can just imagine the laughter in the gendarmes' canteen: "That stupid English woman was so convinced that they'd been gassed that I told her that it can be done just by poking a pipe under the campervan and hoping that just enough carbon monoxide would rise up to put them all to sleep without killing them. She'll go home now and loads of her thicko mates will be convinced that it's true."


Gales of laughter over the croissant. (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-08-23 5:36 PM


pelmetman - 2014-08-23 4:36 PM


If smoking is the cause, then its a wonder all our hospitals are not overflowing with people being given oxygen *-)


Not to mention the incident occurred about 4 am in the morning, maybe they were puffing away all through the night and passed out just before they were robbed? 8-)...............


Not very plausible eh?.......... but 10 out of 10 for effort (lol)..............



Our hospitals are overwhelmed with people suffering from the effects of smoking. And the CO in the bloodstream remains there for a long time and only drops when they give up. And they didn't pass out. Like most people who are robbed they were robbed whilst they slept.


Nil out of ten for not being able to think coherently.


And I can just imagine the laughter in the gendarmes' canteen: "That stupid English woman was so convinced that they'd been gassed that I told her that it can be done just by poking a pipe under the campervan and hoping that just enough carbon monoxide would rise up to put them all to sleep without killing them. She'll go home now and loads of her thicko mates will be convinced that it's true."


Gales of laughter over the croissant. (lol) (lol) (lol)


So "6" people I repeat "SIX" slept whilst their van was being turned over..............despite them saying they'd had a restless night because it was hot *-)................


Furthermore do you really believe the French authorities would make up stories? 8-).............


Might I suggest you Google the meaning of "plausible" Frank *-)................and then try again (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol).......



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