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Possible gas attacks?


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Had Enough - 2014-08-25 4:44 PM

But no one is having a go at you Richard, it's all just a bit of fun. When will you learn?


Sorry Frank, I don't buy that excuse and I really expected better from you!


People 'having fun' do not use the sort of insulting terminology that you and the Mental one consistently use.


Many on here know how to have a bit of fun and repartee and how to take a joke and not read into a posting meanings that are not there - Dave the Pelmet, Colin (both), Antony, Robin Hood, Ray, Henry, Stuart, to name but a few but never do they find the need to resort to the kind of insults and abuse that you, Mental and Peter persist in hurling about at all that 'offend' you.


Even Brian and Derek have a good sense of humour at times but they seem to have become almost afraid to use it just in case someone elects to be 'offended' by it?


Oh - sorry - I misunderstood - you are just having a bit of fun - so that's OK to be offensive and rude then is it?

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Tracker - 2014-08-25 5:02 PM


Had Enough - 2014-08-25 4:44 PM

But no one is having a go at you Richard, it's all just a bit of fun. When will you learn?


Sorry Frank, I don't buy that excuse and I really expected better from you!


People 'having fun' do not use the sort of insulting terminology that you and the Mental one consistently use.


Many on here know how to have a bit of fun and repartee and how to take a joke and not read into a posting meanings that are not there - Dave the Pelmet, Colin (both), Antony, Robin Hood to name but a few but never do they find the need to resort to the kind of insults and abuse that you, Mental and Peter persist in hurling about at all that 'offend' you.


Oh - sorry - I misunderstood - you are just having a bit of fun - so that's OK to be offensive and rude then is it?


Agreed Richard good post

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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2014-08-25 5:02 PM


Had Enough - 2014-08-25 4:44 PM

But no one is having a go at you Richard, it's all just a bit of fun. When will you learn?


Sorry Frank, I don't buy that excuse and I really expected better from you!


People 'having fun' do not use the sort of insulting terminology that you and the Mental one consistently use.


Many on here know how to have a bit of fun and repartee and how to take a joke and not read into a posting meanings that are not there - Dave the Pelmet, Colin (both), Antony, Robin Hood to name but a few but never do they find the need to resort to the kind of insults and abuse that you, Mental and Peter persist in hurling about at all that 'offend' you.


Oh - sorry - I misunderstood - you are just having a bit of fun - so that's OK to be offensive and rude then is it?


I would suggest that you stop the whinging about what poor old you has had to endure and read page two of this thread from the beginning. There'll you find what many members feel about your insidious form of stirring. And still you go on about us reading things that aren't there. Come off it, you fool no one with your pious protestations of innocence.


You're sly and a stirrer and you know exactly what you do. Now for God's sake stop the 'look how innocent I am' act. You're not innocent. Even in the sort of apology that you've just posted you still can't resist slimy attacks and digs about others.

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Guest Had Enough
antony1969 - 2014-08-25 5:07 PM


Tracker - 2014-08-25 5:02 PM


Had Enough - 2014-08-25 4:44 PM

But no one is having a go at you Richard, it's all just a bit of fun. When will you learn?


Sorry Frank, I don't buy that excuse and I really expected better from you!


People 'having fun' do not use the sort of insulting terminology that you and the Mental one consistently use.


Many on here know how to have a bit of fun and repartee and how to take a joke and not read into a posting meanings that are not there - Dave the Pelmet, Colin (both), Antony, Robin Hood to name but a few but never do they find the need to resort to the kind of insults and abuse that you, Mental and Peter persist in hurling about at all that 'offend' you.


Oh - sorry - I misunderstood - you are just having a bit of fun - so that's OK to be offensive and rude then is it?


Agreed Richard good post


Oh, and you wouldn't be biased slightly would you? Give us a break and go back to Chatterbollox which is your natural home along with your two bosom buddies.

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2014-08-25 4:31 PM


Robinhood - 2014-08-25 1:55 PM.......................



As you can see, a cunningly-disguised gas generator (along with a fuel trailer ensuring sufficient capacity to incapacitate a double-decker bus - if they should strike lucky), parked next to an unsuspecting, lorry-driving "mark"......................

Ah, so that's what happened to Saddam's WMD? Spirited into France, abandoned on an autoroute aire de services, and later found and purloined as "spoils of war" by the French military. You wait until I tell George W, Donald, and Coolin! :-D


Couldn't see any CCTV cameras though ;-).........



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Had Enough - 2014-08-25 5:09 PM

I would suggest that you stop the whinging about what poor old you has had to endure and read page two of this thread from the beginning. There'll you find what many members feel about your insidious form of stirring. And still you go on about us reading things that aren't there. Come off it, you fool no one with your pious protestations of innocence.


You're sly and a stirrer and you know exactly what you do. Now for God's sake stop the 'look how innocent I am' act. You're not innocent. Even in the sort of apology that you've just posted you still can't resist slimy attacks and digs about others.


You elect to misunderstand Frank.


Firstly, in no way was that an apology to you.


Secondly why not read back through recent threads on Gas attacks, Friendly forum etc and spot just how many supportive messages I have has compared to how may you and Eddie have had in open forum - and I won't even mention the pm's as they are unverifiable.


I too, along with so many others, consider you and Eddie to be sly, insidious, slimy and generally unpleasant individuals but I do try not to use that sort of terminology on the forum unless to prove a point and I suppose I should be grateful that as the Mouth of the Ribble you return to form in their use.


I do know how you just love to force other people to leave the forum but it would take a lot more than a nasty work of art like you to achieve that with me Frank.

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Tracker - 2014-08-25 4:32 PM


Brian Kirby - 2014-08-25 4:15 PM

Until then, all these reports seem to me to achieve is to spread paranoia about an unproven risk (being gassed), while ignoring a proven risk (being robbed) - that is easily avoided.


I see your point but surely paranoia exists only in the mind of the paranoid?

I have never said that gas attacks do happen as to me it has never been proven but that does not mean that it cannot happen so many years ago when it was first reported I invested in a gas and co alarm as it made sense to me to counter the remote risk especially when the cost to do so was so small.

Most sane people will read about the alleged dangers of any sort of attack and robbery and the sort of locations where they tend to occur and take their own sensible precautions at a level to be decided by the individual according to how they see the risk at these locations and elsewhere and/or avoid those locations altogether?

We sleep very soundly at night, but the dog didn't so maybe we will get another dog after all!

Far from, as you suggested earlier, looking to reignite the war of the self opinionated, my objective was to keep the topic open for exploration and it was only when the nastiness started up again with the insults and rudeness that I reacted - maybe over reacted - but having had so much bile without the benefit of a genuine reason from the usual suspects over the years it does tend to make me react.

All I ask is they respond to the topic not the poster and make their point, assuming they have one, in a polite and pleasant manner.

Is that asking too much do you think?

Answering the last question first Rich no, of course it is not too much to ask. It is a reasonable expectation - that some even attain. However, just as if you had overnighted on an aire on the A7 in early July, and slept with the windows open, you took a risk with that post! My heart sank when I saw it, and my immediate thought was "here we go again". I apologise for imputing base motives, but the probable outcome was so obvious to me, I just couldn't believe it was accidental! After all, you're an ex insurance man, and insurance is all about risk.


We all have different perceptions of risk, and I don't deride those who buy alarms to alleviate fear of an unknown. Besides, installing a CO alarm is prudent (even though I choose to ignore the risk), because gas appliances can generate CO if they aren't operating correctly and, IMO, that is a much more tangible risk than being gassed. So, overall a good thing, even if my head tells me it was bought for the wrong reason! :-)


I agree that, as you say, "most sane people will read about the alleged dangers of any sort of attack and robbery and the sort of locations where they tend to occur, and take their own sensible precautions". I just wish the reports would lead on the central issue - robbery, and the kinds of places where it takes place - and relegate the gassing issue to the minor status it (on present evidence) merits.

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Brian Kirby - 2014-08-25 5:21 PM

I just wish the reports would lead on the central issue - robbery, and the kinds of places where it takes place - and relegate the gassing issue to the minor status it (on present evidence) merits


Agreed - I tend to think that sometimes people may think that they have been gassed for whatever reason and waking up to find you have been robbed is sure to make anyone feel physically sick, but just maybe sometimes it is used as a disguise for their own mistakes in perhaps sleeping in a risky location, perhaps with windows open, door not locked, perimeter alarm not set, handbags or wallets in plain view from outside, or anything else that can give an opportunist thief the opportunity to thieve?

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Guest JudgeMental
Had Enough - 2014-08-25 4:44 PM


Tracker - 2014-08-25 4:32 PM


Brian Kirby - 2014-08-25 4:15 PM

Until then, all these reports seem to me to achieve is to spread paranoia about an unproven risk (being gassed), while ignoring a proven risk (being robbed) - that is easily avoided.



All I ask is they respond to the topic not the poster and make their point, assuming they have one, in a polite and pleasant manner.

Is that asking too much do you think?


But no one is having a go at you Richard, it's all just a bit of fun. When will you learn?


YEAH!...He needs to get over himself Frank :-D

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Guest Had Enough
Brian Kirby - 2014-08-25 4:15 PM


Absolutely it should, as should the commensurate warning against overnighting on motorway rest and picnic areas, and in other high risk places.


Why is a motorway picnic area, often miles from a major town, any more dangerous than an aire in a major town?


As a thief I'd rather walk to the local aire to break into a motorhome than go on a motorway which has security cameras and toll booths that record my journey. And let's not forget all the burly lorry drivers parked nearby.


If motorway picnic areas had some sections designated 'Camping Car Aire' they'd be full every summer evening.


And I speak from experience, having overnighted on dozens of picnic aires over many years. How many have you stopped on?


Ps Like any sane person I use my brains. I wouldn't stay on an aire near Barcelona for instance or even on the outskirts of Bordeaux. Then again I won't stay on a certain campsite at Chartres as it's known for robberies.



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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2014-08-25 5:20 PM


I do know how you just love to force other people to leave the forum but it would take a lot more than a nasty work of art like you to achieve that with me Frank.


I'm sorry that you too peddle that myth. I stated two years ago that I thought that Chatterbox was a disgrace. Full of vile bigotry and racist filth it was embarrassing. I said that I would be very happy if my arguments persuaded one or two people to leave. I didn't really think that they would.


As it happens the number on BNP-like idiot, Onefootinthegrave has been banned and that was entirely down to him.


Any agenda that you claim I had was purely about Chatterbox but as I haven't posted there since last year I fail to see how I can still have an agenda.


Chatterbox has self destructed owing to the brainless activities of a couple of people and, since Onefoot went, the racism and bigotry has declined, although we've still got some of the original bigots they're a lot quieter.


As for CliveH, he too was the architect of his own misfortune. I had no agenda to force him or anyone out of Chatterbox. How could I? The people I'm referring to would only dig their heels in even deeper if they thought I was out to 'force them out'. So please, give it a rest.



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Had Enough - 2014-08-25 5:40 PM

So please, give it a rest.


Excellent idea - tell you what - as I have never picked a fight with you are anyone else on her why don't you agree to stop the unprovoked attacks on me and I will then have no need to respond by having a go at you?


Deal or no deal?

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Guest JudgeMental
Had Enough - 2014-08-25 5:40 PM


Tracker - 2014-08-25 5:20 PM


I do know how you just love to force other people to leave the forum but it would take a lot more than a nasty work of art like you to achieve that with me Frank.


I'm sorry that you too peddle that myth. I stated two years ago that I thought that Chatterbox was a disgrace. Full of vile bigotry and racist filth it was embarrassing. I said that I would be very happy if my arguments persuaded one or two people to leave. I didn't really think that they would.


As it happens the number one BNP-like idiot, Onefootinthegrave has been banned and that was entirely down to him.


Any agenda that you claim I had was purely about Chatterbox but as I haven't posted there since last year I fail to see how I can still have an agenda.


Chatterbox has self destructed owing to the brainless activities of a couple of people and, since Onefoot went, the racism and bigotry has declined, although we've still got some of the original bigots they're a lot quieter.





Excellent post Frank.......Your a star!

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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2014-08-25 5:43 PM


Had Enough - 2014-08-25 5:40 PM

So please, give it a rest.


Excellent idea - tell you what - as I have never picked a fight with you are anyone else on her why don't you agree to stop the unprovoked attacks on me and I will then have no need to respond by having a go at you?


Deal or no deal?


But here you go again! They're not unprovoked for God's sake! They're in response to some snide comment which later you claim innocence about and tell us yet again that it's all in fun, or it's only banter.


Once more, read what BK, Malc D, Symbol Owner et al say on page two of this thread. They sum you up perfectly. The problem is that you'll never change as it's part of your make up.

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Had Enough - 2014-08-25 5:51 PM


Tracker - 2014-08-25 5:43 PM


Had Enough - 2014-08-25 5:40 PM

So please, give it a rest.


Excellent idea - tell you what - as I have never picked a fight with you are anyone else on her why don't you agree to stop the unprovoked attacks on me and I will then have no need to respond by having a go at you?


Deal or no deal?


But here you go again! They're not unprovoked for God's sake! They're in response to some snide comment which later you claim innocence about and tell us yet again that it's all in fun, or it's only banter.


Once more, read what BK, Malc D, Symbol Owner et al say on page two of this thread. They sum you up perfectly. The problem is that you'll never change as it's part of your make up.


So remind me again exactly where it was that I provoked you with an unprovoked comment aimed specifically at you on this thread at any point prior to where you started again on me?


Sad, but hardly unexpected, to see that you are not interested in moderating your aggressive attitude.

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JudgeMental - 2014-08-25 5:46 PM

Excellent post Frank.......Your a star!




Although I have made this offer before to no real avail, I'll make you the same offer Eddie - lay off of me and I will have no reason to have a go at you and so will leave you alone.


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Guest pelmetman
JudgeMental - 2014-08-25 5:46 PM


Excellent post Frank.......Your a star!


No HE's much bigger than that Eddie ;-)................




About the size of Uranus B-).........

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Guest pelmetman
Joe90 - 2014-08-25 6:11 PM


Is this a private club, or can anyone join ? ?


Anyone can join in the fun................even if you've been blackballed before ;-)............



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Guest JudgeMental
Joe90 - 2014-08-25 6:11 PM


Is this a private club, or can anyone join ? ?


you have made is clear already Joe that your not easily fooled...of course your more then welcome!


love your work by the way!


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Amazing though it may seem I know of a method that would render the occupants of a motorhome comatose for at least 6 hours and you only need equipment that is easily obtained and would fit in a small bag and smoking would accelerate the effect I'll not describe it in case it gets picked up by thieves but a student carrying out a work related task was found unconscious outside the unit having turned off the safety valve in a similar environment. John (^) 8-) sorry to go all serious.
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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2014-08-25 5:59 PM


So remind me again exactly where it was that I provoked you with an unprovoked comment aimed specifically at you on this thread at any point prior to where you started again on me?


Sad, but hardly unexpected, to see that you are not interested in moderating your aggressive attitude.


Oh come on! That's typical Tracker, you may not name names but we all know to whom you refer. Several people, amongst them me, Judge, Malc D, Brian Kirby and Symbol Owner told you that we find you to be a deliberate stirrer who then always plays the innocent, hiding under the 'it's only a bit of fun' or 'it's only banter' excuse.


Your response to us all on page four was contained in this message to Pelmetman:


"Don't let it worry you because it really does not worry me when the only argument the egotists can come up with is personal attacks, history raking and low level insults.


I just smile and think well done you silly people because if only you would see yourselves as others see you you would know that the lack of any meaningful response can only mean that by a failure to remain civil you have no intelligent or justifiable response to make."


So we're all wrong I suppose and we're all just imagining your slimy innuendo? You have a long history of sly poking and prodding. You know it and we all know it, so stop the wriggling and obfuscation, no one's convinced.


Brian Kirby, Malc D, Symbol Owner: Egotists and silly people who have no intelligent response to make?


I think that you should quietly quit this Richard whilst you're losing, don't you?


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Guest pelmetman
teflon2 - 2014-08-25 6:48 PM


Amazing though it may seem I know of a method that would render the occupants of a motorhome comatose for at least 6 hours and you only need equipment that is easily obtained and would fit in a small bag and smoking would accelerate the effect I'll not describe it in case it gets picked up by thieves but a student carrying out a work related task was found unconscious outside the unit having turned off the safety valve in a similar environment. John (^) 8-) sorry to go all serious.


It appears there already aware of it John ;-)..............



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Had Enough - 2014-08-25 5:27 PM


Brian Kirby - 2014-08-25 4:15 PM


Absolutely it should, as should the commensurate warning against overnighting on motorway rest and picnic areas, and in other high risk places.


Why is a motorway picnic area, often miles from a major town, any more dangerous than an aire in a major town?

But I don't think that is what I said, Frank. Over the years there have been a number of reported robberies on these autoroute picnic areas, and the general advice from the Franch police is not to overnight on them, or on the service areas. It seems motorbikes are a favourite means of transport for the thieves. Whether they are more risky than a town centre aire I don't know, but I think this introduces an element of apples and pears. If the choice were between a rural aire and a rural autoroute picnic area, or between an urban aire and an unban autoroute picnic area, I'd use the aire every time. But, the main risk is along the main N-S holiday routes, during the peak season, when folk seem to drive until they are knackered, and then just pull over to sleep. With our first van we did one or two overnight runs on the A26, and pulled onto the odd picnic area for a rest break. I was amazed to see people sleeping in the open, in cars, in caravans, in motorhomes. I thought they were all extremely trusting, but unwise. I saw relatively few trucks, but they tend in any case to be directed to their own parking area. However, if one avoids those routes at those times, the risk should be minimal. After all, just because people are dishonest, it doesn't follow that they are stupid. On the evidence, it seems they are quite logical, and hunt where there is likely to be the greatset concentration of potential targets.


As a thief I'd rather walk to the local aire to break into a motorhome than go on a motorway which has security cameras and toll booths that record my journey. And let's not forget all the burly lorry drivers parked nearby.

But, on the evidence, it seems you'd be an atypical thief? Perhaps it is a good thing for you that you didn't choose a life of crime! :-)


If motorway picnic areas had some sections designated 'Camping Car Aire' they'd be full every summer evening.

Almost certainly true, but I doubt if it would make them any less risky, unless they were also securely gated and fenced to exclude pedestrian access.


And I speak from experience, having overnighted on dozens of picnic aires over many years. How many have you stopped on?

None, I'm happy to say. Neither have I stayed on more than a handful of aires etc. Too much noise and too many late night vehicle movements, but I'm a light sleeper.


Ps Like any sane person I use my brains. I wouldn't stay on an aire near Barcelona for instance or even on the outskirts of Bordeaux. Then again I won't stay on a certain campsite at Chartres as it's known for robberies.

We have stayed at Chartres several times. I am aware of the reports of robberies, but we are usually there out of season so I judge the risk to be low. However, the facilities are getting ropey, and it is not one I particularly favour. Nice and quiet, though. But, I quite like Chartres, and the walk along the river from/to the site.

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