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Possible gas attacks?


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Guest Had Enough
Brian Kirby - 2014-08-28 7:13 PM


Had Enough - 2014-08-26 9:58 AM..................Finally, I rate these scare stories in a similar category to gassing. People are put off from using a valuable and convenient asset by scare stories that have little credence. The police may well warn people about the dangers of stopping on motorway aires but of course they will, and they're more concerned about the major service aires where many vehicles are left unattended.

I take a scare story to be one that is told, frequently inflated, with the sole intention of scaring or unsettling people. I don't think either the stories of gassing, or those of motorway robbery, should be placed in the "scare story" category. The intention seems to me to advise people of avoidable risks.


Even the gassing stories, incredible as I find them, seem to me intended to alert others to a danger that the victims percieve, and believe. No doubt some are embroidered to cover embarrasment following unwise behaviour, and others may well be calculated to garner sympathy in support of a fundamentally weak insurance claim. In the hands of the "red tops" they become scare stories, but that is the style of the "red tops". I would be less inclined to blame the victims for the lurid reporting - than I would for their choice of newspaper! :-)


However, if one removes the gassing element, one is left with robbery. Whether or not the victims were gassed, all claim to have been robbed. There may well be a few among those claims that are fraudulent, but all of them? Besides which, there are more reports of robbery than of gassing, and at least the robbery reports generally have some credence.


You and I both choose to accept the risks in staying in certain locations. I assess the risk on arrival, and won't stay if I am uncomfortable. Doubtless, you do the same. However, I would not recommend to anyone that they stay at the Chartres site, and when I have told others about it, I have mentioned the reports of robbery at the same time. They can then make their own decision.


If one chooses to discount a risk because one considers its likelihood negligible, or its impact of no consequence, it does not remove the risk; it is just one's way of rationalising one's acceptance of it.


So, on balance, I think it preferable to repeat the warnings. The problem with poo-pooing the risk is that one might mislead someone else into getting robbed. I'd hate to think someone got robbed because I'd said the stories of robbery at Chartres are mere myth, leading them into proving me wrong! So, as a general principle, with overnighting on autoroute aires. I think one should give the health warning, and leave others to decide how they wish to react.


Opportunist thieves may be anywhere, at any time, but they are not everywhere all the time. Extrapolating from one's personal experience of not having been robbed, to saying there is no risk of robbery, fools only one's self. As with the mythic man who plummeted earthward from the roof of the Empire State building, this is just a case of "so far so good"! :-)


I really can't be bothered replying to all your points but where have I ever poo-pooed a risk? I use picnic aires and use them carefully in that I choose (I hope) ones that are less likely to be visited by thieves. I have made this point to you at least twice.


I have told you that I am very security conscious and have good external security, which must deter casual robbers.


But I still say that the blanket condemnation of picnic aires by by you and others is depriving many from what is, in my experience, a convenient night halt that is just as safe as many town centre locations.


And we can be robbed anywhere, on sites, on aires, on Cite Europe. You can use your skyscraper analogy for many other locations, not just motorway picnic aires.


Let's agree to differ.I am happy using selected picnic aires. I have done it for many years without incident. You're not happy, that's fine.



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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-08-28 7:27 PM


pelmetman - 2014-08-28 7:02 PM


Sorry Frank ;-)..............


I cant resist poking your great pompous ego...............Your just a camera salesman................get over yourself *-).............



And there we have it, you can't resist. And as for ego and arrogance I think that the 'open mind' that you boast about so often has just been shown to be as closed as anyone's.


Oh, and I haven't sold a camera for thirty years. I'm a small businessman who runs a business and employs others to sell the stuff. Not that that will stop you from using the term at least once a day.


But I ask you again for all our sakes. Try to resist prodding me. Stop stalking me and try to get over the obsession.


Everyone will, I'm sure, be grateful as it's not only boring but it's deliberately done to cause strife.


Just see if you can go a couple of days without mentioning me. It will get easier after that.


Well Frank you only have your self to blame..................Maybe next time you join a forum to drive other folk off, who you think are inferior to you.............you'll think twice ;-)................as some of us are unimpressed by your pontificating bullsh*t and will pay you back in your own coin *-)................So I suggest you moderate your posting style and I may try to resist poking your ego >:-)............



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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-08-28 7:52 PM


Well Frank you only have your self to blame..................Maybe next time you join a forum to drive other folk off, who you think are inferior to you.............you'll think twice ;-)................as some of us are unimpressed by your pontificating bullsh*t and will pay you back in your own coin *-)................So I suggest you moderate your posting style and I may try to resist poking your ego >:-)............



Peddling that myth again in order to excuse your obsession will not work. I was appalled by the racists and bigots in Chatterbox and made it clear that I would be happy to see them go. But show me where I said that I rejoined just for that purpose.


And as for egos, you have proved that none is bigger than yours. Your preaching and lecturing about old 'vans and UKIP, which you even include in your signature, simply proves without a shadow of doubt that you simply cannot stop forcing your views down everyone else's throats. But you're simply not bright enough to understand that this kind of constant lecturing shows you to be a bigger ego than me or anyone.


But let's face the truth. It's nothing to do with my style or poking my ego. Time and time again I show you for the fool that you are and you resent it. You take every childish opportunity to make nasty little jibes even in sections of the forum that I don't visit.


You need help and the sooner you can learn to control this fetish about me the happier that everyone else will be.


In your desire to constantly 'poke my ego' and cause strife, don't you ever think about the effect that it has on the forum as a whole? You're selfish and self-centred and as long as you can satisfy your craving for petty revenge you don't care a jot about anyone else.


So, once more, for all our sakes, Give it a rest. Leave me alone and let's see if we can at least ignore each other. I find that easy, why can't you?


Edit - In fact in order to stop this now, this will be my last post on this subject. I've no doubt that you'll be unable to stop, but we've all learned that ages ago. Have your last word and then for God's sake, give it a rest and then stop haunting me like some adolescent schoolgirl.



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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-08-28 8:15 PM



Peddling that myth again in order to excuse your obsession will not work. I was appalled by the racists and bigots in Chatterbox and made it clear that I would be happy to see them go. But show me where I said that I rejoined just for that purpose.




As you know the many of those threads were pulled ;-)..................furthermore it appears from recent events us bigots were right *-)..................Gobsh*te PC merchants like you would no doubt cave into the ethnic minorities sensitivities and have allowed them to carry on gangbanging kids :-|...............



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Perhaps chatterbox would be more appropriate to discuss the wholesale failings in child care, especially given the now widely accepted ethnicity element, largely perpetrated by Muslim men of Pakistani heritage on young white children, and people in high office terrified of being branded racist and bigots in tackling it head on................and still hanging on to their jobs.


And what do we make of the British ( I use the term loosely) home grown Muslim men going off to do a spot of beheading.......................yes Chatterbox methinks.


P.S, where's John47 when you need him ?


Probably working for Rotherham council !




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A comedian at the Edinburgh Fringe told the tale of a very large lady who was waxing lyrical about having lost half a stone.

He compared her weight loss as the equivalent of kicking a deck hair off the Titanic.

What's this got to do with gas attacks? Sod all, just like most postings on this thread.



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Joe90 - 2014-08-28 9:41 PM




Perhaps chatterbox would be more appropriate to discuss the wholesale failings in child care, especially given the now widely accepted ethnicity element, largely perpetrated by Muslim men of Pakistani heritage on young white children, and people in high office terrified of being branded racist and bigots in tackling it head on................and still hanging on to their jobs.


And what do we make of the British ( I use the term loosely) home grown Muslim men going off to do a spot of beheading.......................yes Chatterbox methinks.


P.S, where's John47 when you need him ?


Probably working for Rotherham council !




In the eyes of some on here that comment even though we know it to be true is worthy of a racist / bigot shout and maybe even a chatterbox moron thrown in

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Had Enough - 2014-08-28 7:41 PM..............................I really can't be bothered replying to all your points but where have I ever poo-pooed a risk? I use picnic aires and use them carefully in that I choose (I hope) ones that are less likely to be visited by thieves. I have made this point to you at least twice....................


Well, since you ask, I took this, in relationship robbery on autoroute aires:


Had Enough - 2014-08-26 9:58 AM...............Finally, I rate these scare stories in a similar category to gassing. People are put off from using a valuable and convenient asset by scare stories that have little credence. The police may well warn people about the dangers of stopping on motorway aires but of course they will, and they're more concerned about the major service aires where many vehicles are left unattended.


to be somewhat poo-pooing the risk. Or am I misinterpreting your point?


I am merely concerned that those who read but don't contribute should not be lulled into a false sense of security. That is all. Therefore, I should have made the same comment whoever had written the above.

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Surely the people most up to speed are the French motorhome users themselves, the Aire network is a facility they themselves make great use of, all things being equal if it's good enough for the French it's good enough for us.


The anti don't stop anywhere other than sites folk are missing a wonderful and convenient resource that France and Germany provides exclusively for motorhomes. The French motorhome Aire users would wonder what on earth some of you folk are talking about.


We have used literally hundreds of them over the years, yes even motorway, and picnic aires,( we'll be staying overnight next week at the Baie de Somme Aire as usual ) and have NEVER heard of any issues at all anywhere, so lets put the scaremongering of all of these issues to bed, aires or gassing................otherwise don't go anywhere, after all how many people are killed on the roads each year........and yet we all venture out on a daily basis, applying the same logic displayed on this thread non of us should even be leaving the house.......just in case


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Just to clarify, the aires under discussion above have been specifically those on autoroutes, on which the French authorities have, from time to time, advised against overnighting because of the risk of theft.


No-one has so far suggested that the official "aires camping-cars" present any greater risk, overall, than campsites.


Confusion arises from time to time because service and picnic areas on autoroutes are called "aires de services" and "aires de repos" respectively, but we in UK tend to speak just of "aires", without distinguishing which type of "aire" we mean.

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Hi, for years we motorhomed around France, Germany and italy.our motorhome was on french plates and not once did we ever have a problem. At one point in italy we bumped into some brits who had been attacked in italy along the broarder on their way from spain.they told me that they had been asleep at the time of the attack.a bang was heard and then voices and then a high powered light was in their faces.their attackers wanted money, id cards and passports. Which they did not get due to the actions of the owners very big dog letting rip. The proof of the story was the condition of the side window and surround.the window being the point of entry.

I must say that when the hymer went back on uk plates, it drew a lot more interest from a certain type of person.these days I dont wild camp at all.i have build up a whole collection of safe places to stop.and I sm alot happier using them.michael

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Guest JudgeMental

So its true after all........Gassing a fact according to daily mail (so must be true ;-)) BUT! it gets worse they are now targeting campers in TENTS! :D




trust the mail to bring news of real substance,.,,their investigating journalist in a league of their own *-)


"A family robbed while holidaying in France claim they are the latest victims of thieves who knocked them unconscious by piping gas into their tent." :-S



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Guest Had Enough
JudgeMental - 2014-09-01 1:02 PM


So its true after all........Gassing a fact according to daily mail (so must be true ;-)) BUT! it gets worse they are now targeting campers in TENTS! :D




trust the mail to bring news of real substance,.,,their investigating journalist in a league of their own *-)


"A family robbed while holidaying in France claim they are the latest victims of thieves who knocked them unconscious by piping gas into their tent." :-S



And their dog, with a body weight one tenth (or less) of an adult, didn't suffer at all. The problem is that there are people too stupid to work out why this is all utter nonsense.


It really is odd that we've never heard reports of poor little Fido being killed by gassing. ;-)


What is even sadder is that someone has felt the need to resurrect this moronic theory. *-)

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Had Enough - 2014-09-01 1:21 PM


And their dog, with a body weight one tenth (or less) of an adult, didn't suffer at all. Did nobody ask why?.


It really is odd that we've never heard reports of poor little Fido being killed by gassing. ;-)



A good point badly made Frank as without the unnecessary insults it might be worth discussing why dogs are not affected by gas attacks - unless the gas used is lighter than air and the dog is asleep on the floor well below the gas cloud?


On t'other hand I do seem to recall the instructions telling me to install the gas detector not very high above floor level and similar to head height when asleep?

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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2014-09-01 1:36 PM


Had Enough - 2014-09-01 1:21 PM


And their dog, with a body weight one tenth (or less) of an adult, didn't suffer at all. Did nobody ask why?.


It really is odd that we've never heard reports of poor little Fido being killed by gassing. ;-)



A good point badly made Frank as without the unnecessary insults it might be worth discussing why dogs are not affected by gas attacks - unless the gas used is lighter than air and the dog is asleep on the floor well below the gas cloud?


On t'other hand I do seem to recall the instructions telling me to install the gas detector not very high above floor level and similar to head height when asleep?


No Richard, not an insult, a fact. There are people who are too stupid to work out why it's impossible.


There are people who are too stupid to work out that the Earth is round. Unfortunately, there are lots and lots of very stupid people out there.


Did you know that there are some people who think that we're ruled by a race of shape-shifting green lizards? What would you call them? I know what I call them!





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Had Enough - 2014-09-01 1:42 PM


Did you know that there are some people who think that we're ruled by a race of shape-shifting green lizards? What would you call them? I know what I call them!



I give up Frank, I have no idea what you would call a race of shape shifting green lizards so do please tell us what you know about them so we will be forewarned when they try a gas attack on us simply because we are silly enough to not believe in them?

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Guest JudgeMental
Brambles - 2014-09-01 1:57 PM


My gas detector says approved to BS EN50291-1 and -2 on it. Does the 'BS' mean it detects Bull s**t?


Unfortunately dear boy I fear not :-D

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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2014-09-01 2:34 PM


Had Enough - 2014-09-01 1:42 PM


Did you know that there are some people who think that we're ruled by a race of shape-shifting green lizards? What would you call them? I know what I call them!



I give up Frank, I have no idea what you would call a race of shape shifting green lizards so do please tell us what you know about them so we will be forewarned when they try a gas attack on us simply because we are silly enough to not believe in them?


They're easy to spot Rich ;-)................as being an alien life form, they have to wear breathing apparatus :D..........



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