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Renault master van chassis motorhome central locking problem


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We have just bought a bentley oulton motorhome based on Renault master van. The central locking keeps locking its self even when your sat in the van. We've taken it to Renault who say there is nothing wrong with it. The habitation door lock is broken if your inside and it locks you cannot get out unless you unlock with the remote Kay, the dealer is trying to sort for us but wondered if any body else has had this problem. Also the speedo makes a funny noise when the van self locks quite bizarre.


Any help much appreciated (!)

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I own a Bentley Donnington probably the last one to be built.


The door on the habitation side is basically not connected to the courtesy light circuit so when you unlock the vehicle with the remote then open the door the vehicle doesn't recognise the fact you have entered the vehicle and as a security feature it relocks the vehicle after about 90 seconds.

If you enter the cab after unlocking the vehicle knows you have entered the vehicle and will not relock.

I had a Thatcham alarm fitted so it locked and then set the alarm off not good on a campsite.


So you will have to get the habitational door included in the circuit and it will not do it as the door being open recognises you have entered.

For now i would unlock and open a cab door and shut it then use the habitation door .

Dont open the door and leave the keys in as they get locked in.


Cant say i have noticed any noise from speedo



Hope this helps

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