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To cover or not to cover


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Hello, just about to pick up my new (second hand) swift sundance 590rs. It's based on a Fiat Ducato 2.8 and is a 2001 model. I am just wondering what the pros and cons are on covering it up. Vehicles do tend to get at bit mucky on my drive as there are lots of trees around but is it bad for the vehicle if covered and water/moisture get underneath and then it does not dry out. I will be using the vehicle at various times but not frequently and it may stand for longer periods during winter, like most motorhomes tend to be used. Your views and advise would be welcome and also any types of cover that you can recommend. Basically I used to own a vw campervan and even that was hard work to clean so if I can cover this one up with no issues that would be better . ;-)
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Assuming it is no longer covered by a water ingress warranty, there is some advantage to covering your van, not least that it will emerge clean from the cover.


You need to get a breathable cover with a soft under surface, that will no abraid the van finish. You may need to install some packing on the roof to prevent ponds developing, as these will eventially lead to leaks. Some covers come with soft packers as part of the package.


You have a choice of roof covers, or covers that envelop top and all sides. The former can be a bit challenging to strap down satisfactorily, but IMO have the advantage that they allow better ventilation beneath. Because the latter fully envelop the van down to its skirts they are somewhet easier to secure, but are obviously far more voluminous, and more costly. Neither is exactly easy to handle on a windy day! :-) Have a look at Vancomfort.


I have been advised that it is not a good idea to cover vans that are still within the term of their water ingress warranty, as this might delay discovery of ingress until the warranty has expired - when the cost of remedy would fall on you! Make of that what you will! :-D

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Hi. I have a 7m A class that is parked alongside a row of 25' high trees.I cut the trees back so that the branches do not overhang but birds still had no problem leaving their droppings on it. Leaves laid on the roof, turned brown, stained the roof and the rain then washes the stain onto the sides it looked a right mess.I brought a Maypole full cover for about £100 and now have a reasonably clean motorhome. After two or three goes at putting the cover on I found that if the two rear zips were undone fully I could poke the rear flap onto the front roof,get on the roof and then pull it along the roof to the rear.Whilst the motorhome is being used fairly regularly I just use three straps to hold it down. It takes about ten minutes to do this,a lot quicker than washing the motorhome. The only problem is if the cover is wet when I take it off as it needs to be dry to roll it up otherwise it will go mouldy. If I do go away when the cover is wet I lay it out as best as I can in the shed untill I get back home. For me a cover was a good investment.

Regards David

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Guest JudgeMental
I had a breathable cover when we had demountable campers. pretty bulky to store, bit awkward to fit, but worked well enough. I would look at the roof only types, just make sure they are the good quality breathable type.
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Cheers everyone, thanks for your help. It looks like there is no simple answer. Just had a look at Vancomfort and they have a cover for just the cab section, this will cover the "metalwork" at least and looks easy to put on and remove. I think I will wait until I have given it a clean to see how hard a job it is because it seems it is better for the van to get dirty rather than stay wet under a cover. I plan to use it as much as possible until the end of October and then I will just give it charge and a short run every 2 weeks. That's what the previous owner did and it seems to have kept it in good health. :-D
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I bought an expensive cover for my van last year, We had high winds, Before I could get to storage the straps had broken off and the slapping of the cover produced heavy scoring over large areas. Repairs! that's another matter.

I will not be using it this year.

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Guest JudgeMental

van front section not really a concern IMO, but the roof is......a breathable roof only cover will protect vulnerable seals and roof from a build up of grime, always make sure you park so water does not gather in areas.


maintaining the roof probably in itself the most awkward aspect of coachbuilt ownership.

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