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Old &type 2 diabetes travel insurance prices shock!


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Heyup am going to majorca for a week with my beloved havent been abroad for about three years :- and have just paid £82.00 !! for a weeks insurance for me&him : first i paid £50 for the both of us then because the better half has type 2 when i phoned axa it was another £32, or he wouldnt be insured if he had a heart attack or stroke , (apparentley diabetes related ) have never been charged this much in the past even when weve gone long haul and have always declared his diabetes : in fact he is fitter than most non diabetics his age cos since he got it fifteen years ago hes "looked after himself" .blinkin heck does anyone know a good travel insurance company where you can get a years worth at a reasonable rate ,for future hols (this was done quickly on spur of moment when we got feeling of needing a bit of sunshine on our shoulders lol) pp:)
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Cheers will look them up for next time,........... Thought we were in "europe "". Do tourists visiting here have to pay for insurance for their medical care whilst over here do you think?i was just amazed at how much it had gone up cos like i said weve always declared his diabetes and only paid about £30 for the two of us so its more than doubled in three years :anyhow thats me whinge over thanks for the link ill look into it pp :)
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Just for interest i got a quote online from saga and it was half the price compared to the axa insurance ive just bought from thomson (nothing better to do at 5am on a friday before i go to work lol) Fools rush in etc etc .......now wheres me cuppa tea ?
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Best we've found is LV insurance. 

We always buy annual policy even if we've no plans to travel twice.  The bulk of the cost is in the pre-existing conditions so for instance, if the basic policy costs say, £15 for a week and £40 for annual cover by the time they've added on the extra charge for your pre-existing conditions, (in our case my OH incurs an extra £150-£225 depending on the company) it makes sense to go for the annual one as we are quite likely to pop over to France a couple of times at least.


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Guest JudgeMental
Pampam - 2014-09-05 5:17 AM


Just for interest i got a quote online from saga and it was half the price compared to the axa insurance ive just bought from thomson (nothing better to do at 5am on a friday before i go to work lol) Fools rush in etc etc .......now wheres me cuppa tea ?


Last thing you should ever do is buy from a travel agent it will cost nigh on double...tried LV yesterday as we have house insurance with them. fell at the first hurdle*-)


saw these on Which? but turns out they are not recommended like LV but will cover me. but on reading up it appears they are difficult if it comes to a claim



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I went to the doctors for an inhaler and came out with a couple of stents and more pills the colour of smarties than you can imagine.


I want holiday insurance to go to NZ and see my son, but the insurance is about the same cost as the air fare :'(


Any one in a similar position with a recommendation for a company that will insure, and actually pay if there is a problem ?



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Guest JudgeMental

You wil get insured but getting paid out can be tricky with some.have been reading through reviews recently and some well tricky. Fir instance not only do you have to disclose everything wrong with you. If you have to cancel because a relative becomes ill, and they have pre existing conditions, claim will not be payed out if the condition responsible for cancellation.



All you can do is call around, find one that will quote, carry out some due diligence...... Lots of threads with insurer details....

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Yes thats why im off for a week to majorca and not three weeks to mauritius in january : because if my Pa took a turn for the worse , i would loose my holiday ,and weve saved for it all year : thing is tho whatever pr condition youve got it seems they link every other illness to it lol ! Pp:)
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Just a tip for anyone who like me has type two diabetes you can use this to improve your pensions as you are statistically unlikely to live as long. I've done just that with a couple of mine even though I have almost perfect control of my sugar levels in intend doing my level best to live to a ripe old age.
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