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Mosquitoes and other bitey insects.


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Currently on Ile de Re. Wife suffering from bites. She is happy to clart herself in chemical repellent during the day, but doesn't like to use sprays or the electric pad thing at night, in the van.

Any suggestions for a non chemical repellent/obliterator for in van use.

PS, we've tried alcohol, it just delays the problem until morning.??

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Guest JudgeMental
but you dont need repellent during the day its in the evenings they come out. make sure she uses a spray containing DEET. we have a plug in insect light/zapper which helps also a plug in liquiod style. if you dont have these all you can do is spray the van before you got out in evening, and keep it closed up. there really is no alternative to spraying yourselves as well I'm afraid.....
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Might try to get one of these nets that fix over the bed like the one here.

We have mozzie screens at all the windows, hab. door (not the cab) and skylights keeps 99% out then last thing at night I spend a few minutes hunting any stray ones down usually easy to see against the light coloured furniture and ceiling.









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Minicamper - 2014-09-09 1:24 PM


Citronella candles have worked well for us. Light them early evening when the blighters seem to be hungry before they bed down for the night! They are even effective outside, in the awning etc. at discouraging bite-y visitors from visiting us.


These work for us too,,,,,best placed one on and one under the table on the floor thats where we get bit the most ..the blighters just love our ankles :-D



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JudgeMental - 2014-09-09 11:42 AMbut you dont need repellent during the day .....


I beg to differ Judge; the blighters will bite at any time but they seem to like the taste of female blood more than males for some reason.  If we're in an area with mozzies I use the fairly cheap citronella type spray all over and it works for me, if I don't use it I get bitten day or night!  An advantage of non-poison spray is that it can be used on the face (mind the eyes), hair, etc and it won't hurt the dog.  Although she hates it and will run for cover when she sees the bottle, it gets up her nose!


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Guest JudgeMental

Yeah OK......sometimes, but surely mainly at dusk and in the evenings the worse time of day. Plus the OP's wife protects her self during the day and not night and that a bit daft to be honest.


Wearing dark color's helps apparently, and showering. We also use citronella candle for outside, and have one of those electric style tennis racket, and do a sweep of the van before going to bed....


Have used avon skin so soft for foreign trips. we have been up in Swedish Lapland in the summer and you get black clouds of them! but life goes on, you just need the tools.....


If you buy a DEET spray get the 50 not the 100 as it can melt plastic...glasses etc...

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The Avon skin so soft seems to work OK for me as well but I also bought some repellent mozzy wipes when Aldi had them, they dont work for HORSE flies though a big b==ger bit me when I was talking to my daughter on my ipad during the day.


The plugins don't harm you I've used them for years I don't think I've ever been bitten in the van !! except in Scotland that is!!!

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Thanks good people. We've tried much of what you suggest, like Skin So Soft and Citronella. I think she is persuaded to go for the good old fashioned full on chemical warfare.

Weather here is fantastic by the way, in case anyone is looking for some sunshine.


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Try taking a large dose of vitamin B12 each day. It's supposed to work and certainly my partner (who's a magnet for anything that bites) finds she gets bitten much less if she's taking B12. Alternatively smearing yourselves in Marmite may have the same effect but I've never tried it!



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PCC - 2014-09-10 9:27 AMTry taking a large dose of vitamin B12 each day. It's supposed to work and certainly my partner (who's a magnet for anything that bites) finds she gets bitten much less if she's taking B12. Alternatively smearing yourselves in Marmite may have the same effect but I've never tried it!Peter


If I so much as look at Marmite it certainly repells my OH, hmmm you might have something there. lol


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