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Disney Land Paris Aire

Wasnt Me

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Cannot say anything about prices as it was a few years ago. You can stay more than one night and need to display ticket on windscreen as you could get an early morning call.

Stay as far away from the walkway as you can as it starts early, another awakening call.

Toilets and showers are available on site in a building that is used by the coach drivers, Not sure how formal this is but not a problem. Waste water can be disposed of by driving over a borne provide for the coaches although I deposed of the black waste in the toilets.

The MH area is part of a huge car park and there can be 100s of MH in and also be aware that Disney's cleanliness standards means a road sweeper zooming up and down in the early hours.

Whatever, enjoy :-D

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Guest JudgeMental
Like Hamish above we have not been for years, but we stayed on the site a few times with the camper when kids were younger. Cant you find out from their website. As said the aire is just at the end of a big car park and you just turn up and park next to all the other campers, then presumably pay at the office. probably on google earth if you want a look
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We went to Disney Land Paris earlier this year and stayed there for 3 days.

Cost for 24 hour parking is 30 euros, you can stay as long as you like but have to pay 30 euros every 24 hours, there are showers and fresh water points available and a waste water drain.



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