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Overnight Parking Ban At Dover


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Guest Had Enough
Joe90 - 2014-09-14 7:33 AM


Well that IS a surprise, motorhome parking banned in the UK......never


You're right of course. This would never happen in France or anywhere else in Europe for that matter. In France I have never seen a height barrier and have been allowed to park my motorhome overnight anywhere I like, in front of houses, on main roads, sea fronts, the list goes on.


Only last month I parked on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées in Paris, right under the Arc de Triomphe and the next morning I was awoken by dozens of Parisiens offering me gifts as they were so grateful for the tourist revenue that I was bringing to their lovely city.


And of course I was contributing enormously by buying a fresh baguette every morning without fail.


This would never happen in the U.K. would it? In fact I just can't believe that any of us are still living here when just over the Channel is the Land of Milk and Honey.




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Why would you want to park at Dover ,did it once never again ,laid in bed listening to t annoys from port all night ,and the constant throbbing of engines as they entered and departed the port.

We use the Park and ride at Canterbury £3.00 and night ,includes bus fare into town ,buses have Wifi.

Pub near entrance selling good food ,and easy 25 minute ride to port .Takes 20 vans

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Why is it that some of you people simply cannot see the bigger picture of banning this and banning that, perhaps when there is simply nowhere to park apart from some muddy CL in the back end of nowhere. Anyone who uses Dover knows perfectly well of the huge amount of crossings made by British motorhome users, why cannot Kent find some brown field site to provide a chargeable parking area for use either day or night just as they have at Canterbury. And its nothing short of a bloody disgrace that the UK has such dire provision for HGV drivers as well, the European truckers must think they have landed in hell. As for the sarcastic comments, the poster has obviously never heard of, or used one of the many major town Aires specifically provided for motorhome users, say what you like, its simply a different mindset to that demonstrated time and time again in the UK, and with the recently announced sweeping new powers being given to local councils you can certainly look for more bans encompassing all manner of things, and coming your way very soon.


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We have stayed overnight at Marine Parade on several occasions simply because it’s convenient when catching an early morning ferry or when returning via a late night one.

There is also a very practical reason. If catching an early ferry we do not want to overnight 20 or more miles from the port and risk getting caught in traffic when there’s a deadline to meet.

Cattwg :-D

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Guest JudgeMental
nowtelse2do - 2014-09-14 9:12 PM


+1 well said Joe90. ;-)




yeah well said the returning onefootinthe grave our resident neo nazi

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Excellent to read the previous two well thought out opinions of the ever creeping further controls over our lives, the next thing you'll be telling me is a ban on vacuum cleaners over a certain size, still take it all on the chin without protest eh.
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Had Enough - 2014-09-14 10:50 AM


Joe90 - 2014-09-14 7:33 AM


Well that IS a surprise, motorhome parking banned in the UK......never


You're right of course. This would never happen in France or anywhere else in Europe for that matter. In France I have never seen a height barrier and have been allowed to park my motorhome overnight anywhere I like, in front of houses, on main roads, sea fronts, the list goes on.


Only last month I parked on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées in Paris, right under the Arc de Triomphe and the next morning I was awoken by dozens of Parisiens offering me gifts as they were so grateful for the tourist revenue that I was bringing to their lovely city.


And of course I was contributing enormously by buying a fresh baguette every morning without fail.


This would never happen in the U.K. would it? In fact I just can't believe that any of us are still living here when just over the Channel is the Land of Milk and Honey.




Frank yes a great place to overnight but we thought the highlight was the free helicopter trip around the Eiffel tower, shame you missed out on that! You are correct in pointing out that there are also restrictions on where motorhomes can park in France and that Paris does not have a motorhome aire.

However this is an exception as most towns/cities in France do provide Aires so fact that there maybe restrictions elsewhere in the town does not matter, well not to us anyway. Without giving it much thought know that there are, for example, aires in, or within public transport range of Albi, Amiens, Angouleme, Bar le duc, Bayeux, Biarritz, Besancon, Boulogne, Charleville-Mezieres, Colmar.....,as we have stayed on them and that's only the first three letters of the alphabet. A similar list for UK would be very limited we think. Why do we not live in France you might ask if it is so great? Well we have family and grandchildren here and enjoy spending time with them which would not be so easy if based in France. That apart we would have no hesitation in moving to France as we think the life style and approach to things in general there is more in the way we think.

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JudgeMental - 2014-09-16 6:28 PM


nowtelse2do - 2014-09-14 9:12 PM


+1 well said Joe90. ;-)




yeah well said the returning onefootinthe grave our resident neo nazi


I think for someone who never ceases to sing the praises of all things German, perhaps a few lessons in recent history would not be such a bad idea when it comes to :using the word Nazi, you are almost certainly giving your cash, and always advising others to do likewise almost certainly to the sons and daughters of some of them, quite ironic don't you think. I actually had a brother that died in the second world war, so that nasty fat pathetic cretins like you would be saved from the Nazis.

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I agree with joe90,the gradual erosion of our rights and freedoms is ignored by most until it affects us personally,and then of course its too late,might as well call motorhomers and caravanners criminals cos thats how we're treated here,we park where we like,with consideration of course,and sod laws,bylaws etc,if we're not doing any harm then whats the problem? Time to take cover i think lol >:-)
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It won't bother me in the least. I 'voted with my feet' years ago after getting a ticket off one of Dovers 'jobsworths' at Marine Parade. The weather was atrocious....absolutely belting it down with rain, and i woke to find this ticket slapped on my screen. The entire length of Marine Parade was totally empty....not even a pedestrian in sight let alone another MH/Camper but that hadn't stopped old 'jobsworth'.


When i went to sort it out the woman at the Council Office just shrugged and said "we get it all the time". I told her "well you won't be getting any more....because this is the last time i spend a penny cent in your town".


I've never shopped in Dover since.


I use Channel View Rd which is just a 3 min drive from the Port and hassle free of any stupid 'jobsworths'.




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Guest JudgeMental
Joe90 - 2014-09-16 10:03 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-09-16 6:28 PM


nowtelse2do - 2014-09-14 9:12 PM


+1 well said Joe90. ;-)




yeah well said the returning onefootinthe grave our resident neo nazi


I think for someone who never ceases to sing the praises of all things German, perhaps a few lessons in recent history would not be such a bad idea when it comes to :using the word Nazi, you are almost certainly giving your cash, and always advising others to do likewise almost certainly to the sons and daughters of some of them, quite ironic don't you think. I actually had a brother that died in the second world war, so that nasty fat pathetic cretins like you would be saved from the Nazis.



The irony in that mind boggling! You sad little man. Give us a break from your pathetic sloganeering and racism you pathetic moron........why you constantly have to reinvent yourself and crawl back onto the forum spreading your hatful bile is desperation beyond belief! Must be real hard pretending be someone else you cretin......but the mask soon slips.


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So says the man that rarely has a good word for anyone, unless they subscribe to his all things German, the very country that gave birth to Nazism, a country you so obviously admire, now do go out and have a ride on your Bosch bike, and be careful in the traffic.............or on second thoughts.
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Guest JudgeMental

Ha ha ha what a racist & bigoted sad little man you are, with your german this, and german that rhetoric. Saying all Germans are Nazis is like saying all Jews are Zionists you moron. The irony being, your views hold more in common with Nazi ideology.


I still dont get what drives you to be honest..your probably mentally ill or why else would you get banned and reinvent yourself, what is it 3 times now, desperate or what!lol. not one shred of dignity....Your really not fit to be in the company of decent thinking folk who judge people by their actions and not their color, creed or nationality......

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This is no surprise, typical British councillors one complaint and they ban one and all, no wonder Dover is such an horrible downtrodden place.


I have read that they feel that they get no income from motorhomes or caravans !!! how short sighted, take the blinkers off and look around,

I would ask Dover councillors


1 where do the majority of your population work ?

2 Without the ferries would they have work ?

3 Does the town gather rates off the dock ?

4 What facilities do you supply for any vehicles using the ferries

5 Why not provide waiting areas for ALL types of vehicles using the ferries at reasonable cost and then perhaps you could catch some of that passing trade and help local business thrive.


Every time I catch a ferry from Dover I try and stop at Canterbury and always without fail go into town and do a last minute shop, we tend to spend around about £50 each visit but would be very interested in stopping in Dover if they provided the same facilities



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JudgeMental - 2014-09-17 12:23 PM


Ha ha ha what a racist & bigoted sad little man you are, with your german this, and german that rhetoric. Saying all Germans are Nazis is like saying all Jews are Zionists you moron. The irony being, your views hold more in common with Nazi ideology.


I still dont get what drives you to be honest..your probably mentally ill or why else would you get banned and reinvent yourself, what is it 3 times now, desperate or what!lol. not one shred of dignity....Your really not fit to be in the company of decent thinking folk who judge people by their actions and not their color, creed or nationality......


In the company of decent thinking folk, that's what you class yourself calling people neo Nazis, yes of course all decent folk do that. You of course as usual like to paint yourself as a paragon of virtue, there are more than a few on here having been on the receiving end your spite and sheer nastiness that would differ, as name calling or just taking the piss is your default position. You should also credit people on here with far more intelligence than you do, they know and you know I did not call Germans Nazis, it was you that slung that nice little insult my way that started this.

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