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A Class silver screens


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We use our silver screens on a regular basis when away in the van, even though we have built in sliding internal winter blinds 

It helps with the cutting down on condensation which is usual on A class vans.

Ours version has a fold down front panel, with a mesh screen behind it , which is folded down during the day, lets light in but also limits the vision so people can not see inside your van unless very close up.

There are companies that make these screens, all you have to do is let them know your make and model of van.

We are happy with our screens, but there may be people on here who don't like them. I think it is the case of each to their own.

Hope this advise helps.
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We Have A Class and we have Bought Silver Screens for ours, they were £350 plus , expensive for what they are, we have a forward facing screen camera which we would have to take down every evening to enable the blinds to be closed, but we now leave it in place and use the Silverscreens every evening instead, They also help to keep the Motorhome cool in hot sunshine. and give some privacy to the Large windscreen on Aires.     Safe Journeys.

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We have external screens for our Exsis-i, so far not used them in anger yet but have noticed the heat distribution around the cab windows is so good they should only be needed in really cold weather. In the south of France at the moment didn't bother bringing them with us.


Brought the genuine Hymer ones as there were cheaper & better than the aftermarket ones.

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