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Tunisia in october??


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dont know the current price, but ADAC give breakdown and medical insurance for all the countries bordering the med. cost £95 last year. even includes travel costs for relatives if you are in hosital for 14 days or more !!!!!

tunisa is lovely in october. all year in fact.

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We used AGEAS travel insurance thru Swinton , they just happened to ring me as i was perusing SAGA (they were ringing about my car insurance )ianswered and asked if they did travel insurance and thats what they came up with : its worldwide and covers for medical ,and cancellation etc so i thought that was good with hubby being type 2 ,it seems to push the price up a lot more than it used to be anyhow ive git it now so we shall have to get away more lol :) pp
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JudgeMental - 2014-09-27 1:30 PM


PP ignore the miserable posion dwarf 1foot *-)


Another vitriolic post from the bloke with Eleven Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Five posts to his name, he intends not to be ignored.


Pampam as I said......Marmite, I enjoyed the very different experience, my Wife hated the place.

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JudgeMental - 2014-09-27 2:57 PM


Jealous.. ..i think members are entitled to know exactly who you really are!....nothing but a banned troll


So your attempt to ruin yet another thread doesn't tell everyone the type of person you are eh.


Do please give it a rest.


Apologies to Pam Pam.


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Thankyou all , i think ill probably be like joes wife and perhaps not be as enamoured as my husband ! Thanks chris my husband has checked on that website ,we are going on a package holiday not touring in a van .....( that 'd be a great adventure eh?) and he thinks we should be okay if thomson are still going but he will keep his eye on their site : its everywhere isnt it ? (the threat of terror) we are on high risk alert at work and we have been offered three hours of training at work (about terrorism what weaponery ,what to look for atc ) and i only work in a shopping centre : so the threat is everywhere eh ? I'll let you know what i learn it should be interesting if a little depressing eh? Regards pp:)
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  • 4 weeks later...
Just to let you know the weather was lovely in tunisia , the hotel was vunderbah the sea &beach fantastic : food brill tons of choice stuffed veg loadsa meats even rabbit plenty of sweet stuff too if you wanted it ; and booze if you that way inclined : i loved the place but ,i dont know if i would want to tour there in motorhome , i got the feeling that with the poverty there, there would be corruption ,quite a few machine gun toting police with roadblocks at tolls (dont know what that was about?) anyway hats off to anyone motorhoming across there ,but idont think id personally enjoy it .....was nice being waited on and only having to think what to eat and what factor sunblock to use ,kindle worth its weight in gold got thru loads of reading regards pp:)
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