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Forges Les Eaux Aire

Guest machra

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Has anyone had any issues with a break in or theft at the aire at Forges Les Eaux. It is an aire we use every year as a stopover, both into and out of France and on two occasions now I have found a guy in his late 70s (guess) skulking round the vans late at night (1030pm).

I know about the old guy who walks bent over, and who checks the nationality of the vans on the aire. He visits in the evening when it is still light. I think he is harmless and just has a fascination for motorhomes.

However, last year on the way back to England, and this year on the way out, I have found this old French guy wandering down the line of vans. In fact last year it was his clumsiness as he knocked against the van that alerted me to his presence. I shot out of the van on hearing a knock as I thought someone was messing with the bikes on the rack, and found him wandering off down the line of vans. He jumped into a car parked at the end of the aire and went. I checked around and found nothing missing (bikes were still there and external lockers were still locked) so thought nothing of it. This year on the way into France we stopped at Forges and I just went for a quick walk around about 1030 (long drive and stiff legs) and saw a figure lurking at the rear of the next van in line. As he saw me he walked away from the van and up the row but at a greater distance from the vans, and got into a car and drove off.

I haven’t heard of anyone being robbed at Forges, and we have been there 5 times now, so wonder if he is a peeping tom type, trying to see into the vans when it is dark. Before anyone asks I have not spoken to him as my French is nearly non-existent and he walks off when discovered.


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Guest pelmetman

We met an old bloke this March who likes to have a chat whether you can speak French or not :D...........


He had a leaflet about the Bluebell railway that he wanted to show us :-S......


I wonder if there is an old folks home nearby?...........he seem'd harmless ;-).......



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Hi,  I think you will find he is part of the staff who collects payments from the M/H.as they only collect payment around 4 to 5 pm those unscrupulous Motorhomers who know this  use it to their own advantage by coming late and leaving early, this may be an attempt to catch them ,  Forges is a quiet site often visited by the Police, I always confront anyone wondering around any site I,m on late at Night, and up to now all have been Legitimate Motorhomers,  
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The number of times I have been there it was a lady from the camp site who collected fee. Last time it was a man, possibly husband that came round. Must say I have never been aware of all alledge fee dodgers as staff came round early to check. Never had any concerns at this Aires even when a group of travellers were there.
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Guest pelmetman
Corky 8 - 2014-09-26 8:27 PM


Hi,  I think you will find he is part of the staff who collects payments from the M/H.as they only collect payment around 4 to 5 pm those unscrupulous Motorhomers who know this  use it to their own advantage by coming late and leaving early, this may be an attempt to catch them ,  Forges is a quiet site often visited by the Police, I always confront anyone wondering around any site I,m on late at Night, and up to now all have been Legitimate Motorhomers,  


I'd be surprised if he was a member of staff Corky :D................besides we use the aire even when its technically closed which just means the services are turned off ;-)............


When open the staff from the municipal opposite collect the fee :D...........


Although we have noticed this trip to France an increase in beggars :-S................



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