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Driving lights and indicator problems


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New Peugeot Boxer 02-07-06 I will be taking this motor home to the Peugeot dealer for the5th time,it has a intermittent fault,on starting. the main lights and indicators will not work (or after some miles of driving main beam dip and indicators fail,the light return but idicators dont ) This is worrying when on the motorway at night.Can any one help,.
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When you go back this time take a letter with you addressed to the Serrvice Manager and copied to Managing Director, detailing the problems that you are experiencing, the number of times you have been back and that the problems are still ongoing. Tell them that this is the last time they get a chance to resolve the issue, which is safety related. If they are not succesful this time with a repair you will reject the van and ask for your money back in full including any allowance made in respect of any part exchange. Give them a reasonable time to carry out an investigation of the problem and effect any necessary repairs, 48 hours should suffice. Ask for compensation for the time you have not been able to use the motorhome. On returning home post a further copy of the letter to the MD by recorded delivery. These are your rights within law and the only negotiation should be on the compensation element. Good luck Docted
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