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Motorhome Parking


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Markov :- if you join one or both of the camping clubs they have temporary meets ,holiday sites,and rallies ,which are held all over the country ,all year,you can turn up and stay at one of these we stayed on one at ripon racecourse and it was excellent ,you dont have to get "involved " if you just want peace and quiet ,we paid six pound a night and it had on site showers and loo :good value i thought :cheers pp :) well its good value for a day and night with loo and shower ,yet it cost me £15.00 to park for one day in leeds in car :)
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Peter James - 2014-10-09 8:56 PM


Rayjsj - 2014-10-09 4:51 PM

(and with the travellers, I'd impound all of their vehicles,until they agreed to move.)

. Ray.

Have you really thought that one through *-)

How do you decide who is a 'traveller' for a start ?

Then how can you discriminate against this one race of people without offending every civilised nation in the world?

Then whats the point of 'impound' their vehicles for as long as they want to stay?

.... unless you are suggesting evicting them from their vehicles?

in which case since they have women and children the council will be obliged to re house them.


Lets get this straight 'Travellers' are NOT a race, they are just folk who don't like paying tax, and are up to every 'Tarmac your drive' (it will last at least until we drive away !) scheme and scam going.

No, Impound their vehicles, and if they refuse to move on, in say 7 days, Crush the vehicles.

I don't mean their Caravans, just their Range Rovers, Brand new Transit trucks, Mercedes 4x4s etc., (yes, i have seen them). >:-( Ray


If I paid no Tax (Income/Road/Council) or NI ,then maybe I could have a Brand new Range Rover and s**t in the Street too ??

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pepe63 - 2014-10-09 5:30 PM


I dare that when they're viewing the big picture, "councils" will see barriers etc as a cheaper and a far less risky option, than having to deal with getting rid/prosecuting/tidying up after Travellers, tidying up after fly-tippers ..and, dare I say it, shifting some MHers who overstay their welcome by turning "parking" into "overnighting"... :-S


So maybe it's the likes of these people that we should also be "blaming"?




Sorry, crossed posts HE


4 hours parking on the front, seems ample time to me. Ray

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pepe63 - 2014-10-10 9:37 PM


Rayjsj - 2014-10-10 9:22 PM


4 hours parking on the front, seems ample time to me. Ray


..Yes, for "visiting" the area,you'd like to think so, wouldn't you Ray But unfortunately, those that pitch up for days(and reportedly, even weeks) at a time, obviously think otherwise.. :-S


Then Fine Them, if they overstay their welcome, just don't put in a 'Blanket Ban' that affects everyone.

Once a few recieve Fines, they'll start to 'toe the line'. And you know how I'd treat 'so called' Travellers,

The thing is, harsh penalties hardly ever have to be used, PROVIDED that you DO enforce them, and do as you say you are going to do. Ray

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clifford60 - 2014-10-09 12:17 PM


Hi all, Leave ignition key with landlord if you are worried about pedantic plods. If they wanted to, they could raid any campsite in the middle of the night and find plenty of p****d motorhomers in charge of their vehicles. If i remember correctly, 40 years ago, when i was in the force, the law relating to alcohol and driving was that to be convicted of drink driving you had to be driving or attempting to drive. To be drunk in charge, you had to be intending to drive. That is why they don't raid campsites as the campers have no intention to drive. Remember you are still innocent until proven guilty in this country (for the time being anyway)

But, don't you have to be on a public highway, and not on private land? If the argument is that by having the keys at your disposal you are in charge of a vehicle, what about those who are over the limit and at home? What about reasonable grounds, and rights of access?

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pepe63 - 2014-10-10 9:37 PM


Rayjsj - 2014-10-10 9:22 PM


4 hours parking on the front, seems ample time to me. Ray


..Yes, for "visiting" the area,you'd like to think so, wouldn't you Ray But unfortunately, those that pitch up for days(and reportedly, even weeks) at a time, obviously think otherwise.. :-S


Whilst I find it odd that anyone would find much of interest in Aberystwyth, why does this issue irk you so much, I mean parking in general, do you ever park anywhere other than on your marker peg on a Caravan club site, or venture any further than Shropshire. If you don't why constantly get in a huff about it.


Why always this distinction about folk in motorhomes parking to just quietly enjoy their day as me and my wife try to do, yet folk in ruddy great 4x4s with ten kids, a canoe,a Jetski on a trailer,and a barking dog disturbing the peace, and flinging their McDonalds waste and Costa coffee cups everywhere never get a mention.

I've said it many times before, come to our local car park ( no motorhomes allowed ) and see the crap left behind that we have to contend with from all these lovely well behaved non motorhoming people, then you would have something to moan about.


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Well, I see with your, CC parker peg and the not venturing further that Shropshire jibes, it didn't take you long for Mr Cordial mask to slip, did it.... *-)


Barriers and parking restrictions, stop/restrict us from parking as much as anyone else and his topic probably doesn't "irk" me anymore, than not being able to park anywhere you want to, "irks" you.


..but what does "irk" me is how some just refuse to accept that the behaviour of some of their "group" DOES have an influence on the public's perception of us as a whole and therefore also on the bringing in of parking restrictions/barriers etc...


So why do folk who say they only want to park up for several hours(to visit the town,maybe to just take in the view etc), then just refuse to blame the very MHers/Campervanners who turn decent parking spaces into "overnighting" pitches for days/weeks at time, and thus sparking up "anti-MH" feeling, tighter parking restrictions, barriers etc...?


Why do some, just not see the connection..?


(..If someone wants to "wildcamp" , then they shouldn't really be doing it on a Prom' or a town's carpark..)


RE: Litter. Yes,again, I agree litter left by visitors or chucked form cars etc, is appalling...but this thread isn't about litter, it's about MH parking and some of the reasons why it is sometimes so difficult...


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You are so right in what you say, overnighting on the promenade is not wild camping, it is rude camping.

Everyone should be considerate of other people and these parking problems would not arise. I do have a campervan, just about to change to a coach built, and we would not dream of camping outside someones house, and indeed if someone tried to stay outside my house I would not be happy, yes we all pay road tax, that does not give us right to ignore restrictions.



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Yesterday, right at the entrance to our nearby country park, there was a ruddy great motorhome parked up. It was filthy, with rubbish literally spilling out the back. As I approached, to remonstrate with the owners, the most appalling stench wafted off it, then it drove off.

I turned to my wife to express my utter disgust, she said it was a bin lorry.


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Guest Peter James
Rayjsj - 2014-10-09 4:40 PM

we pay our Road Tax and local Council Taxes...


Certainly do, and my Council Tax is higher than Buckingham Palace. (In fact in some areas of England the council tax on a 3 bed semi is higher than Buckingham Palace)

So who is 'freeloading' off who?

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Guest Peter James
lynneroy - 2014-10-11 8:10 PM


if someone tried to stay outside my house I would not be happy,



Can I ask why?

People from nearby park outside my house all the night and it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Its their road as much as mine, and I don't need it anyway because I have a drive to park on (and they don't and the road outside their house has yellow lines).


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We were not discussing parking, I would have no objection at all to parking, but I would not want someone slleeping outside . We too get disappointed when motorhomes are not allowed to park, but some of the restrictions are put in place after incidents like Aberystwyth. We visited. a few weeks after all the bad press, and found a car park with pay and display within walking distance of the promenade, and had a lovely day.

If someone wantsto stop over for a couple of days, the promenade is not the place to stay in my opinion.

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lynneroy - 2014-10-11 8:52 PM


We were not discussing parking, I would have no objection at all to parking, but I would not want someone slleeping outside . We too get disappointed when motorhomes are not allowed to park, but some of the restrictions are put in place after incidents like Aberystwyth. We visited. a few weeks after all the bad press, and found a car park with pay and display within walking distance of the promenade, and had a lovely day.

If someone wantsto stop over for a couple of days, the promenade is not the place to stay in my opinion.



Errr, actually we WERE discussing Parking, that's what this thread is about, it is what Markov started this thread for. PARKING, NOT overnighting , just daytime parking, and the growing threat of being booked because of the type of vehicle we choose to drive.

If I want to park on the prom at Aberystwyth for a few hours, why shouldn't I ? If I happen to find a parking space outside your house (or mine for that matter) why shouldn't I park in it ? as long as it's only for a few hours, and I don't take up residence ?? and overstay Why not ? It's no differant from having a white Van parked there. There are ALREADY laws in place to punish folk who 'take the Pxxs' just use them. And stop trying to invent new laws.

And just a reminder this thread is about 'Parking' Not overnighting or wildcamping which are rightly illegal in most urban areas. I live in Fishguard, just down the coast from Aberystwyth, and a Ferry port to boot, do we have any Problems ? NO, people overnight waiting for their ferry, or get off of the Midnight ferry and overnight, it is NOT a problem. Parking too is not a problem. It only seems when we travel to England that we encounter hostility to Motorhomes. Ray

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lynneroy - 2014-10-11 9:28 PM


Just trying to point out that when people abuse parking and stay for nights, that is sometimes when a new restriction is bought in to ban motorhomes, and if everyone was considerate there would be no need for blanket bans.

Well, they never are going to be, are they ? there will Always be someone who thinks that the law doesn't apply to him, and yes, breaks the law. Fine HIM, dont bring in yet another law that affects everybody, that is plain stupid. Ray

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Your comment regarding parking of motorhomes, is exactly why we chopped our one in for a new caravan and have never been happier, I also have to disagree with your comments on gas guzzling towcars, that does not to have be, as you do not need a large four by four to tow a caravan, it is all about the weight of the van you are towing, even my two litre suv towing a caravan will probably give better mpg than a motorhome will, and coupled with this 55/60 to the gallon when not towing, and ease in parking plus more comfortability with a caravan, I know I have made the right choice and can now stick two fingers up to local councils, I know that some would disagree though. that's life.
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I wonder if they can see your two fingers from a caravan site ?


But whatever, you illustrate perfectly what they would like us all to do, be just parked up unseen in nice little rows, miles from anywhere, and lugging aqua rolls up and down a field, whilst all the curtain twitchers sit there eyeballing everyone, thanks, but no thanks..


The only concession I make is I don't believe anyone should park in residential areas,I wouldn't like it, and I don't believe many other folk would, but councils could think outside the box as does Powys, and Canterbury.


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Guest Peter James
lynneroy - 2014-10-11 8:52 PM


We were not discussing parking, I would have no objection at all to parking, but I would not want someone slleeping outside .


Thank you for your reply, but it leaves me even more baffled.

What difference does it make whether anyone is sleeping in it?

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It seems to me that one mark of a good society is that people respect each other's views and feelings. Just because something is not prohibited does not mean that other people will not be offended by it. I don't imagine there is a law against pushing to the front of a queue but most people don't....and so on. I should imagine that most people would not mind a motorhome parking in front of their house for a few hours but would not like it if someone started living in it.
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Peter James - 2014-10-12 6:49 AM


lynneroy - 2014-10-11 8:52 PM


We were not discussing parking, I would have no objection at all to parking, but I would not want someone slleeping outside .


Thank you for your reply, but it leaves me even more baffled.

What difference does it make whether anyone is sleeping in it?


I doubt you'll ever get a coherent reply from anyone to that question !


As for it being illegal as someone mentioned to sleep in your vehicle overnight, they obviously haven't told the thousands of truckers who do exactly that.

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Brian Kirby - 2014-10-10 11:03 PM


But, don't you have to be on a public highway, and not on private land? If the argument is that by having the keys at your disposal you are in charge of a vehicle, what about those who are over the limit and at home? What about reasonable grounds, and rights of access?


....many otherwise "private" spaces come under the provisions of the Road traffic Act if they are seen as "open to the public".


So, supermarket car parks, pub car parks, etc. that are open to access (regardless of conditions attached) will often (generally) be subject to the RTA provisions.


...that is, of course, unless it suits the police to "pretend" otherwise. I had a company car hit (rather violently) in an outlet car park in Sheffield, but on contact the local police played the "private land" card. Luckily, I had a very good witness - an off-duty Police Sergeant from another force, who rapidly put me (and them) right on the vagaries of the law.



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So, a grey(ish) area in practise. Hadn't realised that little quirk, thanks. But, I don't think I'm going to lose any sleep over it.


It would take a particularly officious officer (or one whose car you'd just been sick on, or similar!) to press the point. If one had asked the publican for permission to overnight on the car park, I think one should be able to deal with any allegations as to intent to drive while under the influence.


Mind, if truly officious, he might come back next morning and wait for you to drive off - and then try his luck! :-D

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