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Replacement Certificte of Conformity


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Dear all, would really appreciate your help - I have recently returned from serving in Germany with the Forces and brought back a LHD Motorhome. I am going through the process of registration and have just been told that my existing Certificate of Conformity is not in good enough condition as it is faded. I therefor need a replacement, can you advise on where I might get one fast please?


The whole process of registration has been frustrating, to say the least but hopefully getting there but now need a new CoC soonest. I see a lot of sites on line advertising them for around 150e, are these reputable and usable for the DVLA?


Motorhome is a Ford Transit / Chausson Flash 06


I appreciate your help

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This is the email for Chausson UK rep. If you contact him then he might be able to advise you who the best is to contact in Chausson. COC is usually produced by the Motorehome manufacture in my case with Dethleffs


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The manufacturer, if still in business, should be able to supply one. They will probably charge a fat fee.


Alternatively, if you existing CoC is still legible and you think DVLA are being jobsworth about it, write to your MP and ask him/her to contact DVLA for you. Send him aphotocopy so that he can see that it's legible.


An MP's letter goes in at the top and gets some attention. If DVLA are exercising judgement in an officious way they may be persuaded to change their mind. Explain that their nit-picking will cost you around £150-£200 in extra fees and cause unnecessary delays. This should be a simple transaction of re-registring a vehicle which already has type approval for the whole of the EU so why don't they just do it?


It might work.

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chris - 2014-10-11 8:52 AM






This is the email for Chausson UK rep. If you contact him then he might be able to advise you who the best is to contact in Chausson. COC is usually produced by the Motorehome manufacture in my case with Dethleffs


I would definitely follow up on this. The CoC is a kind of joint effort. Its begins with the base vehicle (chassis) maker, who produces an initial CoC for his parts. This then passes to the converter, who adds to it what is relevant to his parts, and issues the final version.


The replacement will, therefore, have to come from Chausson, who are part of the Trigano Group. Unfortunately, I suspect this may not be quick, as Chausson, and Trigano Group companies in general, seem to have something of a reputation for lethargy when responding to queries and requests from their end users.


Hopefully, this will prove unfounded in your case.


Just as a thought, can/could you photocopy/scan the original to bring up the details more clearly, so as to improve legibility, and might the DVLA accept both, the one as confirmation of the other?

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Thanks' every one for your advice. The VCA turned down my last request because the letter from the Garage stated that the Odometer (instead of speedometer) read MPH! Definitely Job sworth and leaving me very close to having an illegal vehicle on the road!!!. The DVLA rejected it originally, not because it was old looking and therfor fake but because it did not specify LHD so photocopy is no good. Will email the manufacturer and hope for the best.


THanks once again.



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We had the same sort of problem with the VCA in Bristol. The woman who we dealt with was adamant that the vehicle had 2 VIN numbers, even the garage that did the MOT spoke to her and told her that it was impossible and that the 2nd number on the COC was the build number then she told him it would have to have another MOT with the 2nd number and it was only after she tried to enter the 2nd number into her system that she realised her mistake. We got totally fed up speaking to her for 2 days and eventually said "leave it, we will go the VOSA route" even though it would cost more and take longer. She then told us that the refund wouldn't be the £100 we had paid them but £60 to take into account the administration time that they had used. The person who sorted it out eventually was called Andrew and I think he is her superior. Don't take any nonsense from her and state your case calmly, I know this is easy to say, but it works.
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jl698 - 2014-10-12 11:26 AM


Thanks' every one for your advice. The VCA turned down my last request because the letter from the Garage stated that the Odometer (instead of speedometer) read MPH! Definitely Job sworth and leaving me very close to having an illegal vehicle on the road!!!. The DVLA rejected it originally, not because it was old looking and therfor fake but because it did not specify LHD so photocopy is no good. Will email the manufacturer and hope for the best.


THanks once again.



I'm open to correction, but I don't think any CoC states which side the steering wheel is. It should be obvious from the language of the CoC whether the vehicle was for the UK or continental markets, and whether the vehicle is therefore LHD or RHD. The vehicle is identified by its VIN, and the converters build number. So long as both correspond with those on the vehicle, which I believe VOSA confirm, the requirement should be met. The CoC is merely to confirm that the vehicle met the construction and emissions standards in force at the time it was constructed.


Besides all of which, I have self-imported one, and had two (including the current one, in 2013) that were imported for me, and none of the V5C registration documents have stated which side the steering wheel is.


Have you had the necessary VOSA inspection for the lights and speedo yet? I would imagine they would refer to LHD/RHD in their report if it is relevant. If they don't, I suspect it is irrelevant for registration purposes. I don't think your DVLA person has any need or reason to verify which side the wheel is, and it is time to ask for the query to be escalated. Some further training seems in order!

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