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It's a very wet and windy day


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Huddled in the house today, with the wind howling and the rain lashing outside, as this former hurricane we're suffering in UK at the moment makes its way over us. We're at risk of losing slates off the roof and other types of damage but as temporary prisons go, a home is not a bad place to be. If we needed to go out we could do it but no need so we're staying inside. It's nice to be retired and to have the free choice.


A couple of nights ago we were in the MH at the temporary campsite at the NEC and despite being on hardstanding and fairly clear of trees which might have come down, I suspect it would have been a less attractive place to be in a storm. Motorhoming is a great hobby until something happens to remind you that you are in something not much bigger than the bathroom at home, even if the TV does still work and you have internet access! Our dog is going a bit stir crazy already. At least in MHs there is less risk of being adrift and at risk of being dashed onto a rocky shore, as yachtsmen and their families sometimes risk.


Come tomorrow the sky will be clearer and the sun might even be shining.


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Friday night where on the top at Mow Cop, it was kin windy, didn't get a lot of sleep.

It is fairly amusing to read posts about how spacious a CB is compared to a PVC, when in reality not a lot of vans are much bigger than the 10m2 bathrooms we have at home.

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Very windy here at Fishguard, Stena ferry to Ireland cancelled, been home just over a week, getting 'itchy feet' already and planning Christmas away, to be near to 'new' grandaughter on her first Christmas.

Warwick racecourse CC site, and Christmas dinner at a Restuarant (dad paying of course !).

Hope the truma heater doesn't 'Play up'. Ray

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We didn't have rain here in sunny Berkshire, but we did have a lot of wind. I spent the day with a chain saw cutting up the logs from the big cedar tree that had to be taken down during the storms earlier this year.

If I hadn't retired I would have paid the bloke on the estate £70 to deliver a truck load, and given the kid next door a £10 to stack 'em. So much for being retired.

As for StuartO's comment about boats, if CG would let me I would swop all I have for a decent 32 footer and the time I have now. Motorhomes are great, we really enjoy ours, but it's not like the real thing.


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Archiesgrandad - 2014-10-22 11:07 AM


We didn't have rain here in sunny Berkshire, but we did have a lot of wind. I spent the day with a chain saw cutting up the logs from the big cedar tree that had to be taken down during the storms earlier this year.

If I hadn't retired I would have paid the bloke on the estate £70 to deliver a truck load, and given the kid next door a £10 to stack 'em. So much for being retired.

As for StuartO's comment about boats, if CG would let me I would swop all I have for a decent 32 footer and the time I have now. Motorhomes are great, we really enjoy ours, but it's not like the real thing.



We changed from a 34ft boat to a motorhome!!

First year with van we visited all the marina,s we had moored in, in France, Miss the boat (sometimes) but not when it,s raining!!


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Guest pelmetman
StuartO - 2014-10-22 10:01 AM


bolero boy - 2014-10-22 8:30 AM


hadnt noticed......Blanes....on our way south....




Dontcha just hate it when you see campers going Souf and your heading Norf *-) ............



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I enjoyed sailing but could never much enjoy family sailing, because of the risk of putting them in a dangerous situation. Mostly too much wind and sea but I remeber one time I was motoring across the Channel overnight when the wind dropped and it started thundering and lightening really spectacularly. Massive strikes onto the sea all around us, one after another for ages and ages. We were mid-Channel and too far from shore to have any prospect of running for cover - and our mast was sticking up inviting the next lightening bolt to come our way. I never took them offshore again.


Occassionally I have looked longingly over marinas but been there, done it and got the T shirt, so time to move on without regrets. Happily the MH hasn't frightened me yet.

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Guest pelmetman

Ditto the sailing..........Loved it especially in rough weather with the gunnels in the oggin B-) .........sadly er in doors preferred sitting in the marina with a G&T :-S ................a bit of a squall coming back from Osea Island sealed my fate :'( .................


I've always enjoyed a bit of rough :D ................



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