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Electric bike battery and invertor again!


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Before I go and spend money could someone please confirm that I've got this right please. I want to be able to charge 2 electric bike batteries whilst not having an electric hookup. From previous threads I think I need a 600 w pure sine wave invertor to be able to charge 2 batteries whilst driving, and whilst disconnected if my battery, 140amp plus 75w solar panel is providing sufficient power. Have I got this right? Thanks in anticipation.


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Sounds OK to me Bill, I use a 600w inverter to charge both my bike batteries at the same time.

I do have 160w of solar panle so I can charge them in bright sunlight from the batteries without the engine running.


With the engine running your batteries will charge fine.


Just a word of warning, not all inverters are the same. A good one will handle 600watts with ease. A cheaper one whilst rated at 600 watts can stuggle and even shut down when run at full rated output.


I use a Maplin one, more expensive but it works.



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Thanks Halli v helpful. In my IH the leisure battery is installed in a cupboard at the front of the van behind the drivers seat. I intend to have the invertor wired permanently to the battery in the cupboard and wired to an external socket for ease of use. Does this sound ok?


Now to really push the boat out? We use our pixie coffee machine all the time on hookup. Is it possible to use it through an invertor, how big, it is only for less than a minute at a time to make a cup! Too hopeful? Know it's cheaper to use Nescafé instant and a gas powered kettle!!

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dicksob - 2014-10-29 9:25 PM


Thanks Halli v helpful. In my IH the leisure battery is installed in a cupboard at the front of the van behind the drivers seat. I intend to have the invertor wired permanently to the battery in the cupboard and wired to an external socket for ease of use. Does this sound ok?


Now to really push the boat out? We use our pixie coffee machine all the time on hookup. Is it possible to use it through an invertor, how big, it is only for less than a minute at a time to make a cup! Too hopeful? Know it's cheaper to use Nescafé instant and a gas powered kettle!!


Do make sure the inverter is switched off when not in use as all the while it is switched on it will drain the battery by up to 1 amp even when not in use.


If your coffee maker is within the capacity of your inverter it will work fine - but I suspect anything that boils water is likely to be more than 600 watts? The label on the machine will tell you the wattage.



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Hallii and a couple of others (Jon 'Brambles') helped me when I got my inverter.

my small inverter which i use for my sky+ box would cope with my wifes Panasonic charger but not my Bosch one.

I have an 80w solar panel and two 90ah leisure batteries and have now fitted a second inverter, a 500w Maplin modified sine version...

this works fine with either charger. you can do this when driving or when the panel is charging pr, of reqd when it isnt....at night.

just keep an eye on the batteries but it should be well within capacity.

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Permanently wired inverter is the way to go. Make sure it is fused and has a switch to turn it off. Maplins ones have a switch on the front. A simple arrangement for the sockets is an extension lead plugged into the inverter and fixed somewhere.


The coffee maker will hammer your battery. A rough calculation is to divide the wattage by 12v to give 12v amps. So, 1200 watts ('cos it's easy!) divided by 12v equals 100 amps, then add 10% for conversion losses makes 110 amp draw on the battery. Batteries will not last long with such heavy loads, they will discharge very quickly and might not ever recover, the life being shortened.


I use a little aluminium gas hob coffee maker that has an upper and lower chamber, works well and makes good coffee.


Like this http://tinyurl.com/o8bryc7



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