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Which motorhome to buy first time buyer


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hello every one,I have not purchased a motor home yet,and have decided on a second hand one,to see if the motorhome life is for me,Trolling the web sites it's confusing with the prices,example a 2000 plate Fiat is around £1795 a 2008 plate around £2300,my question is are the early 2000 to 03 better built than the later ones,as the later one is 8 years younger and only 5 grand more,as I may not take to this venture WHICH ONE SHOULD I BUY.........
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You will need to be more specific, with deatails.


Prices can vary a lot.


It will depend on the manufacturer of the mhome.


Other things, that will affect prices are:








Type I.e coach built or panel van.






The list is endless.


Your will get lots of advice, on this forum.


You will need to consider which is best for you and your requirements.


Good luck.



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Welcome Crayford,

With respect, 'trolling' web sites is all very well, but, when I was in your position,five years and two (secondhand) campervans ago, The first thing I did was to I 'crawl' around dozens of 'vans on the ground at my local dealer, and went to my nearest local motor home show. Only then, when I felt conversant with the overall 'feel' of vans/motorhomes did I trawl the web.

We had also taken a holiday in a hired 'van ( in New Zealand) which, as other experienced folk on here will tell you, is always a recommendable thing to do.

As for price, motorhomes tend to hold their value as they usually do far less mileage than cars and are usually cared for and not 'thrashed' like a family runabout , for example.


Good luck in your search,



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The motorhome market is very differant from the car market (although Dealers will still look at a 'Glasses guide' if YOU are selling). Most Motorhomes travel very few miles, Campervans that can be used as everyday transport can have higher mileages. The great enemy of coachbuilt Motorhomes of ANY make, British or foreign is DAMP, it can make a van worthless if the problem is not tackled porperly, so when you start looking around at REAL vans always take a good damp meter with you, it could save you a fortune (literally !) and NEVER buy straight from the internet sight unseen. That is like playing Russian Roulette with several chambers loaded. Good luck Ray

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Where are you looking to find a 2008 van for £2300.00?.

You wouldn't find one in a breakers for that.

If you could, pelmetman would be able to replace his shed of a van in an instant. :D

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Once you have perused the various layouts, size, hire one in the preferred layout that you think you want, (doesn't need to be same manufacturer) but be prepared to find it doesn't quite work in the way you thought. After your hire period, fine tune your thought process & create a "must have", "would like" & "don't want" list. Then is the time to eliminate those unsuitable & identify potential motorhomes. Remember to check /measure where you will keep the van when not in use. (some look quite small when parked amongst a group of others). Check you driving license will enable you to drive the vans you shortlist. Check payload /berths/ travel seats available. I would want Payload verified by weighbridge certificate, especially if selected van has had "extra's" fitted. I would suggest purchasing from a Dealer for 1st time buyer, so you have some support. Keep some of your budget in reserve, just in case of problems arising once the warranty has expired or especially if purchased privately.


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