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Email obo ITV dash can footage


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On behalf of ITV


For a brand new primetime show, ITV are looking for the most interesting, shocking and spectacular footage filmed on dash cams and helmet cams by road users across the country.


As well as featuring the clips themselves, we are looking to tell the stories behind some of these clips, and speak to those involved.


Please do get in touch if you have a clip you think we could use in the show, and please also let us know whether or not you might be interested in appearing on camera to briefly talk through your experience.



Kind regards




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Interesting forum



More information

Hi. I am making a show to be put forward to be commissioned to air on UK TV based on Dash Cam footage showing what other road users get up to with their poor driving.

This is where I need your help. If you have footage that is your copyright, would you be happy for me to use it. Payment will only be made to the contributors of video clips if the show is aired. This will be detailed in a contract between my company and the contributor. Contributors will also be credited in the end credits.


Once the contract is signed, I will require the original footage sent to me in mp4 via a dropbox or posted to me on CD/DVD.


Please contact me at pete@tickleapenguin.co.uk


Thank you.

Pete Meads

Tickle a Penguin Productions


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