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Still thinking of Italy

Tea Cup

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Italy in Winter, Not tried myself,


I took the advice of an ex 8th Army tanky uncle who spent 1944 and 45 there on a motoring tour when the winters were bitterly cold. The campsites particularly around Monte Casino and Salerno at that time were pretty rough.


In summer the view from Monte Casino is fantastic made me glad I was born in the middle of WW2 and did not have to fight there.

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Guest Peter James
George Collings - 2014-11-11 9:17 AM

made me glad I was born in the middle of WW2 and did not have to fight there.


Yes, that generation may have profited from real jobs for life, trade unions, tax relief on mortgages and rising house prices. But going through the war must have been a heavy price to pay for it.

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