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DFDS hit Dover Hrabour Wall


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News story this morning:




The ship is said to have hit the Harbour entrance wall at about 8 knots (10 mph) but that appears to be just somone's guess and from the damage to the bows it looks to me iikely to have been at a much lower speed, althouh fast enough to throw some people off their feet. The Ferry returned to Dover Eastern Docks and has been taken out of service for inspection.


No information about damage to vehicles but the sea was calm so there might well have been significant vehicle movement on the car decks due to the collision.

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Dover harbour wall ....... It's Big and it's made of solid Portland stone!


Reminds me of the following story...............


The following is supposedly a documented conversation between the Aircraft carrier USS Lincoln and a Canadian vessel.


Canadians: "USS Lincoln, Please divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision."


USS Lincoln: "Negative - recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the north to avoid a collision."


Canadians: "Excuse me Sir, that's a negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision."


USS Lincoln: "This is the captain of a US navy ship. I say again, divert your course."


Canadians: "No. I say again, you divert your course."


USS Lincoln: "This is the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln, the second largest ship in the United States Atlantic fleet. We are accompanied by three destroyers, three cruisers and numerous support vessels. I demand that you change your course 15 degrees north, I say again, that's one five degrees north, or counter-measures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship."


Canadians: "This is a lighthouse ........ your call."



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Guest Peter James
StuartO - 2014-11-10 8:36 AM


News story this morning:




The ship is said to have hit the Harbour entrance wall at about 8 knots (10 mph) but that appears to be just somone's guess and from the damage to the bows it looks to me iikely to have been at a much lower speed, althouh fast enough to throw some people off their feet. The Ferry returned to Dover Eastern Docks and has been taken out of service for inspection.


No information about damage to vehicles but the sea was calm so there might well have been significant vehicle movement on the car decks due to the collision.


Yes I think c24000 tons moving at 10 mph would do more damage than that too. But then when Tachographs were introduced in lorries it proved that eyewitnesses nearly always over-estimate the speed of vehicles in an accident.

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When I was in the merchant navy in 1970s there was a report that a ship docking in the Thames rammed the dock wall because it had lost lost it's steering and was drifting. The collision with the dock damaged dockside buildings and the collision was felt a mile away.

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Guest pelmetman

Bloomin wimps you merchant lot *-) ..................


You wanna try hitting a breakwater at 30 knots like the Sabre did at Alderney 8-) ...............


Fortunately I was on the Cutlass :D....................

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