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MMM Digital editions


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As we move ever closer to lift off for the South of France, I am working my way down the checklist compiled by CG of all the things we have to do. Next on the list is to cancel subscriptions and miscellaneous payments that will no longer be appropriate, so what should I do about MMM?

My first thought is that it may be most practical to go over to the digital edition, but I haven't been able to find a way of having a look at it before I put the money on the line. I may not like it.

How do others manage?


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Archiesgrandad - 2014-11-17 3:06 PM


As we move ever closer to lift off for the South of France, I am working my way down the checklist compiled by CG of all the things we have to do. Next on the list is to cancel subscriptions and miscellaneous payments that will no longer be appropriate, so what should I do about MMM?

My first thought is that it may be most practical to go over to the digital edition, but I haven't been able to find a way of having a look at it before I put the money on the line. I may not like it.

How do others manage?



I was a regular Reader/Subscriber, and have all editions back to 2002 (for reference, and keeping the bookcase 'under load' !) However my last 'Purchased edition' was Nov. 2014, I decided that £4.20 was just too much for a magazine that (IMHO) has descended into being nothing but a 'Comic' that can be read in 30 minutes. (my 2002 edition was nearly an inch thick and took the full month to read !).

I know that quite a few are happy with the 'new look' that was introduced last May, I am not, I miss the Stotherts 'Honesty' about touring, and Andy's courage for speaking up about the 'New' Fiat's shortcommings. Now all I read is 'Gushing praise' for mainly Foreign vans, that cannot even be bothered to put the Habitation door on the 'Correct side' for the UK, (Adria 'used to' but even they now cannot be 'Bovvered' ). I get fed up with folk continually pointing out that there are 'No rear travel seats' in vans obviously designed for a couple. And worst of all the loss of the Monthly Price Guides at the back of the magazine. At the 'Unannounced price rise' to £4.20. That is just not Good enough. Goodbye paper MMM

provided the forum stays free then I will continue posting,and reading posts.



Sorry OP for using your thread, but suspect that a new thread entitled 'old customer Leaving 'not happy'.

would have been pulled PDQ. ;-)

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I am given to believe that the digital editions are cheaper than the hard copies. I should be interested to hear what other people think of them as I am seriously thinking of going over to them. I spend the winter in Spain so I have several months' magazines to get through when I get home.


Also, I have copies going back to 2000 and its time to weed the earlier ones out.




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I am an Aussie and not able to get the hard copy, so have used digital since late last year. It is fine - with one minor exception, which you would expect from digital. There is no facility - at least none I can see - to "mark: a page to come back to for something you later want to review. That is there is nothing like "folding" the corner of the page.


I use an iPad.




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Thank you all for your thoughts. I have looked at the sample digital offering, which is a bit mean I thought, and I think I will give that try when we move. Must go, I have to spring clean the house and hide all the junk before the man from the removal company comes to do the estimate at 0900 Monday.

Many thanks


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Archiesgrandad - 2014-11-22 11:35 AM


Thank you all for your thoughts. I have looked at the sample digital offering, which is a bit mean I thought, and I think I will give that try when we move. Must go, I have to spring clean the house and hide all the junk before the man from the removal company comes to do the estimate at 0900 Monday.

Many thanks




The problem with the digital edition for me (laptop win 7) is that the offline reader doesn't work, pocket mags are not interested and do not reply to customers questions. The offline reader works great for Practical Motorhome so it can not be to difficult to rectify.

Gave up with MMM because of this. It does work if you have a permanent internet connection but not if you want to download and read offline, which is what I wanted to do on a long tour.

If you want offline get Practical Motorhome.

I may go back to MMM as we will be moving into our French house in about a week.

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