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Driving over the Pyranees in December

Tesseo 490

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I think you'll find they are compulsory there are signs at the side of the road indicating that, having driven around parts of the Pyrenees like you appear to have done in better weather, I certainly wouldn't be taking a chance of attempting it without chains, whether legal or not, but like I said compulsory if the signage is such, not sure about the requirement of winter tyres that may or may not be another consideration.
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Tesseo 490 - 2014-11-21 4:12 PM


Is that towards the Atlantic or Med?


How about the Somport Tunnel?, West of Portelet, and Pau. we have used it 4 times this year (2 each way)

Lovely ride, fast road down to Valencia.or if going north to Pamploma. Good stopping place at Oleron St Marie over-night

Did not do it in Winter though !!

Probably good idea to have snow chains if going that time of year, you may need them before you get to Spain !!


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trickydicky - 2014-11-21 9:23 PM


We've done the somport tunnel about 6 times always in dec/ jan and will be there again in a few days. Never had a problem although I do check the weather in advance in case of snow etc. we also overnight at Oleron st marie.




On occasions we've overnighted in laybys on the road from Oleron to the tunnel.

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