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Poo power

Colin Leake

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Sounds like a potty idea to me - but I guess they'll be flushed with success about their bog standard motorhome with a thunderbox engine. They could call it the Elsan Montezuma? (That's got quite a ring to it?) Thetford Thunderbox? Pilote Pebbledasher? The possibilities are endless!
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Colin Leake - 2014-11-24 7:43 PM


Government guide lines that have just been published on this matter recommend that drivers of such vehicles carry an emergency supply of a strong quick acting laxative to avoid the danger of running out of fuel.



And if the laxative is too strong.......here is the answer.


Cork Bungs Stopper, Cork Rings, Cork Bungs Stopper are large size tapered cork stoppers that offer best closure option.



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Colin Leake - 2014-11-25 2:16 PM


Does anyone know what the form is if one wants to travel on a poo powered bus? Does one pay in poo to be taken along in a bag or can one make a fuel deposit on the bus as it were. I wonder if they'll accept dog poo. If so I'll start saving our up now rather than disposing of it.


....you can only use dog poo in Rovers.


.......I'll get my coat!



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