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sad news

derek pringle

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Hi all,

Well, we have done it after a lot of heartache. We have sold our motorhome,main reason being due to mobility problems we have found ourselves more often than not just arriving on different sites and staying there. We need a car to get about and personally feel that if I am towing I may as well tow a caravan and enjoy what extra room that throws up. So the motorhome has gone and a new caravan is on order. I will still enjoy following the very interesting threads I have enjoyed on this forum and wish you all the best of luck for the future and compliments of the season. If anybody is interested in a bargain complete Gaslow setup please pm me.



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Don't be "sad" Derek...

..I've always seen motorhomes etc, as just a tool,an "appliance" like any other, an expensive one admittedly but still only one that enables you carry out certain activities and once that tool no longer really aids those activities or the activities change(..or as in some cases, the tool actually starts to dictate the activates!), then it has outlived it's usefulness...


From what you've posted you've made the right decision for your needs....


Happy caravanning Derek :-D



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We did same last year and can confirm that there are many benefits to caravan and of course many benefits for MH so whatever works for you. We had our first caravan for 15 months before realising we needed a different layout so we too have a new one on order for jan delivery.

I still have a look on here though because all the caravan forums are dead.




What van you getting ?

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Best wishes with caravanning. It should suit you very well from what you say. Certainly we enjoyed it when we liked staying on a site for a week or more and we've never ruled out a return.


Are you getting yourself a power mover to help pitch, especially on the narrower sites where it's difficult t use the car? We like watching caravanners pitch up!


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Brock - 2014-12-02 10:51 AM


Best wishes with caravanning. It should suit you very well from what you say. Certainly we enjoyed it when we liked staying on a site for a week or more and we've never ruled out a return.


Are you getting yourself a power mover to help pitch, especially on the narrower sites where it's difficult t use the car? We like watching caravanners pitch up!


When we bought ours a few people asked did we have a mover to which I replied "yes its called a citroen" :-D

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Good luck Derek. I caravanned for many years when the children were little and we spent more time on all singing all dancing sites and now we are motorhomers who tour far more frequently. One is not better than the other. Just different; and there are advantages and disadvantages to both. I'm sure you will enjoy it.
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ips - 2014-12-02 10:39 AM


We did same last year and can confirm that there are many benefits to caravan and of course many benefits for MH so whatever works for you. We had our first caravan for 15 months before realising we needed a different layout so we too have a new one on order for jan delivery.

I still have a look on here though because all the caravan forums are dead.




What van you getting ?

Hi ips,

Thanks for the reply, we have oerdered a 2015 Coachman 460/2 with a powrtouch evolution mover [ just means it engages by remote]. Delivery is end of Feb.

good luck


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derek pringle - 2014-12-02 11:22 AM


ips - 2014-12-02 10:39 AM


We did same last year and can confirm that there are many benefits to caravan and of course many benefits for MH so whatever works for you. We had our first caravan for 15 months before realising we needed a different layout so we too have a new one on order for jan delivery.

I still have a look on here though because all the caravan forums are dead.




What van you getting ?

Hi ips,

Thanks for the reply, we have oerdered a 2015 Coachman 460/2 with a powrtouch evolution mover [ just means it engages by remote]. Delivery is end of Feb.

good luck




great choice I love the coachman excellent quality. We wanted same model as you but car wont tow it so we have ordered a 2015 Lunar cosmos 462 (dealer special edition) del Jan.



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Hi ips,

Car did not make much difference to us as we need to change anyway. We are in the process of searching for a suitable tow car at the moment. Have a short list but do not want to rush in so close to Jan. in case some bargains come onto market. Will be used and not new, have to watch the pennies what with the caravan and all.

My brother has a Lunar Stellar and absolutely loves it, but the washroom in the new Coachman clinched it along with the rest of it.



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Best wishes and good luck with your caravan; if you are now using sites only, a caravan makes economic and elbow-room sense. I've met people who won't caravan because they don't like towing a mini house behind them or thing it's dangerous on our roads but if you are happy with towing a caravan, why not?


Are you planning to use your MH experience to choose which type of awning you use? I suppose if you are staying for a while on site then the trouble of transporting and erecting a traditional-type caravan awning might make sense but moderm wind-outs and lightweight porch awnings might work better unless you really need the big/stable awning as an extra room.

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We have just sold ours also. We needed to try something different after nearly 50 years of camping, caravanning and motorhoming.


We started to enjoy our other holidays even more but felt because we had the motorhome we needed to use it. Fortunately money is not an issue so the World is our lobster. Returning to a caravan might be an option for us also but not yet. I've even looked into a static so that we could spend more time with the grandkids but the only site we liked costs upwards of £55k for the van and £7300 a year in site fees which is extortionate for occasional use.


Motorhoming is great but when you start using it like a caravan by turning up at a site and staying there, they make little sense as a caravan with your own transport is far more practical.

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Mike88 - 2014-12-03 9:43 AM


Motorhoming is great but when you start using it like a caravan by turning up at a site and staying there, they make little sense as a caravan with your own transport is far more practical.


This was one of the many reasons we went back to caravan, I drive all week on business so I want to get were we are going and stay there in comfort, I do not really want to start touring for a week. Also I would have to pay 50k for a MH for the level of space and comfort that can be enjoyed form 17k of caravan. Having said that if I was lucky enough to be retired I would probably go back to a MH and spend more time touring around UK and hopefully Europe but the bottom line is if your not wanting to tour and you want to stay in one place then caravan wins hands down imo.

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We've considered a caravan, but the aquaroll and waste hog mauling about is something I wouldn't consider for a moment, but I have pondered with the idea of a fresh and waste water tank in a tow car may be a feasible solution, rather than the caravan being parked nearest the tap and drainage point, would be interesting to know if anyone has attempted such a solution, and I'm bound to ask why the OP is dumping his refillable gaslow bottles as well, why not use them for the van ? rather than humping more heavy stuff like gas bottles around
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It really is no big deal you fill aquarol once a day takes five mins send the wife. Waste gets emptied every two days takes five mins send wife.

The above is no more hassle than the time taken to fill and empty mh. Also the actual time to set up is no longer than the mh as long as you designate jobs to the wife, we can be done in fifteen mins easy.

Your idea is interesting however I do not think it's feasible.


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ips - 2014-12-03 4:59 PM


It really is no big deal you fill aquarol once a day takes five mins send the wife. Waste gets emptied every two days takes five mins send wife.

The above is no more hassle than the time taken to fill and empty mh..


Although we've never owned a caravan, I'd agree with that...and it can't be any more faff than moving a MH or topping up using containers or watering cans...?


..and having queued on arrival at a "Motorhome service point"(aka Tap),behind some doddery old Bert'n'Doris MH types (Him, strugglin' to untangled his hose, whilst she's taking 'ickle fluffy-kins for a tinkle..), it'd sometimes be easier and quicker to just pitch up and then fetch the water, separately, as and when.


Having been away with my caravan owning brother, it seems to be the tattin' about with full, "traditional" type awnings that takes most of the setting up....


Don't some caravans have inbuilt tanks now?..but again, for 'site use, unless it's a serviced pitch, I can't really see the advantage of that?..


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Pepe I belive some do have built in tanks but don't see the benefit as you could not tow with it full so would have the faffing of filling up on arrival.

Your spot on it is awning that takes the time which is why we seldom bother even with our porch instead I park the MPV up tight to van so tailgate is close to door and acts as canopy when raining and or for cigar break :)

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Hi Derek,

I am pleased you are still going to be out and about and enjoying yourselves. I hope you get excited about your new caravan soon, and continue to post on here so we can share your experiences. Enjoy yourselves where ever you go, I do believe at different stages of our lives one suits our life style more than the other, we had a tourer when the children were small, then had a campervan, now a motorhome, but one day I bet we will go back to a tourer too.

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